HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-12-13 RESlut:NTIAL.. APPLI~4TION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp~~ngfieZd3 Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ' orob Loc.::tion: L.j () 0 13;e oA b tv A V ASGesGors Nap" ~, ~~ 'It aa3C1!l / T= wt # ^~/}(Q@ Suhdivisien: v Cl.-ner: keN .A .AI P E Ie- So /II Add.~ess: I.A '/ S- ).5 L A AI 1:> City: ,5 P F D I I I ;-\.I I I ;'l~..J Addi tien i/;mroc.el ,Ifoo-=.!a .=tema Date of Applicatien :';on;;ract:ors Ceneral Plwnbing Electrical,.-S U /'I L (/ Ie. (} Nschar.ical r-: L E c..'r- ,Const~~ction [~nder Phone: 74-' 6 .:<. O~_) Zip: 9' /7 t,) 77 Describe fiork: c... /-/ A }./ 6- ~ SERI//c-p ~ 'L E c:.. 'T Je IC-A L .'?cce"'::?!; ,~B G; (] O~ ( Signed: k.,'-' Il.-,3-i"l,., Value Address Date: Lisc.# t~ 0 }S- c.2.C- 9/.'~ok~_~ I 7,;i6 bJ I I b 6..5 LGYEL .5?F..D Exr;ires Phone It,is the responaibility of the permit hoUier to see that all inspections are made at the proper time, that e~ch .::aaress is ren-n~Ze fI'Otrl tiw street, and that the permit ca."'Ciis located at the front of the property. A3ui!di~~ Divicio~ approved ;~n s~ll remain on the Building Sits at all times. ?'10C~DUPE 20R INSP~CTIO!l PE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorcer) state YOUI' City desigr.a.ted Joe number, job adircss, type of in3rJecticn requested a~.i when you ~~ll be ready for inspection, Contracters or Ow-ners'r~e cr~ phone number. Requests received b~ferq' 7:00 ~ :.'ill be made thE; same day, requests mc;de afta' 7:00 ern vrill be made the next ;;;orking day. ~~ 8 '2 2c~_~=6u Reaui~~d !nsD~cticns o SIT~ L"JS?~C-::ON: To be made altar excavction, but prier to set up of, forms. ' o UNvrRSLA3 ?L f..,?fB INC. E['2CTRIC~lL /..'Ecr::.J.aIC~L: To be made befo~e any work is ~overed. LJ POOTL'IG 1 20UNDAT:ON: To be ,~e after ;rqnches are ~c~Jated ar~ forms a......e erected, but pPicr to pourir~ ccncret~. U.'!D'SRG:~OU"!D pu./!,mnc. S'2:rc.'? W:1T'2.~, DRAINAGE:: To be' rr.a:i~ prier ~o fa- lir~ ~renches. [J, 0' UNDE."?PI,OOF? !'!.W,'3I:1G ~ N'2CHA,VIc:..L: To be ~-ce prier to ~n3taliation of 1100r insuLation.or decking. POST AND 3EAt1: To be madc pr>i01' to insta~lctien of f~oor ir~~~ticn or, decking. r-l~UCH P, [..r~!B!t}C. ~!.ECT.~~C.4[' .1 .',fECH- ~ ANIC)~: ;Vo ~ork ~3 to GC coverea until ;r.cse i~~ce~:~o~s hcv~ been m~e crd cppr?v~~. o fI.~~?!.ACE: Prior to plc.cir.q fc.ainq ma~eria~s ar~ before framir~ inspec- tion. o D PF?.4"'~I"lr;: Must;:;e !'equeated aft~1" approval of rough pl~~in~, electr-~- cal j mec;'.a.ni~aZ.. All !'Oojir~ bracing & chimneys, et~. ~~st be ,corrroleccd. ,'10 ,,;ark is to :;e con- ,ceded until this insoec:ien ras 'been made and approved. Your City, Desigrated Job Number Is: o INSULATION/VAPOH 3ARRIEFI INSPECTION: To be made after all insul.::tion ar~ raauired var;o1' cWTiers are in 0 ~ce but cefore 'any lath, gypsum bedrd er wall covering is cpplied, ar~ before any ir.su~tion is concealed. DenOLITION OR XOVE'; 3UILDnCS :==J Sanit~J s~~er capped at p~operty line =:=J Septi~ tank p~~~d c:r~ filled with gTa~~z. I 2inal - fihen c:bcve ite,71s a:re completed ~ and when d&~clition is co~iete or st~~~- tu~e moved ar~ pr~3es ~le~ned U~. , Mobi le Homes =:J =:J Blocking anLl Set-~p Plumbing connections sewe1' c:r.d wa::er o DR'!WALL INSPECTION: To be made after all dX"jwa II is ,in p ~ce, but prior to any ;ap~ng. ~ El~ct:ic~~ Connectio~ - Blocki~~, set-u;. ---.J ana p/.tunotng connecnons rrr~st ce at'provec. before requesting elec=ricaZ ins?ectio~ ~ Accesso,~ Buildir~ I Pinal - '~~-r --rnhes ---1 etc. are.'1~;pZ~;~d.~ ~ 3k-=-rting~ .decJ.~s:l o I~SOt~7Y: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance W"~th U.B.C. Section 2415. o All project conditions, suc~ as the ins=allation of street =rees, ~~~lction of the required ~ruiscc:pir:g, etc., must be satisfied be;ore the BUILDD'G Pn'AL~an be request.zc1' []. FnlAL PW:'.fBI:IG D. n./AL :"fECEA:IICAL O. FINAL ELECTRIC";L [] o PINAL BUILDING: The Find Building Inspection r'1ust be requested c;fte1' the :-in~l ?lu:r:bing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiens have been made ar~ appreved. AALL MANHOI,2S AND CLEANOUTS .'lUST BE ACCESSIB!.C:, ADJUST:'!C::/T TO BE ,~~1DE 11'1' tlO :~ST TO CI':'Y o WOODSTOVE: cc,~let€d. After installation is o CUPB 11 A,I'PROACH AP."?ON: Afte-:o forms c;;r>e erected. but prior to pau1"'~n~ ~o=rete. SIDEWALl<. 11 DRnrgrtlAY: POI' all cen- crete paving within street right- of-=y, to bc mad.e after all exca- vating compZete & fo~ work d sub- base material in p~ce. o D ?ENCS: .'hen comoZ;;te -- Provide ga~es or movable' sectiens through P.U.E. o I =>~'-e - of 2 P::ge 2' I JOB NO. ~ 22 <6's2.. SOLAR, ,CESS REQ.- I i Zena: Lot Sq. Ft;. I~ ~f Zot CQVerag~ ! #- of Stor""'~es Imt1U'h' 1.0 a~ ..21..0 t i . I Topogra;hy IITEN l,\fain I~-::.ca I ! Car:-Qpt i ' 1,.Jccessor:J i I I I I S.D.C. ! I SQ.FTG TOT.4L 'lAW:: (VC.i..u;;) 1.5 ::: Bui kling Per.r.-; t State Su:1'chJI'ge TotaZ Cr.a..-ges I'IT~M I Fi...-tures IResidentiaZ (1 bath) I Sc::n.ita.!"j Sewer I Wat eo" PZumbing Pem t State Su:1'cr.a:rge TotaZ cr.araes J ITEt'1 I.'?es. Sa. ftc. N~/EXtend Circuits Temporary SeI'Vice EZectricaZ Permit State Su:1'onarae TotaZ Cha:r>ces j ITEM F"..IZ'n:Zce =TU' S E=haust Hood I Vent Pan I ' ;';oodsto;;e Permit Is=e Mecr.anic::.Z Permi t State Su:1'chcrae I TotaZ cr.araes I 2:1CRCACEg~NT I", 'M'D 't ~eC'..u"'_ _,., eDOS1.. Storage I Mainte1".an~e Permi t Tota Z C'ru;r'U!s I Curbcut ! Sid~aZk ! ?en.~e I E:Zectrwa Z I i Mobi Ze Heme La}; e Z TOTAL A.'.fOUNT DUE:: ~ GCC'dDanc:J Grouj: LOT TY?E Interior Corner PanhandZe CuZ-ae-sac x Value NO. CHARGE r" .1'0. CHA....::!CE :;;'1:' .. NC. I I I I I I I I I IO.DC I .~ c I 10. 4. 0 I ~ CH;JJ?CS I I I I :""'~t' r.:..... iD.ttt) \-COG~ T;r:,;e/Consr; : Bedrooms: I I 2nerau SouT'ces i I i I I I I i I I Lot Faces - Tu-ce P.L. Setbaaks I iiouse I Carage I I I I I h,'ea-c I Access. ~/a1;eY' .=-feat;:n" Range ?irevlace Wooci:;tove Norr;h ISast ISou th IWest Paes. I I I I I I I j ~ I I I I Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the e=press condition that the said. construction sh~~l, ~n ~lZ .resp~~ts, ;onfo~ to th~ Jrdinance ado~ted ?y the City ~f SPr'1..r.gf":.eZa, :.nc!ua:~ng tt1e ZOr!"!..ng Crd:ncnce, reguZc.ti..r!g tne ccnst:'7.lct:'Cr: and use of buiZdings, ana may be auspe~~ed OT' revoked at any time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces, IPian Check Fee: I Date Paid: IReczipt #: ISi~ed: Plumbing Permit No peT'son shaZZ cons~~ct, instaZ!, a!teT' or change any r~W or e=isting pZumbing or drainage syste~ in whoZe OT' in part, ur.!ess such peT'son is the Zegal possessoT' of a vaZid pZumber's Zicense, e=cept tr~t a person may do pZumbing work to properp~ which is ow~ea, Zeased OT' operated by the appli- cant. / I I ~ Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr~t the eZectr-~caZ work be done by an Elect1"'~caZ Contractor, the eZectricaZ portion of this peromit shaZZ not be vaZia untiZ the laheZ has been signed by the EZectrical Contractor. Mechanical PermH Plan E=iner UQr;e I' I I ~ I I HAVF: CAREFULLY EXAMINED the cotrrOletea ==,alication faT' Deromit, c;r~ do hereby certify that aZl inforomation heT'eon' is true a~~ correct, ar~ I furtheT' certify that any ara aZl ~ork ?erfo~ed shall be done in accoT'- dance with the Ordin~nces of the Ci:y of Sp~~nqfie~, and thz Lu~3 of thG State of Orecon D$r~inina to the WOT'K described herein, ar~ th.at NO OCCU- PANCY wiZl b~ ~a2e of any" 3t!"~ctw'a without paromission of the Euilding Di- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o~ly ~cr.tr'c~tors and ~Zcyees ~~o ~e in co~pliance with CRS 701.05E wiZl be usea on this prQjzct .~~-- ff cr?L~ / $ignza 1~//3/f?)_, Date / 2