HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5654 09/21/19920 ORDINANCE NO. 5654 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE- SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM, ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Council of the City of Springfield finds as follows: 1. The City of Eugene has initiated amendments to the Eugene - Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) pertaining to the plan designation for 26 areas within the Willakenzie planning area. 2. Adoption of these proposed amendments has been recommended by the Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County Planning Commissions. Notice of the public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council has been given as required by the Springfield Development Code Section 14.030. 3. The proposed amendments to the Metro Plan diagram are necessary as an implementation of the Willakenzie Area Plan Diagram. 4. The proposed plan amendments are consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals, and meet other criteria for approval of Metro Plan amendments as required by Section 7.065 of the Springfield Development Code as shown in the findings attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The findings set forth above and incorporated herein by reference • and t ee fiindings contained in Exhibit A attached hereto are adopted.. Section 2. The Metro Plan Diagram on page II -E -17 is amended in the Willakenzie planning area, as revised in Exhibit B, to provide as follows, and as shown graphically in Exhibit C attached hereto: 1. Change in designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 15 acre site located on the south side of Goodpasture Island road between Happy Lane and Tabor Street. 2. Change designation from Government and Education to Low Density Residential for a 25 acre site north of Cal Young road at Queens Way between Norwood and Willakenzie Road. 3. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 16 acre site on the north side of Cal Young Road at Willakenzie Road. 4. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential for a 17 acre site on the east side of Coburg Road between Elysium and Beltline Road. Ordinance No. Page 1 N Ordinance No. 5654 Page 2 • 5. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential for a 6 acre site on the east side of Coburg Road between Harlow Road and Tandy Turn. 6. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential for a 14 acre site on the west side of Oakway Road between Eastwood Lane and Fairway Loop. 7. Change designation from Medium 'Density Residential to Low Density Residential for a 6 acre site west of Coburg Road between Oakmont Way and Pioneer Pike. B. Change designation from Medium and High Density Residential to Commercial for a 29 acre site south of County Club Road between Delta Highway and Willagillespie Road. 9. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 22 acre site south of Robin Hood between Delta Highway and Willagillespie Road. 10. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 9 acre site east of Willagillespie Road between Rio Glen Drive and Clinton. 11. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 13 'acre site east of Willagillespie Road between Clinton and Abbie Lane. 12. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 36 acre site north of Valley River Center between the Willamette River and Goodpasture Island Road. 13. Change designation from Government and Education to Medium Density Residential for a 31 acre site at Kingsley Road, between the Willamette River and Goodpasture Island Road. 14. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 21 acre site south of Ayres Road between Delta Highway and Gilham Road. 15. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential for a 22 acre site east of Coburg Road between Crescent Drive and Hillview #1. 16. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 10 acre site located at the northwest corner of Ayres Road and Gilham Road. Ordinance No. Page 2 I Ordinance. No. 5654 Page, 3 , _ ` • 17. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 30 acre site located south of Devon between Gilham Road and County Farm Loop. 18. Change designation from Low Density and Medium Density Residential to Special Light Industrial for a 77 acre site north of Chad Drive between Shadow View and Interstate 5. 19. Change designation from Special Light Industrial to Commercial for a 10 acre site east of Coburg Road between Crescent Drive and Chad. 20. Change designation from Medium Density Residential and Light Medium Industrial to High Density Residential for a 70 acre site north of Centennial Boulevard, west of Interstate 5. 21. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 15 acre site on the east side of Delta Highway north of Ayres Road. 22. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Commercial for a 13 acre site on the north side or Coburg Road at the County Farm Loop intersection. 23. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to Commercial for a 9 . acre site north of Cal Young Road between Willakenzie Road and Coburg Road. 24. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 6 acre site east of Coburg Road between Crescent Drive and Kinney Loop. 25. Change designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for a 15 acre site north of Coburg Road at the intersection of County Farm Loop. 26. Change designation from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 12 acre site on the north side of Country Club Road. Section 3. The Plan Diagram amendments outlined above take precedence over any other inconsistent textual provisions of the Metropolitan Area General Plan. Section 4. These Metro Plan amendments shall become effective when identical amendments have been adopted by Lane County and the City of Eugene. Section 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Or finance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed 'a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. Ordinance No. Page 3 Ordf fiance No. 565,4 Page' 4 1 Section 6. It is hereby found and (?eclared that matters pertaining to the adoption o these amendments are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield and that this ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the :.ouncil and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21st day of September, 1992, by a vote of 5 in fay.-,r and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 21st day of September, 1992 ATTEST: City Recorde REVIEWED & APPROVED • A' TO FORM \ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 0 Ordinance No. Page 4 EXHIBIT A E AREA PLAN S Section 9.128 of the Eugene Code provides the criteria for evaluating amend- ments to the Metro Plan. The following is an evaluation of the Metro Plan amendments proposed in the Willakenzie Area Plan in relation to those crite- ria. Section 9.128(2)(a): The amendment must be consistent with relevant Statewide Planning Goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Develop- ment Commission. Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement Goal 1 is intended to insure that citizens have been involved in all stages of the planning process. The following summarizes the major citizen involve- ment opportunities in the development of the Draft Willakenzie Area Plan. April, 1988 - Planning staff attended neighborhood group meetings for the Cal Young and Harlow area neighborhood associations. Those in at- tendance were informed of the upcoming study and encouraged to partici- pate. August, 1988 - Joint neighborhood newsletter mailed to: 1) interested parties lists of the Cal Young and Harlow neighborhood organizations; 2) residents and property owners in the unincorporated portion of the plan- ning area, e.g. those in the planning area not represented by a neigh- borhood organization; and 3) all area businesses. The newsletter solic- ited participation in the planning process and on the planning team. September, 1988 - All households and businesses in the planning area were notified about upcoming effort. A city -wide newsletter, containing information on the Willakenzie planning process was mailed to all house- holds and to Willakenzie area businesses. In that newsletter, city staff solicited participation in the planning process. October, 1988 - Willakenzie Planning Team formed. November, 1988 - Planning team and neighborhood organizations sponsored two "Issues Forums" to solicit feedback on issues that the plan should address. December, 1988 through August, 1991 - Willakenzie Planning Team met more than three dozen times. All meetings were advertised in the Eugene Register Guard Community Calendar and were open to the public. Meeting agendas contained time for comments from the public. March, 1991 - Planning team finished review of the Draft Willakenzie Area Plan. May, 1991 - Summary Draft Willakenzie Area Plan mailed to all households and businesses in the planning area. June, 1991 - The planning team and neighborhood organizations sponsored two public meetings on the draft plan. More than 200 people came to meetings to offer comments on the draft plan. September, 1991 - Planning staff held public work sessions on the Willakenzie Area Plan with Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County Planning Commissions. October, 1991 - Joint Public Hearing on the Willakenzie Area Plan and related Metro Plan, TransPlan and Public Facilities Plan amendments held before the Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County Planning Commissions. * ** April, 1992 - Joint Public Hearing on the Willakenzie Area Plan and related Metro Plan, TransPlan and Public Facilities Plan amendments held before the Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County elected officials. Goal 2 - Land Use Planni Goal 2 mandates the establishment of a land use planning process and policy framework to be used as a basis for all land use decisions. As part of the development of the refinement plan, inventories of land use, public facili- ties, transportation facilities, and natural resources were taken. From this information, land use designations and policies were determined. The Willakenzie Area Plan identifies 25 separate areas where change in the Metro Plan designation and land use pattern is indicated. The proposed Metro Plan amendments were based on the factual information obtained from these inventories and are consistent with the land use planning process and policy framework established in the Metropolitan Area General Plan. Goal 5 - Open Spaces Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources Goal 5 is intended to "...conserve open space and protect natural and scenic resources." More than six miles of Willamette River frontage is within the planning area. The plan contains guidelines to provide for conservation of river resources such as riparian vegetation and river views. The plan area also contains other important natural resource areas including wetlands, uplands, waterways and other riparian areas. The plan identifies those areas and provides policies to insure their protection. The plan also discusses historic preservation issues in the area and provides policies and implemen- tation measures to insure that a comprehensive inventory of historic and cultural features is conducted in the near future. Amendment areas 13 and 14 front on the Willamette River and are within the Willamette River Greenway. The draft plan contains guidelines for develop- ment within the Greenway which satisfy the Use Management Criteria required under Statewide Goal 15 (Willamette River Greenway). Amendment areas 17 and 22 are within areas in which significant natural re- sources have been identified. The draft plan contains policies, both in the Public Facilities and Services Element (Storm Drainage Facilities section), and in the Neighborhood Design Element (Natural Resource Area Protection section), to conserve open space and preserve natural and scenic resources. Discussion within the refinement plan addresses considerations which need to be taken into account when development occurs in these areas. The refinement planning process included the preparation of an Historic Con- text Report for the area. This report is a preliminary step in the develop- ment of a full -scale historic inventory. The report indicated that as many as 130 historic structures, sites and landscape features may be present in the area. Amendment areas in which concentrations of potential historic resources exist include areas 20, 22, and 25. The Neighborhood Design Ele- ment (Historic Preservation section) includes policies intended to encourage the City to: 1) conduct an official inventory of historic and cultural re- sources, and 2) develop mechanisms to further the protection and preservation of significant historic and cultural resources in the area. Goal 6 - Air Water and Land Resources Quality Goal 6 is intended to "maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state." The Willakenzie Plan addresses this goal by promoting or providing for: 1) the extension of sanitary sewers to urbanizable areas as they are annexed to the city, 2) a land use configura- tion that is more responsive to service by mass transit and other alternate modes resulting in improved air quality, 3) industrial and commercial devel- opment standards that will provide for improved compatibility with adjacent land uses, and 4) retention of existing natural drainage features to provide improved quality of storm water runoff, recreational and educational opportu- nities, wildlife habitat enhancement, environmental improvement, and aesthet- ic benefits. The issues that are raised by this goal are not confined to a specific amend- ment area but are more generalized and can be applied to the larger geograph- ic area contained within the planning area boundaries. The Willakenzie plan contains numerous policies and proposed actions that address this goal. Specifically: - proposals within the plan's Land Use element encourage the development of residential /mixed use communities to bring about a reduction in vehi- cle- miles - traveled within the planning area, thereby affecting air qual- ity within the area; - policies and proposals within the Transportation Element are directed a, 1) enhancing the area's transportation system to increase operational efficiency, thereby reducing air quality impacts of new and existing development, 2) introducing Transportation Demand Management planning techniques to major new development in the area, 3) encouraging the use of alternate modes of transportation through the construction of an extensive bike and pedestrian network, and 4) implementation of tech- niques to increase transit ridership. All of these policies and propos- als, if implemented, will positively affect air quality in the area; the Public Facilities and Services element (Storm Drainage Facilities section) includes policies that are intended to improve storm water management practices in the area, thereby improving water quality in area streams, rivers and other receiving water bodies. Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards Goal 7 is intended "to protect life and property from natural disasters and hazards." Amendment areas 13, and 14 are within the floodplain of the Willamette River; area 17 is within the 100 year floodplain of the McKenzie River. While the refinement plan does not specifically address these issues, development is not proposed to occur in any area in which it is not currently permitted to occur in the adopted Metropolitan Area General Plan. Specific safeguards and provisions for development within the floodplain are regulated by the Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) and the Eugene Code, Sections 9.602 through 9.607. Amendments proposed within this refinement plan do not affect those regulations. Goal 8 - Recreation Needs The goal directs local governments to satisfy the recreational needs of its citizens and provide for siting of necessary recreational facilities. The refinement plan proposes the extension of bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the planning area. Amendment areas that front on, or are adjacent to proposed bike /pedestrian facility extensions include areas 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, and 25. The plan also proposes the acquisition and development of additional parkland near or adjacent to amendment areas 15, 17, 18, 24, and 28. Goal 9 - Economic Development The goal addresses the need to provide opportunities for "economic activities vital to the health, prosperity and welfare of Oregon's citizens." The draft plan proposes the expansion of commercial and special light industrial devel- opment sites within the planning area. Proposed amendments within the plan would expand the area available for commercial development by approximately 25 acres. The proposed increase in the supply of commercial land is intended to provide an adequate commercial land base for a future population which is expected to nearly double within the planning period. Amendments which af- fect the commercial land supply include areas 8, 21, 25, and 26. Proposed amendment 19 would increase the supply of land designated for Spe- cial Light Industrial development within the Coburg- Crescent subarea. This area is seen as an especially attractive area for industrial development given its location along the I -5 corridor. Proposed amendment 22 would reduce the supply of land available for Light -Me- dium Industrial development in the planning area by approximately acres. However, the location of this site near the downtown CBD, University of Ore- gon, Sacred Heart Hospital, the Riverfront Research Park, and other large employers make this a more logical area for high density residential develop- ment.. Goal 10 - Housing The goal provides "for the housing needs of the citizens of the state. " If also provides that plans in which housing is addressed allow for a variety of densities and housing types. Most of the proposed amendments affect areas designated for residential development. The plan provides for a range of densities as it includes areas designated for low, medium and high density residential uses. A variety of housing types are also recognized and provid- ed for in the plan. The plan encourages the development of residential -mixed use communities within the planning area. This settlement type has the po- tential for providing for additional diversification of housing types and densities within the Eugene housing market. Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Services Goal 11 requires the planning and development of "...a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a frame- work for urban development. The Public Facilities and Services Element of the Willakenzie Plan provides for the maintenance and improvement of the existing.urban services network in the planning area. It provides for the extension of sanitary and storm sewers in urbanizable areas and for the de- velopment a new public safety station to improve police, fire and emergency medical services to the area. The Willakenzie planning area contains almost 1,000 acres of urbanizable land. Proposed amendment areas 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, and 28 are within the urbanizable area. A portion of amendment area 19 is also within the urbanizable area. Goal 13 - Energy Conservation The goal intends that land uses be managed to maximize energy conservation. This goal encourages land use patterns which allow people to live, work, shop, and recreate in the same geographic area. It also encourages higher densities along high capacity transportation corridors. Proposals in the plan seek to increase densities in the area thereby making more efficient use of urban land. Minimum density standards for medium and high density residential development area proposed in the plan. The plan contains proposals for mixed -use residential development and for improving the relationship between residential areas and employment areas to allow people to live, work, shop and recreate in the same geographic area. The plan also contains proposals to improve the potential for transit service in urbanizable areas by clustering and concentrating higher density residential and other intensive development. Goal 15 - Willamette River G This goal directs local governments to protect and enhance the quality of the Willamette River by creating the Willamette River Greenway. The Greenway program includes provisions to manage uses within and near the Greenway to maintain desireable qualities of the Greenway. Amendment areas 13 and 14 are within the Willamette River Greenway. The Willakenzie Plan contains guide- lines for development within the Greenway which satisfy the Use Management Criteria for development within the Greenway. Section 9.128(2)(b): Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro- politan Plan internally inconsistent. The proposed amendments to the Metro Plan Diagram implement the Willakenzie Land Use Diagram and policies of the Willakenzie Area Plan. The Willakenzie Plan is consistent with the text of the Metropolitan Area General Plan. Section 9.128(2)(c) The amendment is not a plan update amendment, un- less the amendment has been initiated by the City of Eugene, City of Springfield and Lane County under section 9.120(1)(c) of this code. Amendments to the Metro Plan generated by the Willakenzie Plan are not "plan update amendments' as defined in section 9.015 of the Eugene Code. Plan update amendment. Any change to the Metropolitan Plan which (1) changes the urban growth boundary or the jurisdictional boundary of the Plan; (2) requires a goal exception to be taken under statewide planning goal2; (3) amends a fundamental principal, metropolitan goal or policy set out in Chapter II of the Plan; or (4) requires a substantial diver- sion of budgeted planning resources from the approved work programs of affected city departments. EXHIBIT B EUGENE CITY COUNCIL METRO PLAN AMENDMENT REVISIONS Among the recommendations on the draft Willakenzie Area Plan forwarded to the elected officials by the Eugene Planning Commission were proposed amendments to the Metro Plan. The following Metro Plan amendments were adopted by the Eugene City Council: (maps of the revisions are attached) Amendment # 5 - Proposed area reduced by approximately 1 acre. Remove Tax Lot 101, Assessor's Map 17- 03- 20 -4 -4 (McHolick Parcel); change acreage, num- ber of tax lots and text. Amendment # 9 - Add Gheen Irrigation Co. parcels to area designated for Medi- um Density Residential use; change acreage, number of tax lots and text. Amendment # 10 - Delete. Area of this proposed.amendment added to area of Amendment # 9 (above). Amendment # 15 - Add 10 acres to the acreage total, change number of tax lots involved, and change map of affected area to reflect enlargement of area proposed for Medium Density Residential designation. Amendment # 18 - Add 10 acres to the acreage total, change number of tax lots involved, and change map of affected area to reflect enlargement of area proposed for Medium Density Residential designation. Amendment # 19 - Add Tax Lot 3000, Assessor's Map 17- 03 -16 -0 0 to the area designated for Special Light Industrial development, change the acreage to- tal, number of tax lots affected and description of amendment. Amendment # 20 - Delete this amendment proposal for Light Medium Industrial designation east of Old Coburg Road. Area inolved in this amendments added to the area proposed for Special Light Industrial designation in Amendment # 19. Amendment # 23 - Delete this amendment. Removal of Tax Lot 4703, Assessor's Map 17- 03 -21 -2 3 from proposal results in change of less than 5 acres. Amendment # 24 - Change acreage total to 15 acres. Change map to reflect enlargement of area proposed for Medium Density Residential designation. Amendment # 28 - Change acreage total to 15 acres. Change map to reflect enlargement of area proposed for Medium Density Residential designation. Amendment # 29 - Add an amendment to 12 acres north of County Club Road from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential. Amendment 9 Location: South of Robin Hood, between Delta Highway and Willagillespie Acreage: 22 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 9 Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential Current Uses: Single- family residential, vacant, religious Current Metro Plan Designation: Low - Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium- Density Residential Revision: Area affected by Amendment #10 was changed to a Medium Density Residential designation and combined with this amendment. C r_ 0 z Q J w m t- U) c* a 0 O O 0 Designation Medium Residential i ii ��►� i/ n■ � . - . � �■ �� �� � .111111 n�ormi _u °1O� :11111111' .: n�ormi Amendment 15 Location: South of Ayers Road. between Delta Highway and Gilham Road. Acreage: Limited by policy to 21 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 2 Current Zoning: R -1PD Low- Density Residential with Planned Unit Development provisions. Current Uses: Agriculture Current Metro Plan Designation: Low- Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium- Density Residential Revision: The Planning Commission added ten acres to the area proposed for Medium Density Residential. URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY r '7 f 1 f- CITY LIMITS r AYRES RD. 3 J HONEYWOOD ST. All Ten acres added to area = proposed for Medium J Density Residential designation. t o Nozr' Amendment 19 Location: South of future extension of Crescent Drive, between Shadow View and Interstate S Acreage: 77 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: All or parts of 12 Current Zoning: R -1 PD Low Density Residential District with Planned Unit Development provisions; R -2PD Limited Multiple Family Residential District with Planned Unit Development provisions; and RA/UL Suburban Residential District, Urbanizable Land Subdistrict. Current Uses: Agriculture, vacant, single family Current Metro Plan Designation:. Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Special Light Industrial Revision: Area affected by Amendment #20 was changed from a Light Medium Industrial to a Special Light Industrial designation and combined with Metro Plan Amendment #19. EA AFFECTED v METRO PLAN ENDMENT: MA 89 c@ N ' W F I� I a y • V Designat SPecial Light added • Amendment 23 (NOTE: Eugene Planning Commission removed one parcel from the proposal. The remaining area was less than 5 acres in size.) Location: West of Coburg Road, between Willakenzie and Bailey Lane Acreage: 5 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 2 Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential and R -2PD Limited Multiple Family Residential with Planned Unit Development provisions Current Uses: Single and, multi-family residential Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Commercial Revision: The Planning Commission retained the Medium Density Residential designation on the large tax lot. The remaining area is less than five acres in size and is not large enough to warrant an amendment. W IJE�PPyESEN ACRES pr Area changed from Commercial to a Medium Density Residential designation. Remaining area is too small for gk7endment. CAL YOUNG RD. / u h e a m LEY Amendment 28 Location: North of Coburg Road at the intersection of County Farm Loop Acreage: 15 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: part of 1 Current Zoning: AG /UL Agricultural District, Urbanizable Land Subdistrict Current Uses: Agriculture Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Revision: The Planning Commission added five acres to the area proposed for Medium Density Residential designation. Amendment 29 Location: North side of Country Club Road between Club Road and Willagillespie. Acreage: 12.3 Number of Tax Lots included in Proposed Amendment: 4 Current Zoning: R3 /SR Multiple Family Residential District Current Use: Single family residential, vacant, agriculture. Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 30 -10; Tax Lots 01100, 01400, 01800, and 2400. If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. 0 ■ EXHIBIT C WILLAKENZIE AREA PLAN METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENTS The draft Willakenzie Area Plan proposes 29 separate amendments to the Metro- politan Area General Plan Diagram. The Eugene Planning Commission, during its deliberations on the plan, recommended a number of changes to the pro- posed amendments (see Exhibit B). Among those changes were recommendations to I) change the designation in one area from Commercial to Medium Density Residential, 2) add acreage to several other areas proposed for a Medium Density Residential designation, and 3) change the designation in one area from Light Medium Industrial to Special Light Industrial. The changes pro- posed by the Eugene Planning Commission have resulted in the deletion of three proposed Metro Plan Amendments. The Eugene City Council adopted one Metro Plan amendment not considered by the Eugene Planning Commission. That amendment is identified as Amendment t 29. The attached maps and descriptions of each amendment include those changes adopted by the Eugene City Council. Amendment 1 Location: South of Goodpasture Island Road between Happy Lane and Tabor Acreage: is Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 6 Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential District Current Uses: Nursery for raising and sale of plant materials and single family residential dwellings Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 19 -12; Tax Lots 00200, 00201, 00202, 01101, 01203, 01300 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 2 Location: Meadowlark Elementary School Site north of Queens Way be- tween Norwood and Willakenzie Road. Acreage: 25 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 1 Current Zoning: PL Public Land Current Use: Elementary School Current Metro Plan Designation: Government and Education Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 20 -10; Tax Lot 02200P If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amnnrlmon4 Z Location: Northeast corner of Cal Young and Willakenzie Roads. Acreage: 16 Number of Tax Lots Included In Proposed Amendment: 6 Current Zoning: R2 10 SR Limited Multiple Family Residential Dis- trict, Limited to 10 Units per acre with Site Review (one parcel); R3 Multiple Family Residential Dis- trict (one parcel); R3 -PD Multiple Family Residen- tial District with Planned Unit Development provi- sions (one parcel) and R3 -SR Multiple Family Resi- dential with Site Review (three parcels). Current Use: Multifamily residential housing and vacant land. Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: High Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 20 -10; Tax Lots 03200, 04407, 04408, 04409P, 04410, 04500 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 4 Location: East side of Coburg Road, between Elysium and Bel tline Road. Acreage: 17 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 69 Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential Current Use: Single Family Residential Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 16 -33; Tax Lots 04400, 04500, 04600, 04700, 04800, 04900, 05000, 05100, 05200, 05300, 05400, 05500, 05600, 05700, 05800, 05900, 06000, 06100, 06200, 06300, 06400, 06500, 06600, 06700, 06800, 06900, 07000, 07100, 07200, 07300, 07400, 07500, 07600, 07700, 07800, 07900, 08000, 08100, 08200, 08300, 08400, 08500, 08900, 09000, 09101, 09200, 09300, 09400, 09500, 09600, 09700, 09800, 09900, 10000, 10100, 10200, 10300, 10400, 10500, 10600, 10700, 10800, 10900, 11000, 11100, 11200, 11300, 11400, 11500, 11600, 11700, 11800 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. u ■°■1iii iiii5►Iu'1Offilm =I • • . ■� .� ■ MEN n ■�in� soon all MERNME := ■ ■�■ , ®moo isms AN EWA �■illu■■n■n■■ ■n■ ii i S Amon'imonf r Location: East of Coburg Road between Harlow Road and Tandy Turn. Acreage: 6 Number of Tax Lots included in Proposed Amendment: 6 Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential and R1 Low Density Residen- tial Current Use: Vacant, single family residential, religious. Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 20 -44; Tax Lots 01700, 04300, 04400, 04700, 04801, 04900 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 6 Location: West of Oakway Road, between Eastwood Lane and Fairway Loop Acreage: 14 Number of Tax Lots Included in the Proposed Amendment: 46 Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential Current Use: Single family, duplex, vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Assessors Map: 17 -0 00500, 00600, 00700, 01500, 01600, 01700, 02600, 02700, 02800, 03700, 03800, 03900, 04700 3 -29 -24 00800, 01800, 02900, 04000, Tax 00900, 01900, 03000, 04100, Lots 00100, 00200, 00400, 00401, 01000, 01100, 01200, 01300, 01400, 02000, 02100, 02200, 02300, 02500, 03100, 03200, 03400, 03500, 03600; 04200, 04300, 04400, 04500, 04600, If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 7 Location: Lots fronting on Frontier and Antelope Way. Acreage: 6 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 31 Current Zoning: R -1 Low Density Residential District Current Uses: Single family residential Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 29 -12; Tax Lots 00600, 00700, 00800, 00900, 01000, 01100, 01200, 01300, 01400, 01500, 01700, 01800, 01900, 02000, 02100, 02200, 02300, 02400, 02500, 02600, 02700, 02800, 02900, 03000, 03100, 03200, 03300, 03400, 03500, 03600, 03700 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. MOLE-ME] 1 . BY PROPOSED METRO PLAN AMENDMENTC �L (ANTELOPE LOOI ��DAND FRONTIER D Q � Z Amendment 8 Location: South of Country Club Road, between Delta Highway and Coburg Road. Acreage: 29 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 15 Current Zoning: General Office Current Uses: Vacant, general services, single family, government, agriculture. Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium and High Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Commercial Assessors Map: 17- 03- 30 -10; Tax Lots 02600, 02700, 02901, 02902, 03000, 03001, 03100, 03101, 03102, 03103, 03200, 03201 Assessors Map: 17- 03- 29 -30; Tax Lots 01600, 01601, 01700 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 9 Location: South of Robin Hood, between Delta Highway and Willagillespie Acreage: 22 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 9 Current Zoning: RA Suburban. Residential Current Uses: Single - family residential, vacant, religious Current Metro Plan Designation: Low- Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium - Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 19 -30; Tax Lots 00200, 00216P, 00700, 00701P, 00800, 00900, 01000, 01001, 01100 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. (NOTE: Eugene Planning Commission combined with Amendment #9.) L tion. South of Robin Hood, between Delta Highway and Willagillespie. Acrea 10 Number Tax L is Included in Proposed Amendment: 3 Current oning: Suburban Residential Current Uses: gle- family residential, agriculture, industrial, vasanL Current M o Pla Designation: Low- Density Residential Proposed Designation: Commercial Discussion: Part of t ite is currently occupied by Gheen Irrigation, a non - conforming i ri use. The area immediately to the south is designated for co erc this proposal would expand the existing commercial node by out 10 acres. Willagillespie Elementary School is east and south of th site on the opposite side of Willagillespie Road, About 20% of the site (1.9 acreso is developed with single family and industrial uses. The remain of the site is vacant. The expansion of the comm al land base in the Willakenzie area is discussed in the Policy Iss and Conflicts memo in the "Concentration of Commercial Land" section. -A& AL YOUN AREA AFFECTED BY PROPOSEDfROBIN HOOD Q METRO PLAN N AMENDMENT W a y cn M Q a � o � 0 0 (5 VALLFy Amendment 11 Location: East of Willagillespie Road, approximately 175 feet south of Rio Glen Drive, west of Peever, and north of Clinton. Acreage: 9 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 15 Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential Current Uses: Vacant, single - family residential, duplex Current Metro Plan Designation: Low- Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium - Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 19 -31; Tax Lots 03100, 03200, 03300, 03400, 03500, 03600, 03601, 03700, 03800, 03900, 04000, 04100, 04200, 04300, 04301 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 12 Location: Willagillespie School Site, east of Willagillespie Road be- tween Clinton and Abbie Lane. Acreage: 13 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: I Current Zoning: RA Suburban Residential Current Uses: Education, vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium- Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 19 -30; Tax Lot 02900 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. /C� 0 z Q J W N NO V , BONN WHERE 14MON 1�1 414HIM� Ili !x N rFA T I \� \��o >--JL-J L \ �j- 9 i BY PROPOSED METRO PLAN, Amendment 13 Location: North of Valley River Center, between the Willamette River and Goodpasture Island Road. Acreage: 36 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 3 Current Zoning: R -2PD Limited Multiple Family Residential District with Planned Unit Development provisions. Current Uses: General Services, Group Quarters, Vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium- Density Re sidential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: High- Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 04- 24 -10; Tax Lots 01000, 01100, 01700 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. I �4Q W 4 ..r C AREA AFFECTED BY PROPOSED METRO PLAN A1v9_7ND MF_NT 0 e= Z W cc H VALLEI, J Amendment 14 t' At Kin sley Road between the Willamette River and Loca ion. 9 Goodpasture Island Road. Acreage: 31 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 2 Current Zoning: AG Agricultural District Current Uses: Education, Vacant, Religious Current Metro Plan Designation: Government and Education Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium - Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 04- 13 -00; Tax Lots 01801, 01803 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 15 Location: South of Ayers Road, between Delta Highway and Gilham Road. Acreage: Limited by policy to 21 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 2 Current Zoning: R -1PD Low- Density Residential with Planned Unit Devel- opment provisions. Current Uses: Agriculture Current Metro Plan Designation: Low- Density Residential PrODOsed Metro Plan Designation: Medium- Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 08 -00; Tax Lots 01304, 01305 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 16 Location: Lots fronting on Kinney Loop east of Coburg Road. Acreage: 22 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 46 Current Zoning: RA /UL Suburban Residential District, Urbanizable Land Subdistrict Current Uses: Single family residential, vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 16 -23; Tax Lots 00100, 00200, 00300, 00400, 00500, 00600, 00700, 00800, 00900, 01000, 01100, 01300, 01400, 01500, 01600, 01700, 01800, 01900, 02000, 02100, 02200, 02300, 02400, 02600, 02700,. 02800, 02900, 03000, 03100, 03200, 03300, 03400, 03500, 03900, 04000, 04100, 04200, 04300, 04400, 04500, 04600, 04700, 04800, 04900, 05000, 05100 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. q aEFYOP" AREA AFFECTED BY PROPOSED. METRO PLAN A CITY LIMITS MENDMENT �y. Amendment 17 Location: Northwest Corner of Ayres Road and Gilham Road Acreage: Limited by policy to 10 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: Portions of 3 Current Zoning: AG /UL, Agricultural District, Urbanizable Land Subdis- trict Current Uses: Agriculture, Single family residential Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 08 -00; Tax Lots 00500P, 01100P, 01101P If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 18 Location: South of Devon, between Gilham Road and County Farm Loop Acreage: Limit to 30 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 16 Current zoning: AG /UL Agricultural District, Urbanizable Land Subdis- trict Current Uses: Single family residential Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 17 -00; Tax Lots 00100, 00200, 00300, 00500, 00501, 00600, 00700 Assessors Map: 17- 03- 08 -40; Tax Lots 05000P, 05100, 05200, 05300, 05400, 05500P If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 19 Location: South of future extension of Crescent Drive, between Shadow View and Interstate 5 Acreage: 77 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: All or parts of 12 Current Zoning: R -1PD Low Density Residential District with Planned Unit Development provisions; R -2PD Limited Multiple Family Residential District with Planned Unit Development pro- visions; and RA /UL Suburban Residential District, Urbanizable Land Subdistrict Current Uses: Agriculture, vacant, single family Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Special Light Industrial Assessors Map: 17- 03- 16 -00; Tax Lots 00103, 00113P, 00114P, 0116P, 00118P, 01208, 01400, 01402, 01501, 01502, 01601, 02100, 03000 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. went 20 (NOTE: Eugene Planning commission combined with Amendment W19.) Location: North of Beltline, between old Coburg Road and I -5 creage: 9 mber of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 1 rent Zoning: RA /UL Suburban Residential District, Urbanizable Land Subdistrict Cur nt U s: vacant curr nt o Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Pr,, Me o Plan Designation: Light Medium Industrial Disc1V4WMjWf This amendment area and Be7tl ine PAK to the south. Plan Amendm 19, above. is adjacent to Interstate 5 to the east The area to the west is part of Metro Amendment 21 Location: South of future extension of Crescent, between Coburg Road and Shadow View Drive Acreage: Limited by policy to 10 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 1 Current Zoning: I -1SR, Special Light Industrial with Site Review provi- sions Current Uses: vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Special Light Industrial Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Commercial Assessors Map: 17- 03- 16 -00; Tax Lot 00300P If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 22 Location: North of Centennial Boulevard, west of Interstate 5 Acreage: 70 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 21 Current Zoning: AG /UL Agricultural District, Urbanizable Land Subdis- trict Current Uses: vacant, agriculture, single family residential, duplex Current Metro Plan Designation: Density t ensi Residential and Light Medium Proposed Metro Plan Designation: High Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 28 -40; Tax Lot 00102, 00701, 00702, 00703, 00800, 01100, 01101, 01300, 01301, 01302, 01303, 01305, 01400P, 01401, 01402, 01900, 02000, 02103, 02200 Assessors Map: 17- 03- 28 -30; Tax Lot 00200 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. dment 23 (NOTE: Eugene Planning Commission removed one parcel from the proposal. The remaining area was less than 5 acres in size.) Location: West Acreage: 5 mber of Tax rrent Zoning ly Residenti Current U Curren tro Prop d Metro cussion: 1 ve ed with has ming poo s. dential devel east, and cod the west. of Coburg Road, between Willakenzie and Bailey Lane is Included in Proposed Amendment: 2 RA Suburban Residential and R -2PD Limited Multiple Fami- ith Planned Unit Development provisions ngle and multi - family residential an Designation: Medium Density Residential Ian Designation: Commercial. hkyproposed amendment area includes a 4.9 acre parcel de- apartment building and a single family residence which in the past, as a sales office for real estate and swim - The area uts a church to the south, single - family resi- opme a southeast, multi - family residential to the is deve pment to the north and across Coburg Road to Amendment 24 Location: East of Delta Highway and north of Ayres Road Acreage: 15 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 1 Current Zoning,: AG /UL Agricultural District, Urbanizable Land Subdis- trict Current Uses: Agriculture, single family residential, vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 07 -00; Tax Lot 01200P If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. ( URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY _ - �. =_1 CITY LIMITS ,.�.� 1 • u AREA AFFEU I BY PROPOSED o METRO PLAN Z y` AMENDMENT _ - �. =_1 CITY LIMITS ,.�.� 1 • Amendment 25 Location: North of Coburg Road at the County Farm Loop intersection Acreage: 13 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: All or part of 9 Current Zoning: AG /UL Agricultural District, Urbanizable Land Subdis- trict and ; C -1 /UL Neighborhood Commercial, Urban izable Land Subdistrict Current Uses: Single family residential, agriculture, vacant, commercial and religious Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Commercial Assessors Map: 17- 03- 09 -30; Tax Lots 00200, 00301 Assessors Map: 17- 03- 09 -00; Tax Lots 01001, 01100, 01200P, 01201P, 01300, 01700, 01701 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. Amendment 26 Location: North of Cal Young Road, between Willakenzie Road and Coburg Road Acreage: 9 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: 5 Current Zoning: R -2PD Limited Multiple Family Residential District with Planned Unit Development provisions; R -3SR Multiple Family Residential District with Site Review provi- sions. Current Uses: Communication towers, vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Commercial Assessors Map: 17- 03- 20 -10; Tax Lots 04400, 04409P, 04411, 04412, 04413 If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. .Amendment 27 Location: North side of Crescent Avenue east of Coburg Road Acreage: 6 Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: I Current Zoning: R -2PD Limited Multiple family Residential with Planned Unit Development provisions Current Uses: vacant Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: High Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 16 -00; Tax Lot 00200P If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. 0 O C W Y O O J o D 0 ' sm AREA AFFECTED BY PROPOSED METRO PLAN AMENDMENT / q 10\ �l y/ I Amendment 28 Location: North of Coburg Road at the intersection of County Farm Loop Acreage: 15 acres Number of Tax Lots Included in Proposed Amendment: part of 1 ltural District Urbanizable Land Subdistrict Current Zoning: AG /UL Agricu Current Uses: Agriculture Current Metro Plan Designation: Low Density Residential Proposed Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 09 -00; Tax Lot 00600P Amendment 29 Location: North side of Country Club Road Willagillespie. Acreage: 12.3 Number of Tax Lots included in Proposed Ai Current Zoning: R3 /SR Multiple Family Current Use: Single family residential, Current Metro Plan Designation: Medium between Club Road anc nendment: 4 Residential District vacant, agriculture. Density Residential Assessors Map: 17- 03- 30 -10; Tax Lots 01100, 01400, 01800, and 2400. If there are inconsistencies between the list of affected tax lots and the map (below), the map prevails. J t: IN