HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-9-22 xh 1:/7,{:~?S:-rF'J . I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY .~_~~.~.d~.r/.~.~z/~~ ~!::~:~?~scf5 << ~ p'ff~ . O'Three Copies 'of Plot Plan~ . TOWNSH.I~P /7 . RA.NGE/}, ~., ..'. ;~~ /.../V . .T~/."'1 [L]O~ OMech/Plumbing Checklist - . C/,? t~ ~J / ~'/ / DLegi;llInte,rest'Document TZAR; 0" ".W17!!: ~ _ l;;:;::r B,/. Dplan Check Info Sheet ,~2l:~.. . 01ff~. ~. ~ ~ ~~. ,7? 77~ '~'":::i~S:n:::''"'D''ndudtrial ~~~~~.~ .!? _. :,,',.. )- .. . Dcommerc~al' 'Dpubhc, ~~~~~~t! .~/~~7:~.~~~ , /~ - , r -. ~ d~<-/-~_fl# '~~ml'~'_~'_ I = OF BEDROOM~ # OF'"~P/YL?~' # OF E~~~YE S .",:;t'~~, . ~/.dlpr~po~ed ....,~ - /(/~~~. ~fi /~~~~ ~st~ng :~'-,~~' ~ ~~~d;:7~~' 7~N~~7/ "~_'_ .; :$$'~~~~~ }JP7-''!'77/ ~ P~~D TO .AME, .~.~ -:. #.. 2-.:?~//, -. TELEPHONE ~BER (...,-xP~,,~, '~I"'/' .'_ _..'~. . A ~:' CARE EXAMINED THE COMPLETED A CATION FOR PERMIT, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct'; and that I 'have the foll ing legal interest in the p erty.: Downer of record; .0 contract purchaser ;'~uthorized agent with evidence. of authority. attached. .1 f~rther certify that any and all work p formed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon .pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the, Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the'Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption 'is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I. HAVE READ AND :~7< D '~:nAPP::OLN TH, O.ROI.~G;"LY ',7\_ ' n'~. t"" ' ~.J~ -Lr- __. _L' LlaJU,~, G-)~}~" ~9/J3/e3 , NAME (p ease print) -'.' S-IGNATURE DATE .___~. ~ \Urf'!c1. . L . . ~ \\:9- ~ , ~ ~ J [] PLANNING/ZONING: READ THIS' SECTION "CAREFULLY'. YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS zone#-/ N.:{ BEEN BASE~ ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! " . -c'\ ~ '-- ,~C- .~ .~\i~ In flood hazard area? ~ 0 Yes, SEE .Uc-~'~ ~\[\Y_:' c. ~ ATTACHED S~ ( ) "' ''''(.oe-.,t. '--~ . Date:~~ . parcEl sizl/3'~ /" iea~ ~. Q~~-.:.- Q ~' rzJ- o Parti tion # Parcel # . ,., interior ...~ . Minimum Setbacks: e L, ,front eL, side eOMHENTS: o FLOODPLAIN: Date: .. .' .. , 9(SANITATION:. S. 1. #. B. P. # .'~tq-73 Installation Record ISSUed?f,)(:1YeSONO Installation ...... ~l~n Lineal Feet .Maximum ,Depth Specifications: ,~ . o( Drainfield of Tre,:!ches """",",s.k"(L>~ '),UJ ~ to'+ JI'-""'-'~ ~~~ .~/d~~ /l-r~~, O.'e. q~/G-"F+ .~ !t'PLANSEXAMINA1:ION: ":Type .:'l--=--.A/ Group . ~~. , ,useS"/i'./!.j)j2.il7///\/~ ~~h,. ~A'I /. eOMHENTS: nate: ~/J;.t: ~ q_ -j 2_ _r>~ ~~ ~'J TOTAL VALUATION $ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Description , ~'_/ /?J ~~d V~ C~., , .~/ /l?k" -- ~?):-~ ~ .- Sq. Ft. /~4 j7 Fixed Feej ;t;?07~ Floodplain Fee $ Subsurface Fees $ Building Eee $ M8ch/Plrnbg Fee $ .--_._~ pl ans Check. FeeplA ~~h-D State surcharg~ $ ( $ DEQ Surcharge ~ .) - /~) ""HT APPROnO "' BmO,"G ommL/OE~~'80S (l;,a - 9-~-tfiJ;j LANE COl,)NTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, . \ . 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION <;> TOTAL FEE $$ ..:. .' \. '" .. , ... . ( . " ~ - " . , ".. .. '.. . . - . '-SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF CATION. OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION .REMEDIES .Ar,.,LOW~D BY LAW. ' .~ REQPIRED INSPECTIONS: ,..,/ :.... *\(... ',.~... ....~. ';\ ". : ,I ::".:,' .~-1'-:?"ii','.-', '";~:....... .__'.:"\.:-.... ......._..' -:r--~-'~ .~j""(' ....~_:"'>4.,.........~.~..... 1. Foundation Inspection: To be made' after trenches.'are exca;'a'ted and forms ere6ted and w'hen' all ma ter ial~ for t,he foundation .a.re del.i vered ~n' t;l1~.::i,iE.',~:~, vtti~F.e. . ~9nGr;et;e.;fi.oni~~Cl: '.cen,tr~J..,. m.~~i!1g'_' plant (coI1lf1\onlY,termed "tral1sit mixed,") is to ,be..~sed.,' f\\qtefial:s.,need.not be on tne'job. .. ""'. ," .... _ .. '. ~ ....., ~ '. '.... *l . :~:::: 4 ; . ,_ ~'.'..'" . ~<......" .." -'-"~ -;. _ .. >" ;' .' ..... ~. _ . ..'..... '. ~. ~~.~: _,~ ~, 2. Conci::ete .Slab. or. Unde:r;-Floor -Inspec.tion: - ~ To'be:'"made': after El'l-l..!in-slab 'or- under-f.loor' building. '". , service equipment, conduit, piping accessories, and other ancillary equipment items:~e_ip place but befor~any concrete i~ ~oured .or, floor sheathing ihstal1e~, including.~~~ s~b~l~or~, .,' . .... .~ . ,- . . .~ -:... 3. Framing & Insulation .Inspections,: . TO:be maqe"after the r'oof, aibframfhg, 'fir,e blocking., and"_. bracij1g ;ire in place. and"aTl'~p-ipe:?,"':'f:irepl~ces, ~l1iI>ln.eys! and ':v~n"f:s: ,!-rE!"'comp};et~'~a'~" all.:~r?ugh....> ele!?tiis;:al and plum~~ng are; ~pproved.All wall,:.insu)ation and vap0~"'barr,ier are in ,.plac'e; " ............ '.'.:..",' ~..,. .;.' ...,....... ,,,...... ..'-~~."''''''~''''''''-' ...~\.~. . . 4 ;. - La th and/6r,'GYPsl:lm -Board-Inspection: To: be made- af'ter'-:all lathing" and. gypsum ):>oar-d, ifiteri.oi ~ and ext=erior., is i!1 place butb~fore any plastering l~ applied and 9.~fore gypsum board..joTnt;s .. ",... an,d: fast~ners :ar~:',1;~B~~.>."a!:d. fi,~~ishe,d. . ..' _;,~:.:,>: __,,'. . _~,::::,;..::,,:_,_ " '_: . _ '.._ _..~"'" .... ~.' . ''- . ,5,'., :FinaJ: Inspection: ' TO" be .in~Cl.~...after the.~ui,lding :l_s:.c~mp:le.te._and'be:~ore 6~,cupancy. "..' <.. . '.. .'"'1' "'_ '~";,..'~ '_ ~ ~..:.:;~ ~~ _.:--L~. ~.:.~.~.. . ...., "_'.' - _~.._ ._.~ " '--,.__ 'r.... _.~.__.;_.... _... " - -: ,..';:-. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any: ,p'~rt oftbe building or<structur:e beyond the poin.i inc1,icated in each successive inspec,!:ion;wi thout Ur;st obtai'n:i'f1g,~t=he ap'proval of";;th~"'l;?ui'+ding of,ficial.. .Such .approval shall be given only arter an. inspection' shal.l haveb'e'ei1..rnade o'f e"ach~:'su'ccessi've's€ep' .,,~ .in t;J:le construction as. indicated by each of the inspec,tions required.' '.' NOTE~.All building permit~ require~~~spections 'for ihe work-auth~rizedl such as but not limited to: A. Block Wall: To.be made after reinfor6ing is in placef but before any g~out i~ poured. This inspection is required for each. bond beam pour. There:.will be no approval until the p'lumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B'. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is. .. complete. Installation shall be i'n accordance with an approved, nationally recogni zed testing agenc:y and the manufacturerl's'installationin~tructions. ". .," .\- ~. \, ,.~ ....:. ,- '.... C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected. to an approved sewer .or septic. system for ~ setback requirements, blockirig, footing conn.ectioll:' tiedowhs, skirting, and plumbing connections. ' '~.., ........ '1. F09,ti.ngs and piers to comply with .State' foundation requirement;s for mobile homes or as recomm,ended by the. m~nufacturer. . .. - "' ..,. .2.-- Mobileh.ome minimum finish floor elevation shall be certi-fied when required bya flood- plain management letter. .3. . Mobile home tiedowns; when required, and ski~ting shall be' installed and teady for'inspec- ,tion within at least 30 days -after occupancy~ ,Tiedowns and skirting ,sha~l' be installed per en'closure. . .. . I D.. Swimming Pool:...Below grade when steel:is in place and-before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is installed. . "'..... . 't--.~,,- . .: APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY: OBSERVED. .,hOLATION CAN" RESULT IN REVO-' UNDER..!'RPVISIONS OF'L?\NE'COUNTY'S. INFRACTIO~'0RDINANCE, ANDIOR OTHER : _~.....t._ -.:... ....: . '. _.,.; ............. '.:'" :_ ...... :--......... _.. ".~_'_"# ....~." ~.. . . . . .J!'. .. \ ~ WHEN. READY. FOR INSPECTION, CALL ,6.8-7:-4065. ,..A:MINIMUM OF ATLEAS.T- 24 HOURS. ADVANCE NOTICE' FOR INSPEC-, . -rlON RE.QUESTS MllST BE GIVEN. Have the., following in.f.orrrl'a tl:oi1- ready: permit" number, job a'ddress, type '. . - . -.. ,. \. ." . .; of ~nspect~on, when ~'t w~ll be ready,.y<:ur-:na~c;:.'~nd phone"n~ber,' and I . , -.. I B.UILDING' 'PIVISION: ': r '...,:......:'., . .w .'\ . ." ._. ....;. t ., ....J........ "."'"-~~~ APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB S~TE,AT ALL TIMES' DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN ~ITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THtS P.ERMIT}WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. .:. . .~_ '. . '. . ..', . ..._ I, , , ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST. THE 'POINT or REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUB~~RF~C~ AND ALTERN~TIVE' SEWAGE,'~IS~S~~L, SYSTEMS: . '1:' PermIts shall"he-"ef'fective for on~ ye~r.from'the date of issuance. ~ t . 2:.. Upon, completing the constructionf for which' .a' permi:t. h'as been.i.issu~d; the permi t 'ho'l:der- sha'll notify., the', Lane' County qepartment of Planning and Community Development by submitting the in's't.ci:l1a'''t-ion record form. The Department shall.,inspect the.;construction to determine if it complieswi~h ~hy rule? ,contained in thi~ division. If the construction does comply with such,' r'ules, '.tne,Depar.finenE shall issue ..a certif ica te of. sa tisfactory completion to the permi t{ holder: If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder,"a.;ld~-.shall' require. satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate'. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory compl~tion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. .Setbacks";._Subsurface Sewage Disposal Septic Tank 10 ' 10' 5 I, 50' , 4....' Drainfield From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way ; Building founda.tion Wells, other water sources ,10' 10' 10' 100' .., .~" .... . ~., \, ... > \",," C 14-25 > .~ "- .'. . ~V.' -~ \ .. , . t........ __. .~. .- '"'''"':: .. - - -~. ..., -.. . " , . ol",_ J' >. ....,. , :. " , ' ;J -------.-- ~ _._,--..., -- ~.-- ",,'" "'I I I I , .. i, '\ (I I r . I I I , III i:1 r 'q\ ::::... r l<,1: 2 APPLICANT GILMA, (L# 1703244103019 NEW BLDG TYPE OWNEF~ NME CODE. APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION BP ADDITION BP dF' , i~P <BP dP PL ~ECH ..)UR PCI< . ~DS I' C I< LANE COUNTY PEPT ENV MGT REGEIF'T/ . 162183 DATE 091583 AD DR 2782 BERLINGTON, SPRINGFIELD, DREG . LOT' BLI< =ll=BL.DGS 001 PHONE 746 48711 'l.il I ALLAN .SUBDIV USE R BDRMS" 3 UNITS 001 STORIES ADDR SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION .140 47.70 6678 FEE DAYS. LC 162183 RAD . NO. FI"XTtJRES: NO.. CONNECTORS: .MECHAN I CAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECI< FEE 6678 . 15.00 EACH - . 62.50 4% 65% 2.50 40. 6~~ '(; 1 (, SREF ."40.63 -. . J :r.;~TG : AF'P ~ \'EQU; 0 (AI<EN BY .RL.H RA SDS 1 EST. COMPLETION .DATE FF' , SI PCI< , 1 OTH ISS . ~~ 2:;'~ TOTAL FEE** 65.00 CI<