HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1999-3-4 P.e:pui t Routing . ......... '. ~./~ S P 9 97 05 6 TRS# 18-02-06-24~01200 Date: 03 / 0 4 / 19 9 9 Applicant: SHARP RAY 2495 DEVON AVENUE EUGENE, OR Owner: WHITE JAY 36670 BRAND S SPRINGFIELD, OR 97408 345-2(E7 ~ 117ft; Iv __") Job Site '~S :,TH PL_~ Description: install septic system ( Directions to sit~: hwy 105 east to 42nd right Ito jasper rd The signature below authorizes the applicable Jrograms to review this application and assess fees as determined by Lane Code. The signature :also signifies that this does not mean that an application has been made until all Lane County programs and applicable state divisions have reviewed the submittal. The above information is also certified as true and accurate. 97477 741-7713 Date (Owner/Applicant Signature) Approvals: Name' Date Planning: Sanitation: ~- // ~~-L / , ?--;j~ef Pe~.LLLi t Routing Sani tationc SP9 9705.6 SP997056 TRS# 18~02-06-24-01200 Date: 03/04/1999 Applicant: SHARP RAY 2495,DEVON AVENUE EUGENE, OR Owner: WHITE JAY 36670 BRAND S SPRINGFIELD, OR 97408 345-2279 1.1'1 -lY 7J- Job Site: 1164 S 34TH PL SPR 97477 741-7713 . Description: install septic system Directions to site: hwy 105 east to. 42nd right to jasper rd Sanitation Notes: s,r. ,,<6 - if/2 tf I ~ ?~-<?'f f .- S/"f;,#.P~AP 5Y~':F.,4/f, 2 Zf I/I//n4L, .lZt; /7c/'Me'~Yo/1=-.#r ~/U/A/.. ////4!//II:/ J'EJ?T/L T4~k. - ~R~ 4/ /AC;f;?ED ~~F/vfF~ _rL':"WEft ,bi'll/./-? JfF.(?///~"-~~r:- - dL/ j":J. Eer? J?t/iE5 t/-. ..5,G?7~~,fJ ~rn '-/. / (1-. A. ~~_ -- /?5. / '. _ "2 -I/-/,1 ~~z- 375'/ rr !k:-I6'~,-~-'''' '-. ".. 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' 1 t /'$-t7Z-{)6-z~-li~ S;W AGE DISPOSl [ ",~..AP.p!>~O"lED ~ .._' penmt # S'p ~ Vr~ffi'~'-'''~.~~'''' . rd Db ? -, r:::::crlf BY <::..L.,. 1." .- ENVIRO~ErI;At .~~~ HEALTH SERVICES 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OR 97401 .5.r. f%- flZ'! PLoT ?uJ1/. ~I'1I/1. If ,,' J . I i j .jS ~ 'X 4.{1' MA}.J fA f:'. +J6IYf E " ! 'j ~..t _ _ 6e" l!~:pLAUfi1 F;A./T , _. I 60 -,.- ./L -5 LfS~<1A .. ,,_,",;'J..~ ,;~ ,u,,v ~-CJr-~~- . .J; ,'7 ,=.-1. Cl) ;.l --. -'- .-.~ f'..L P - -1-- - -.-. --"'-1 . t -- Q- .J~- >~ ..~.,".. <-~., , ~ - \3'.... ....;;. .P JV C \1\1 h ! i . ) i i , ~ ~ 1 , ~ - Ii. 1 f \ , ! ~ ) , ; 1 """.---...,-~i i -> ~ ~~ L- ~ 3</"fH 'Pi. >...-..-"...~../ Lane ~. .\ . COI.i!'tY-. /,1 \\ A0' ~!.v:':"'c~\. /<'~ ,.;:;........... '@.,~.:.:.:::>>~'-' ......< .....::.:.:-:"..~;;;:..Il ::~::;'.5'\5'~ Public Works LANE COUNTY RECEIPT RECEIPT NUMBER: R99001061 PERMIT #: TYPE: SITE ADDRESS: PARCEL: SP997056 > Sanitation--Permit 1164 S 34TH PL SPR 18-02-06-24-01200 APPLICANT: WHITE JAY 36670 BRAND S SPRINGFIELD, OR POSTED ON: 03/04/1999 97477 741-7713 SUB-TYPE: INSTALL Payment Type Method Description Amount 470.00 2000 2100 3000 4010 4100 Check ~, Description .. - ,.-. ------------------------------------------- -------------- Current pymt New Technology Fee Administrative Fee Planning Signot"f .DEQ Surcharge Sanitation-Permit Review 10.00 56.09 275.00 30.00 98.91 '. 04 99 06:41a " " ->......... , , , i i / \r~~ \I) 'r) Y' Ra:;j 8. Fa:;je Sharp -I"~l' t... ;~ ... - II ~ "r-, \. ~ r".;r t:f~ "7J-o ~ ...: ;;i:> 1..... f~ .~.'( -:~\ ....:... ~- (~~ ('\ it-~ .~ I t I ! 1 f [ i f ! i i .i ; , J 'J~ l \..r' I ..r> ~-: ! 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" /,~/" Job Location -.'" , S.1. N. ~/ / .J ./ .,".) />.r./' ~. Written Directions I ,,~",~' I /~ \ \ __, ,,-.f IV,_, ,\:-;., --', ii >.\ I \-= \ /1.. t' (\ ~~"'\1" I ~ n ~ .-....,...-;;----: ,'<.' . -~~4 1. L r.:',.. F, \ \ n ; , , \ t r\ (') I) ') \' \ '\- (" :--" i_iIi!. \"~., t<" t< ' \ \. \"1 ;, -'! I ,o, '\ \::.- ,<.. ,', r ( I ~- \ ' . "--__J Phone ~l L.t I. i ' .::) ..., Lot Block WATER SUPPLY 'APPt:lG'A~T.lSNAMEANDADDRESS \/1', 'I it') -L,v\/\ v"\ .'.. "-'J>I V\/~~V'n., ,Jp_,-;\ /" H' Ii nT \ , ,I c:~._' -~. \\-\:\--' ~\ ,.----- CJ\ \ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS -~_",-_i57_ \ \ '," i-\,"-, . ,'-< '\ y-. ' -'q=~ -, .i. STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ,r", ,- ,p (' ' . , ') \', , i' \;., I I) ~ l \ \, f:':" PROPO~ED USE OF PROPERTY ( I hereby certify that the above statements are true and a~curate~~n(/~~h ~:~e the following legal interest In the property: / '1wner of record; contract purchaser; realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. TEST HOLES READY /;.';.- - ~~ :/>1 Signa~ure I/!?;/-' I\f k:'/.=-!T Phone. ~.~ ' ~'i t ' i. 'I, I ,. potential buyer; Date. ,/ ;:i :>"1(/ ,.. ,.. . * ,.. ,.. * ,.. * * . . * ,.. * . * * · .. .... .... * . * * .. . * * * * . . . . * * . * . . . . . . . .. OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * · * · * * * * * * * * · · * * * 7' SITE MEETS STATE STANDARDS Standard System Sand Filter 1 Foot Capping Fill YES q o o ;:',/ -:/...~.- <!-;r:~L..J ',~', .' '..~(! - - - ~ . .' . ..- ".-~ .....~x.:' . ^..' --~ J"-r- U" NO o o o .}....\ l; YES' o ,<:,12 ,p" Partitioning # . NO o o o Low Pressure Distribut,on Holding Tank Other Zonin2 COMMENTS: ~121f-/ A/ A:ot!b' ,... <;. ('.. ~)I'i t -'I:" ::E. . '/ LAND USE COMPLIANCE Acreage or Lot Size (TOTAL) Parcel # ) Completed ) Pending ': -:" c~ r~ \. ' :- o Approximate Study Area FLOOOPLAIN INFORMATION :h', o Detailed Study Area THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED. SEE REVERSE $IDE. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE o Floodway / DATE ',ANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (687-4051) ;55-32 All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year flood levels have not been established. Extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will be reasonably safe from flooding. All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year flood levels have been established, A building elevation above the 100 year flDOd level may be required. All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area in which a floodway has been designated. Building may be prohibited subject to demonstration that the cumulative effect of proposed development will not increase the 100 year flood level at any point. ~fq~- .7(}(~&z C& .......~~~~ ~~ Pubic. .Works Existing Buildings or Improvements on the property: House ~~~ Barn Garage Mobile Home Shed Industrial Building(s) Commercial Bldg Religious Building Public Building Other: Sfl-V1 Wl/-I '/--L 74/-77/s. Owner of Property Pho'ne .3f.t,Co7CJ ~/IId S s~j2/J C)7477 ~~+-I-4;U? ,. j45-2279 Your Name l ' . Ji Phone ~4CfS b~N .4-( Evt,9 179cJZ3 ~U, ;:. dress Zip Co",~ "ri~~ ~;i, dl, CCB:~~.2f Ph!.4.5~79 Proposed work: X t\..l. <\ -rA \ \ <s~ DTic- ~ 'i ~ .,...EM SEPTIC INSTALLED Yes BP/SP# No SI~ ~ x ~ C, I ~ 'f Water District Well Yes No , valu~posed work: MAP/PARCEL NUMBER: ~:T~J-I~AP (Found on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Department.) J~OO ;;4q;- :L)e0',J )Jz;L- Ie 0;;2.. (5)(P 02..4 Township Range Section Yo Section Taxlot Address bV//.e/l/L D~. 9740B Township Range Section Yo Section Taxlot City/Stat Zip , 47~o;te;:~ares~;~~h 4-2--A/J.. 9- ~ ~ / X~ N(/ ~ ;4;uM' ~ 34-fL ,<>f-.A1f 1f -?lA k) ~\~~ Date: :3 /4/ 19 I { Site Ad1\iJS: afJ.((YZr:;,sC; ~4 PJ. -Sf/U:V ;r:J/ Size (L&~ / No. of Bedrooms: '" LCPW 149 PLOT PLAN CHECKLIST AND DISCLAIMER .., .). " " ane ounty PROPOSED USE: TRS: Please, use this checklist to review your Plot Plan to make sure it contains the following items. Acceptance of your application submittal requires your signature along with the date of application. In addition to the "Plot Plan" requirements listed below, each building permit application requires a minimum submission of two (2) sets of construction plans and supporting documents for the project. If needed, you may refer to the "Minimum Plans" handout that is available. Please, check all applicable boxes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. o o o o o o o o o GENERAL INFORMATION Owner's name, address and phone number Assessor's map and taxlot number North arrow Scale Accurate shape and dimensions of parcel or development site Lengths of all property lines Natural features: creeks, riveri, cliffs,... Label public roads Parking areas, driveway location and intersection to a public road PROPOSED STRUCTURE(S) Distance of the proposed structure(s) from two property lines Distance of the proposed structure(s) from the septic system Distance of the proposed structure(s) from nearby structures Distance of the proposed structure(s) from natural features Utility access for new development (such as power lines) EXISTING STRUCTURE(S) Label use of all existing structures Location and dimensions of all structures and distances of each to property lines Label any structures to be removed, replaced, or demolished SEPTIC SYSTEM Location of septic tank, sewer line, drainfield and replacement drainfield Distances of septic tank, drainfield and replacement drainfield from structures and property lines Location of wells (or source of water), waterlines, and distances to drainfield and dwellings I understand thiS-information is required to rocess my application. I also understand that unclear, inadequate or mbsing :::;;:~h~au ay 0;;" e processing ofm::::iL3 ) sf PI' --- ~ I {I -/ / This Checklist and Disclaimer Form I not a permit application and represents no express or implied approval for any anticipated development activity. 6/97 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT /125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 974011 FAX (541) 682-3941' BUILDING (541) 682-3823/ PLANNING (541) 682-38071 SURVEYORS (541) 682-4195/ COMPLIANCE (541) 682-3741 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. o o o o o \ o o 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. o