HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Annexation of Territory to the City of Springfield - Annex a Vacant 15 Acre Parcel Located at S 60th Street and Quartz Ave on the South Edge of Jasper Meadows AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/1/2013 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Andy Limbird, DPW Staff Phone No: Ext. 3784 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Community and Economic Development and Revitalization ITEM TITLE: ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD – ANNEX A VACANT 15 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT SOUTH 60TH STREET AND QUARTZ AVENUE ON THE SOUTH EDGE OF JASPER MEADOWS. ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct a second reading and adopt/not adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT (SECOND READING). ISSUE STATEMENT: The City Council conducted a public hearing and gave first reading to the subject annexation ordinance on March 18, 2013. The Springfield School District is requesting annexation of a vacant 15-acre parcel to the City in order to facilitate construction of a neighborhood park, extension of urban utilities to the property, and future development of a school building. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Ordinance with Exhibits Exhibit A: Map and Legal Description Exhibit B: Annexation Application Exhibit C: Staff Report and Recommendations DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City Council conducted a public hearing and gave first reading to the subject annexation ordinance on March 18, 2013. At the public hearing meeting, two people testified in support of the proposed annexation action. No testimony opposing the proposed annexation was submitted. The subject property is contiguous with the City limits along the north edge, which is represented by the Quartz Avenue alignment. The site is adjacent to an established neighborhood with a full suite of available urban services. As a public agency and Team Springfield partner, the Springfield School District is aware of future requirements for extension of public infrastructure to and across the property, so an Annexation Agreement is not required for this request. Construction costs for extension of utility connections to the subject property are the responsibility of the property owner. The property requested for annexation is currently zoned Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) with an Urbanizable Fringe Overlay (UF-10). The applicant has submitted a concurrent zoning map amendment application to change the property zoning from LMI to Public Land and Open Space (PLO) to accommodate planned park and school development. Upon annexation, the rezoning request will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a future public hearing. As outlined in the attached staff report (Attachment 1, Exhibit C), the annexation area can be served with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as required in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan. The attached staff report also confirms the annexation request meets the criteria established in Section 5.7-100 of the Springfield Development Code. Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council approve the annexation of territory, as shown on Exhibit A to the annexation ordinance, to the City of Springfield and Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Attachment 1-1 Attachment 1-2 Exhibit A-1 Attachment 1-3 Exhibit A-2 Attachment 1-4 Exhibit B-1 Attachment 1-5 Exhibit B-2 Attachment 1-6 Exhibit B-3 Attachment 1-7 Exhibit B-4 Attachment 1-8 Exhibit B-5 Attachment 1-9 Exhibit B-6 Attachment 1-10 Exhibit B-7 Attachment 1-11 Exhibit B-8 Attachment 1-12 Exhibit B-9 Attachment 1-13 Exhibit B-10 Attachment 1-14 Exhibit B-11 Attachment 1-15 Exhibit B-12 Attachment 1-16 Exhibit B-13 Attachment 1-17 Exhibit B-14 Attachment 1-18 Exhibit B-15 Attachment 1-19 Exhibit B-16 Attachment 1-20 Exhibit B-17 Attachment 1-21 Exhibit B-18 Attachment 1-22 Exhibit B-19 Attachment 1-23 Exhibit B-20 Attachment 1-24 Exhibit B-21 Attachment 1-25 Exhibit B-22 Attachment 1-26 Exhibit B-23 Attachment 1-27 Exhibit B-24 Attachment 1-28 Exhibit B-25 Attachment 1-29 Exhibit B-26 Attachment 1-30 Exhibit B-27 Attachment 1-31 Exhibit B-28 Attachment 1-32 Exhibit B-29 Attachment 1-33 Exhibit B-30 Attachment 1-34 Exhibit B-31 Attachment 1-35 Exhibit B-32 Attachment 1-36 Exhibit B-33 Attachment 1-37 Exhibit B-34 Attachment 1-38 Exhibit B-35 Attachment 1-39 Exhibit B-36 Attachment 1-40 Exhibit B-37 Attachment 1-41 Exhibit B-38 Attachment 1-42 Exhibit B-39 Attachment 1-43 Exhibit B-40 Attachment 1-44 Exhibit B-41 Attachment 1-45 Exhibit B-42 Attachment 1-46 Exhibit B-43 Attachment 1-47 Exhibit B-44 Attachment 1-48 Exhibit B-45 Attachment 1-49 Exhibit B-46 Attachment 1-50 TYPE IV – ANNEXATION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ______________________________________________________________________________ File Name: Jasper Natron School Site Annexation Applicant: Springfield School District Case Number: C SP 2013 – ANX13-00002 Proposal Locations: South of Quartz Avenue at South 60th Street, and east of Bob Straub Parkway Current Zoning: Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) with Urbanizable Fringe Overlay (UF-10) Plan Designation: Low Density Residential (LDR) Applicable Comprehensive Plan: Metro Plan Application Submittal Date: February 11, 2013 Associated Applications: PRE12-00011 (Development Issues Meeting for annexation); TYP213- 00002 (Site Plan review for park); TYP313-00001 (Zoning map amendment) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD’S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planning Andy Limbird 541-726-3784 Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 541-736-1034 Public Works Civil Engineer Streets and Utilities Clayton McEachern 541-736-1036 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 541-726-2293 Building Official Building David Bowlsby 541-736-1029 APPLICANT’S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION NAME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS Applicant John Saraceno Springfield Public Schools 541-726-3267 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant’s Representative Colin McArthur Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architecture & Planning 541-485-7385 160 E. Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 City Limits Quartz Ave Bob Straub Parkway Pebble Ct SITE S 60th St Orchid Ln Weyerhaeuser Haul Road Exhibit C-1 Attachment 1-51 Review Process (SDC 5.7-115): The subject annexation request is being reviewed under Type IV procedures, without Planning Commission consideration. Development Issues Meeting (SDC 5.7-120): A Development Issues Meeting (DIM) is required of all third- party annexation applications. Finding: A Development Issues Meeting for the subject annexation request was held on September 13, 2012. Conclusion: The requirement in SDC 5.7-120 is met. Annexation Initiation and Application Submittal (SDC 5.7-125): In accordance with SDC 5.7-125.B.2.b.i and ORS 222.170(1), an annexation application may be initiated by “more than half the owners of land in the territory, who also own more than half the land in the contiguous territory and of real property therein representing more than half the assessed value of all real property in the contiguous territory consent in writing to the annexation of their land”. Finding: The property owner (a public agency) who owns all of the land and real property, and full assessed value of real property in the contiguous territory, has filed an application and petition requesting annexation to the City of Springfield (Attachment 3). Conclusion: The application requirements in SDC 5.7-125 have been met. Site Information: The property requested for annexation is a vacant 15-acre parcel on the south edge of Quartz Avenue at South 60th Street, immediately east of Bob Straub Parkway. The subject site is inside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and is currently used for livestock grazing. The subject annexation territory is initially intended to be developed with a neighborhood park and minimal street frontage improvements are proposed at this time. Existing public services are provided to the annexation area as follows: police (Lane County Sheriff, Springfield Police Department), schools (Springfield School District), roads (Lane County and City of Springfield), and Fire (Cities of Eugene & Springfield). In accordance with a decision issued by the Oregon Public Utility Commission, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) provides electrical service to this area of Springfield. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) provides water to the proposed annexation area. Upon annexation, the City of Springfield will be responsible for urban services, including sewer, water, and police/fire response to the subject area. EPUD will remain responsible for provision of electrical service to the subject site. Notice Requirements (SDC 5.7-130): Consistent with SDC 5.7-130, notice was provided as follows: Mailed Notice. Notice of the annexation application was mailed February 25, 2013, which is at least 14 days prior to the public hearing date, to the affected property owner(s); owners and occupants of properties located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the affected territory; affected neighborhood groups or community organizations officially recognized by the city that includes the affected territory; affected special districts and all other public utility providers; and the Lane County Land Management Division, Lane County Elections, and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Newspaper Notice. Notice of the March 18, 2013 public hearing was published in The Register-Guard on March 4 and 11, 2013. Posted Notice. Notice of the March 18, 2013 public hearing was posted in four public places in the City: at one location along the property frontage near the intersection of Quartz Avenue and South 60th Exhibit C-2 Attachment 1-52 Street; at the Springfield City Hall and in the Development and Public Works office; and on the City of Springfield website, on March 1, 2013. Finding: Upon annexation of the subject territory to the City the current LMI zoning will be retained, but the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) will no longer apply. Due to this change, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) was notified in writing of the annexation proceedings more than 35 days prior to the public hearing. Notification to DLCD regarding the proposed annexation was sent on February 11, 2013. Conclusion: Notice of the public hearing was provided consistent with SDC 5.7-130. Recommendation to City Council (SDC 5.7-135): The Director shall forward a written recommendation on the annexation application to the City Council based on the approval criteria specified in Section 5.7-140, which are provided as follows with the SDC requirements, findings, and conclusions. The Director’s recommendation follows SDC 5.7-140, Criteria. Criteria (SDC 5.7-140): The application may be approved only if the City Council finds that the proposal conforms to the following criteria: A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City’s urban growth boundary; and is 1. Contiguous to the city limits; or 2. Separated from the City only by a public right of way or a stream, lake or other body of water. Finding: The subject annexation territory is located within the acknowledged urban growth boundary (UGB) of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). The subject annexation area abuts the Springfield city limits along the north boundary. Therefore, this annexation application meets the statutory definition of contiguity as found in ORS 222.111(1). Conclusion: The proposal meets this criterion. B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts; Finding: The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) in August, 1982 and has been subsequently amended. The annexation area is located within the acknowledged UGB of the Metro Plan. Territory within the delineated UGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes that, ultimately, all territory within the UGB will be annexed to an existing city (Policy #10, page II-C-4; Policy #16, page II-C-5; and Policy #21, page II-C-6). Springfield is the unit of government identified in the Metro Plan to provide urban services to annexed territory. Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes that as annexations to the City occur, existing special service districts within the UGB will be dissolved (Policy #18, page II-C-6). The continued annexation of properties and public street rights-of-way to the City of Springfield is consistent with the Metro Plan, which will result in the elimination of several special districts within the urbanizable area. Finding: The subject property is within the delineated service territory of SUB, EPUD, and the Eugene/Springfield Fire Department so there are no special service districts that would be affected by the requested annexation. Exhibit C-3 Attachment 1-53 Finding: After the public hearing and if determined by the City Council that annexation is in the best interest of the City, the annexation area will be annexed into the Willamalane Park and Recreation District as authorized by an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Springfield and Lane County. The park district provides park and recreation facilities and services to territory within the City of Springfield. Conclusion: The proposal meets this criterion. C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner; and Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes annexation as the highest priority for extending the minimum level of key urban facilities and services to urbanizable areas. Finding: The territory requested for annexation will take advantage of urban service delivery systems that are already in place or can be logically extended to serve this area. In addition to urban utilities, the following facilities and services are either available or can be extended to this annexation area: Water – Upon annexation, the property would be served by the City by and through the Springfield Utility Board. Existing water infrastructure within the vicinity will be maintained by SUB. Electricity – Although SUB has an electrical transmission line along the north edge of the subject property, the Oregon Public Utility Commission has determined that EPUD is the sole electrical service provider to properties in southeast Springfield that are south of the Mount Vernon Road alignment. Upon annexation, the subject site will remain in the EPUD service territory. Existing electrical system infrastructure within the adjacent public rights-of-way and easements will be maintained by the affected utility providers. Police Services – Springfield Police Department currently provides service to the adjacent Jasper Meadows neighborhood, which is inside the City limits. The subject territory is currently within the jurisdiction of the Lane County Sheriff’s Department. Upon annexation, this area will receive Springfield Police services on an equal basis with other properties inside the City. Fire and Emergency Services – Fire protection is currently provided to the annexation area by the Eugene/ Springfield Fire Department. Upon annexation, the City will continue to provide fire and emergency services to the subject territory. Emergency medical transport (ambulance) services are provided on a regional basis by the Eugene/Springfield Fire Department, and Lane Rural Fire/Rescue to central Lane County. The annexation area will continue to receive this service consistent with the adopted ambulance service area (ASA) plan. Mutual aid agreements have been adopted by the three regional ASA providers to provide backup coverage for each other’s jurisdictions. Parks and Recreation – Park and recreation services are provided to the City of Springfield by the Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Indoor recreation facilities, such as the Willamalane Park Swim Center, Lively Park Swim Center, Memorial Building Community Center, and Willamalane Adult Activity Center. The park district offers various after-school and other programs for children at schools and parks throughout the community. Also available are pathways and several categories of parks, including community parks, sports parks, special use parks, and natural area parks. In this case, the annexation area is planned for a neighborhood park that is depicted in the Willamalane Park & Recreation District Comprehensive Plan. Willamalane is partnering with the Springfield School District to construct park facilities on the site in advance of school construction. Annexation of the territory would enhance the provision of park and recreation facilities in this area of Springfield. Exhibit C-4 Attachment 1-54 Concurrent with annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject area will be annexed to the Willamalane Park and Recreation District consistent with City policy, if the City Council determines that annexation to the special district is in the best interest of the City. Library Services – Upon annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject area will be within the service area of the Springfield Public Library. Schools – The Springfield School District provides public school service to this area of Springfield. The subject property is planned for future public school development to better serve the community. Sanitary Sewer – The annexation area can and will be served by extension of the Jasper Trunk Sewer line along the Jasper Road corridor. Extension of the public sewer system into the Jasper-Natron area is a necessary and desirable component of the City’s long-range plans to accommodate urbanization and development in southeast Springfield. Stormwater – The subject annexation territory is served by catch basins and public stormwater lines in the Quartz Avenue right-of-way. However, most of the annexation area is removed from the available stormwater system and other interim measures will be required until the stormwater utility is extended to serve this site. Incremental improvements to the public system will be required as development plans are advanced for this and other adjoining properties. However, there are no immediate planned changes to the stormwater management system associated with this annexation request. Streets – Along the north edge of the site, the northern 2/3 of Quartz Avenue has been dedicated as public right- of-way and developed with a partial (2/3) width street profile with curb, gutter and sidewalk on the north side only. The subject property frontage on the south side of Quartz Avenue has an interim curbline and parking is restricted due to limited pavement width. The subject annexation area includes the southern one-third of Quartz Avenue right-of-way and a planned extension of South 60th Street to an intersection with Bob Straub Parkway near the southwest corner of the site. The annexation of the subject property will facilitate future planned street improvements, including the completion of Quartz Avenue and a public street connection to Bob Straub Parkway. However, there are no immediate planned or required street improvements associated with this annexation request. Solid Waste Management – The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the City limits. Upon annexation, solid waste disposal service can be provided by Sanipac. Communication Facilities – Various providers offer both wired and wireless communication services in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. Existing providers and those entering the market have the capability to provide service to this area. Land Use Controls – The annexation area is within Springfield’s portion of the urban growth boundary. Through an intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield, the City already has planning and building jurisdiction for all land between the city limits and urban growth boundary. The City will continue to administer land use controls after annexation. Finding: The minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as outlined in the Metro Plan, are either immediately available or can be provided within a reasonable future time frame as needed. Conclusion: The proposal meets this criterion. Exhibit C-5 Attachment 1-55 D. Where applicable fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. Finding: The public agency requesting annexation is a Team Springfield partner and is well aware of the requirements for future dedication of public rights-of-way necessary to accommodate planned public street extensions; the need for extension of urban utilities to serve the site and land beyond the annexation area; and the responsibility of the developer to fund such improvements. Because there are no significant fiscal impacts to the City, an Annexation Agreement is not required for this request. Conclusion: The proposal meets this criterion. DIRECTOR’S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the annexation of the subject territory to City of Springfield and Willamalane Park and Recreation District. City Council Decision (SDC 5.7-145): City Council approval of the annexation application shall be by Ordinance. Finding: On March 18, 2013, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing for the subject annexation request and give first reading to the Annexation Ordinance. Based on the staff analysis and recommendation, and on testimony provided at the Public Hearing, the City Council may take action to approve, modify or deny the Annexation Ordinance. Zoning (SDC 5.7-150): The annexation area is zoned Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) and is designated Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Metro Plan diagram. Properties that are outside the City limits have the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) applied to the zoning. The applicant has submitted a zoning map amendment under separate cover (Case TYP313-00001) to change the property zoning from LDR to Public Land and Open Space (PLO). The Planning Commission will review the request for zoning map amendment at a future public hearing, and after annexation of the subject property. Public Land and Open Space zoning is an allowable zoning classification in all plan designations as a means to enable development of public uses such as parks and schools, both of which are permitted uses in the LDR plan designation. Finding: Upon the effective date of the annexation, the UF-10 overlay will be automatically removed and the site will retain the LMI zoning. Effective Date and Notice of Approved Annexation (SDC 5.7-155): If the annexation is approved by the City Council on March 18, 2013 and granted a second reading on April 1, 2013, the Ordinance will become effective 30 days after adoption by the City Council and execution by the Mayor (anticipated on or around May 1, 2013), or upon acknowledgement of filing with the Secretary of State – whichever date is later. Withdrawal from Special Service Districts (SDC 5.7-160): Withdrawal from special districts may occur concurrently with the approved annexation Ordinance or after the effective date of the annexation of territory to the City. The Director shall recommend to the City Council for consideration of the withdrawal of the annexed territory from special districts as specified in ORS 222. In determining whether to withdraw the territory, the City Council shall determine whether the withdrawal is in the best interest of the City. Notice of the withdrawal shall be provided in the same manner as the annexation notice in Section 5.7-150. Finding: The annexation area is within the delineated service territory of SUB (water) and EPUD (electrical) and will remain so after annexation. Because there is no requirement for withdrawal of the annexation territory from a special service district, this provision is not applicable. Exhibit C-6 Attachment 1-56