HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-8-12 ~. ., ..~.... .:''1:-~-'.'. : ~ :.', ,.~ ,..,;:...::._.. ~.. ......... ~~ ~~,;:..._~.~~.~;:..-;..l'O.~...-.;...::::..~ :.:...:.:.' -_..r-~': . .~.; _...,.....:L.,..-rl " ~ I/~M6' ,., . . . 17?/;P'~. 'w..,.c~.J(~T 13~R~c Address: -=1hh 7~R/7/r.I"7'D L5' /lZ? Phone: City:~;/PR/~;;~:Cg)_ 'c5A., - , Subdivision: nro'Pe:rrr ~ . OlJner: c..:::; c> 7;' O~ IXI NmJ \ I Addi tien I I Remodel I ! Nobile Hom!] -,.~..-'_. ..- '. . .... ,. . Receipt ;j ,-)'" ~~/'9-,Z) T= Lot # IC/o ( ~ 1001 .Zip: 726-8.5/7 9 ;7?8 1 Vfl " /13 Describe liorl<: ~ ~ ;i1t1 61/dll'I I ?BX~ ~?:>19/c::.c ~~E ,~ ;zfn:>q-c~ EX' /~ 77/Yc::;. . ;:.;;~ /(~l?<E8r Z:3v;&j e~E'/ ? '(7- :5 .y~~ Date of Applicatien Con1;ractors &-3--87 Value 4'2/ r""-6. c:r~ Date: Add.~ess Lisc.# Expires Phon!.: General nC/.F/c ~~/'Y7; /"3q'9 A'w~ 9~...v;..- b~rA'e Plumbing J, b8~-7~ ..;.-.....-1. I Electrical ~t5:'&e:>.N' ,pc'ec:::5i':7' '2370 W 7~Pb9-Ce:...G'e.J4M~ -. , 3~3~ /6/3/ l1echar:icd ConstT'Uction Lender It is the responsibility of the permit ho~e!' to see ,that all inspections are made at the proper time. that, e~ch =ddress is !'e~Ze from the street. and that the permi t card is 'located at the front of the property. "Bui!ding Divi::io-r: approved p"lan shaU remain on thE; Building Site at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigYUlted job nw.:ber, job aCCl'ess, type of inspec-;icn requested and when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners name ~nd phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 ~ :.'iZl be made the same d~y, requests made after 7:00 am wiZZ be made the n=t :.Jorking day. Reaui~ed InsDectiens O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but p~or to set up of _" forms, 1,!1 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & LJ !.fECHA:IICAL: To be made before any work is aovered. [J FOOTING:,) FOUNDATION:. To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected. but prior ~o pourir~ ccncret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- ling trenches. ~ ~ ~ UNDERFLOOR PLUl.13ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instalZation of !zoor insulation or decl<ing. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insuZation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBII1G. ELECTRICAL. & MECH- ANICAL: No worK is to be covered' ,until these ~nspections have beer. made and approve':': FIREPLACE: Prior to pl~cir~ f~cing materiaZs and before framing inspec- tion. FRA!1INC: Must be requested after approval of rough plumbing. electri- cal & mechanical. All rOOfing bracing & chimneys. etc. ~~st be ;' completed. No work is to be con- ~ ceaZed untiZ this inspection has 'been made and approved. ~ ~. T- =:J FIllAL PLU/.fBI/IG T- FINAL MECHANICAL :=J FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ o Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: 8/6SL/3. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after alZ insulation ~~ . required vapor barriers are in p "lace' . but before any "lath. gypswn beard 'or' wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DEI.fOLITION OR ;~:OVE::' BUILDI;/CS :=J Sani -;ary se'..Jer capped ::.t p~op<:rt"::i line ~ Septic tank p;,;,"?ed and fiUad with gravel O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in p"lace. but prior to any taping. I Final - f>'hen above ite:ns are comDleted ~ and when demeZition is compZete or struc- ture moved and premises cleaned up. O MASONRY: Steel Zocation, bond beams. grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. Nobile Hemes D WOODSTOVE: After installation is~~ ~ Blocking and Set-up cempZeted. ~~ ~ PZwnbing connections -- s~er and Water CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte"!:' .forms)) -vf ElectricaZ Connection - Blocking. set-up are crected but prior to POUr'Lrl{] ~ and plwnbing connections rrr..st ce approved, concrete. before requesting electrical inspectio~ D D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- . crete paving within street right- of,"lJC:y.to be made. after aU exca- > va'ting ooml?let~' &. 'fornJ work' & sub- \/l Final - After p:Jrcr.es. ' base matenal 'Ln p"lace. , 5~ KJ etc. are completed. ~ Accesso~d Build~ng skirting. decks. D PENCE: ~~en compZ~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' D D All project conditions. such as the installation of street trees, co~letion of the required "landscaping. etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Fina(jjuilding Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing EZectrioaZ. and Mechanical Inspectior13 have been made and approved. -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT. 1.0 BE ~L1DE n ro'o caST TO CI'I'Y I Page 1 of 2 JO.H r-Jo:e/c>sr:~ ; Zone: I~ Lot Sq. Ftg. % of let CQVerag~ # of Stories Total Height Topogrcphy SOLAR AC.SS Occ:ur:ancu GrOLL LOT TYPE I i i ITEN IMain SQ. FTC I iGc::race i ! Carport I I i .4ccessor'i irexs7/~~ I i" - i TOTAL l'AWE is.D.c. (va~uc) 1.5 x Building Permi t State Suxoch.:rrge Total Charges ITEI.! F'i::.:tures NO. FEE Residential (1 bath) Sanitar':f Sewer ;lat e!' gb~B/~ .~u~ ". . .Plumbing Perr::i t State Suxocr.arge Tetal cr<c!'oes -:'" ri1 ;:'.' ~ iiO. Fles. So. ftc. New/Extend Circ:ui,ts i Temporary Service I E/t::-,C..r. hLp~vk:~ I'," Elect!'ical Permit St:::.te SuxocbaI'ae -. Total Cha:rces j'7'-.;',lJ NO. FEE Furnace ETU' S E:::haust Hood Vent Fan "r/oodsto"Je Permit IssuxnC2 Mechanic:::.l Permit State Suxocfu1rae To'tcZ Charoes -- ENCROACH1,JEN1' Se~~ritu DZV03it Storage '.fci'inter..ar..:!c ?crmit Tota I Charoes 7urbc:ut ,ideuJa lie ""ence ,lectrical Label '1obile Home PC>(J'l't.e' W~z::e=. fS?6 ",:"'~'...i~ ~":JUtr'T [)u::;: ~ Interior Corner 'Panhandle Cul-de-sac X Value REQ.- L - C 0 G~ I I j I j I I I j . Type/Const: Bec!.roor:-:s: I I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth lEast IsOl' th Ir"est ., ' I I I I I I II Enero:; So:.<rces Heat 1'u:->e Setbacks Ho/.Ose I Carape I Access. I I I Watcr Hcatf'!' Halu:e Fircolacc W00c13tove Fees :". ~ --:~ '.. --. . - '. ....., " '. ." . -...... . . ,,'J3uilding./Value &~,.,Permlt.. This permit is granted on the express condition that the said. construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, reguZating the ccnstF~cticn and use of buiZdings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vic~ ______~ Zation of any provisions'. of said ordinances.".,/ ,'. 115~. _'t. ,1\ -JSloTc~ '.?c?J)<;?/T' /?/"',-R<>t~~ /sv,;;;;.c.sZ/cJe:CT t---------..,[. <~...,I/€a(/Y.c-#-T;;~~ ~~ ?~~_:~~. Pt..!,c,/e> , ' f/z:>_~'~ L.&r&ii9-/~ t 5/7/Y/~ t:5F ~, I I #/1. , * j)~'ya:.6P/y?e/)tT ~~~~7;."" ~JJ~ r I / ._.Iv,~ Plan Check Fee: 6. .~O f' 'V - I I Date Paid: g - t-:;- g 1 -; \ I r _:J- , " \ __ ,!. '( ~ l,;:;:;~~# ~,~O.l r 'I /5:e>0. 1S:;;'",--3,I' Is' 7S I * I I :.' ~s: .&"o I IS: oe> I .7.51-3 /r5: 7s1 * /?J. ..~ ,<)D ICJ~SO CHARGE C,~/:_?D::.- -') Ch'A..F'LCE , .: I I, I ' I I . '.: /'.'-,'., .. Plumbihg' :perrrdt . ._~~ ~.~ .'."~" '\ '\. .... \'. ..... \ _.4: .. ...;':/- "';'" i _.... "No person shall construct, install, aZter or change any new 01' e=isting "p~umbir~ or dr~inage syste~ in ~hole ~r in part, unless such person is the legaZ .possessor..,of-a valid pZumber's license, eXcept that a person ma,:! do plumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ~-...." .........:. . -.. ",.l.. \". ~', -., '" .':t;, .' " -, , , , ...~~ -.~".,,'." -' '..... . ".- ,~ ./ . Electrical Permit Where State Law requires thnt the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical :7Olltractor. ) Mechanical PermH I I I I I .1 * I r I I' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'.fINED thE completed application for permit, and do I hereby certify that all i~formation hereon is true and correct, and I . further certify that any arn all work perfo~ed shall Qe do~e in ac~or- I dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th2 L~~s of.the . * State of Oregon p$rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO .OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the BuiZding Di- I vision. I further certify that only contractors and e~ployees who are in co~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project 4~~ &- "3"-8"/ Uate 5'5:t:e> 1",1) /..7.5"'1 I 78.75 i f~ /) -if