HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/2013 RegularCity of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 2013 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield. Oregon.. on Tuesday; February 19. 2013 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie (by conference phone), Moore, Ralston, Woodrow and Brew. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sown and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. Approval of January 2013, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. January 26, 2013 —TEAM Springfield Annual Meeting b. January 28, 2013 —Work Session c. February 4, 2013 —Work Session d. February 4, 2013 — Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO. 6284 — ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO 6282 BY DELETING THE ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY TO THE LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER SERVICE DISTRICT b. ORDINANCE NO. 6285 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6107 TO CHANGE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Spyce Gentlemen's Club, Located at 1195 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. b. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Gateway Restaurant, Located at 3198 Gateway Street, Springfield, Oregon. City of Springfield Council Reeular Meeting Minutes February 19, 2013 Page 2 c. Approval of Liquor License Endorsement for Wholesale Market, Located at 651 W. Centennial Blvd, Springfield, Oregon. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WOODROW WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MOORE TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH CHECKS 9119562 AND #990610 REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED I.a. Checks 4119562 and 9990610 from the January 2013 Disbursements Councilor VanGordon recused himself from this item due to a conflict of interest as the checks were to his employer, United Parcel Service (UPS). IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WOODROW WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MOORE TO APPROVE CHECKS #119562 AND #990610. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSTENTION — VANGORDON). PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. 1. Springfield Development Code Amendments, Phase 1 Land Use Efficiency Measures - File No. LRP 2009 - 00015. LAND USE AND HOUSING ELEMENT LAND USE EFFICIENCY MEASURES, PHASE 1. BY AMENDING AND /OR ADDING SECTION 3.2 -100 BASE ZONING DISTRICTS: SECTION 32 -205 ESTABLISHMENT OF RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS: SECTION 3.2-210 SCHEDULE OF USE CATEGORIES: SECTION 3.2 -215 BASE ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: SECTION 3.2 -605 ESTABLISHMENT OF MIXED -USE ZONING DISTRICTS; SECTION 3.3 -825 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: SECTION 4.7 -100 SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: SECTION 4.7 -140 SITING DUPLEXES IN ALL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: SECTION 4.7 -142 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR DUPLEXES AND ATTACHED SINGLE - FAMILY DWELLINGS: SECTION 4.7 -155 GROUP CARE FACILTHES: SECTION 4.7 -233 SMALL LOT RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: TABLE 5 -4.1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS: SECTION 5.12 -120 City Planner Gary Karp presented the staff report on this item. The proposed Springfield Development Code (SDC) amendments implemented Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Land Use and Housing Element policies by.establishing: the Small Lot Residential (SLR) District; utilization of the term "net acre' instead of "developable acre". and a minimum density per net acre of 6 dwelling units in the Low Density Residential District and 8 dwelling units in the SLR District. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 19. 2013 Page 3 As a result of the Oregon legislature's adoption of HB 3337, in 2007, Springfield and Lane County approved Ordinances in 2011 that established a separate Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and adopted the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Land Use and Housing Element and the Springfield Residential Land and Housing Needs Analysis. During the early public review of these items, a range of potential Land Use Efficiency Measures were identified, presented to the community, evaluated and prioritized by the Residential Lands Stakeholder Committee, Springfield Planning Commission and City Council. The Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions conducted a public hearing on an earlier draft of the Phase 1 Land Use Efficiency Measures SDC amendments in 2010. After further analysis; staff refined the proposal to add minor revisions. On December 4, 2012 the Planning Commission conducted a Work Session that resulted in no changes to the proposed SDC amendments. On January 15, 2013 the Planning Commission held a public hearing where one person testified in the neutral category. No one testified in favor or against the proposed SDC amendments. The Plamting Commission voted 6 to 0. with 1 absent to recommend approval of the proposed SDC amendments to the City Council Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. 2. An Ordinance Making it a Violation to Initiate a False Report or Provide a False Statement to an Animal Control Officer. ORDINANCE NO. 2 —AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 5. PUBLIC PROTECTION. CONTROL OF DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS, MAKING IT A VIOLATION OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE TO INITIATE A FALSE REPORT OR TO PROVIDE AN UNSWORN FALSIFICATION TO AN ANIMAL SERVICES OFFICER (FIRST READING). Police Chief Jerry Smith presented the staff report on this item. The City provided Animal Control Services, operating under State Law and City Ordinance authority. Investivations occasionally found individuals who knowingly provided false information to the Animal Control Officer, Oregon Statutes provided tools to deal with false information to police officers but did not provide the same level of accountability for such behavior to Animal Control Officers. Lane County had an ordinance that provided for initiating false reports to animal control officers from which the proposed ordinance was modeled. There was no financial impact with adoption of the proposed ordinance. Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 19, 2013 Page 4 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Jill Winans. 73 West 35b Place, Euaene, OR Ms. Winans said she was President of the Willamette Animal Guild's Spay and Neuter Clinic. She had been talking to Animal Control Supervisor Mike Harman about Council approving funds to spay and neuter cats in Springfield. She offered to subsidize the program with a grant from the Foundation which she would like to apply for prior to the deadline date of March 26, 2013. Ms. Winans said she wanted to get this program in action. She and Mr. Harman were talking about concentrating on multiple housing units and assisting with owned cats. She displayed a chart created by her colleague Lisa Wall, who had subsidized many Springfield cat spays and neuters. The chart showed the decrease in kittens offered for free on Craig's List from 2009 to 2012. She felt this was a great opportunity and would appreciate working with Springfield. COUNCIL RESPONSE Mayor Lundberg said the Mayor's Animal Subcommittee had recently met and their goal was to get a program up and running. They would like to take advantage of every opportunity to make it work for Springfield. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from the Lane County Sheriff's Office Regarding Letters Submitted Pertaining to Treatment at the Lane County Jail. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WOODROW WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MOORE TO ACCEPT THE CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports b. Other Business. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:10 p.m. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 19, 3013 page 5 Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg v Mayor Attest: -slily !-- Cih, Record