HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1993-9-7 .' , _ I" ~:,iR"c'o, ~;!l1h, _ .tr?~:. ..<tf]1fiJ...@?~..~ ~1 ,'~~~ FENCE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Office: 726-3759 INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 Job Location:: ZZ4Q Assessors Map #:~r 20 Owner: ~e WILSo-J ~t0UI~ ~' fuuul(::: ~ c:::QF0{) oQ_ Ql'\-ll AllcdE F..M~Tax Lot #: Address: 7.2-4C\ Ci ty: -S~.-vO Phone #: /47~~q ~ Zip: 'T14l'l State: OR Value of Fence: 1jLtC(x) Fence Permit is $5.00 Contractor/Installer: ~~ . Address: Phone #: City: State: Zip: Construction Contractors Registration #: Expires: By signing this permit/application, I agree to call for an inspection once my fence has been constructed (726-3769). I also stated that all information on this application/permit is correct and that I was provided with the Springfield Development code requirements for fence standards, ~~ , \ Signature or(l/f1 S Date FOR OFFICE USE , Receipt # Issued By: JOB #: 9 3/ 3 ,77 d~~ \.' - Date of Application: <9-7 J/)/~o -i~ Checked for Delinquencies: 5PO V-- Checked for Historical Status: Total Amount Collected: Permit No: 93/37? ~24) 4,A-'AJ/&- ~ 4/~ Date: c9-7-,J .....- - , Address: Issued by: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701,055(4}, requires residential construction permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. This state- ment is required for residential building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701,010(7}, need not submit this statement. This statement will be fi led with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial boxes 1 and 2, and either box 3A or 3B: 1. L;><J 2.1~~1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. I understand that I must register as a construction contractor if the structure is sold or offered for sale before or upon completion. 3. A.I I My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the struc- ture must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR 3. B.)--><-ll will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construc- tion Contractors Board. If I change my mind and do hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. flmJeiA )~ Sfg1lalure of Permit Applicant cr It j'11. Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 8/91 WHITE COpy TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE PINK COpy TO APPLICANT 1;" :... " , . INFORMATION NOTICE Tb,.PROPE8TYOW,NI;RS, ,: - '.A~9~:r~GQN~j~RLJ~T!9N'RESPONSIBIL:~:tIES:: . " - ':\:,.,' '-~',- ...... , .' " J " ", '; , _ -,' : _ ',. '_ -:- NOTt;; \~/f~ts Inf9rm~io~ NQti~.tofF?ropeqy Owhers~About Cpnstruction Respo'n,sibilities' , , was dev~loRed by tt:le Qpnstruction,Contractors Board in accordance with ORS 7Qf.05q(5r,' > ',\,.:' passecEpy 'tJ1e .1~89..'Oregon:Legislature: I'. " ,., .-..' ":' .<- -'-, . ..., '...... . " ,... . '\1 ;<<~':-"'::",~i\;.t,<<.>: .;'--,:.~;,.""><.",,, '"", ':c' " "'. C,'",,' ~~'t:>-':", .<:~~~{ ;lfYQU ar~~ actin{{ as YOltr oWn conihlctor to const-rucf-ia new home or make a substantIal, i.mpr~ye'r.nEihYto an' . existing structure, yougpn:preyel1t ma,ny, problems by~being:aware of the following responSiQiHties,al)d areas 'of:cOricerrl: . ',;'" "";~' -.I.i'.,.... ',.'.-- ...... -,' -',.. " :.,... '~I~<: .' , .r ~"'~' t'; "Y~ .~,:~:: . "';:~ ~ .~ " ,', .' .~...., " * '-,' .. .. ,,- ~'. - ~{ '''; -.' EMPLOYER RESPONSIBllITiE'S':~:':!' f.. : 'i: '~~~;\..' :-"': :. . .' i q. , , If you hire personS not registered with 'the Construction Co'htrpctors Board to do labor in con'structi(lg or assisting . .,' . -.. .- ,',:'.., "~,~:'l:';,t:-.-, ~4",' ," , ~'r~'.',-' . -,~ ' ':'\", '_' "0 "f. I~:'",' .~. ',~t, " "",__,,~,.,.",,~_.; '''''',i,. '. . in the constructiQ~' 6r'ii]1pr<?vem~nt ~t a r~'1?i9.~ntial ~t~.4.ct,ur~, 'yqlj :~iJ~,,:ir most iri~ta~c~s,-b_erUled to be an "employer" andJt:i~:people'you hire '~i11l:le"~riiploye<es"':A!:)-the empipye,f,you I1id~t'~Qmply with the following: .: '~'_'''7'~~':':'''' "'~"'''':';'-)1-''":-~~'~,,,- ~~":~"~:'~'~:'~";::'~':;:":'<'>';~:\I':::'C'::"':'~;,.,':.~,.,'"~ :::';: ;;'~:;: . ", 0 0 ':: Oregon's Withholding Tax Law:-As anemp.loy,~r, y'bu.~mLJstwi(l;1h.old'rIlCometaxesfrom employee wages at '" ,_".~ .'. . ~F . " '. ,.'. .,;''''_'_;~ t.'. .,,',"., "-'I ',<:,".. .~{,,,"-..~,, ','~,' _ ,'._.' ,,'j, 1 ,',~.;... '~', ,',' the;tirre er:np.l~y~e_s,:are.p~i.d:- VQu will l;)e,J!~bl:e:,fpr t!1~ f?'5~pqymt3nt~e~~!1:.ityoy dg~~t<ayty,allY withhold the 0 taxfrorri your:~mployees: ,For more information, call the Oregon Depar.ttJ;lent M Hev,enu.e-;at 378-3390. ' .", ~ Vo;; > ,". ',i'>,', -.t-; :;},"': ':l;:~.' :';,-;,L:;c, :,~_ ';~:t ; 'I~>'~;'<, 'r <.' ' ", '. ,;,;:~."~:~<,"~~l;'.l\;:,":.;:; .; .:-:; UQemploymeritlnsurance Tax: As ahe~ploy'er, you are, reqJliredto pay a tax for unE.:r:hploymentinsurance. purpose~,on' the wages of. aIJ4~mployees;-: If:Qf.:D:!oreinfor:IlJ;~tib~i; ,9C\1I th~ Oregon I;mployr!"Lenl-.EHvision DH R at:37e-3224. .~,' . ". _,'. ;',' " ,'1. ,.,-.., '...- ',,-<';' ...... .): ' .,.{i) :-~..:id '.'1 ~,~ .:~ ~::~~: ";', ~ '~., ,0 '~""i"=;.;}t<.,: ~f~' ~:'~""':', ~~ ,..~ ~-..:.: - : ,~d ,:i:;:;?~'It~{ ~ }f~:: ;',' 'l~-": ,-;,,~,: .< :, ),....~.J:.f "", . _~ ~.._' . Workers'Compensation h'1Surance: As an e:mp'~oyer; you are'subject-t!li,the Orego,n:Workers' Compensation . Law,: ~nd mus~ :bbtc;iir worker~' compen,$a!ioninsurance for your. employees. If you,: faJI)9 obtain- workers' compeRsah0Rf:insuraRce, you -may be'$l;Jbject-to per.Jalties and will be' li,able f0r:all daim' costs! Wori~,c5f your ' employees is injured oothe job.. For more'information,callthe Workers' Compen'sation Division DiF at 373-7434.' . _' .' " ': .' ~. '..: _'.' ..~ ;_,t.-:_. <~;~"j-_"'''' '>:. "':i-:;'~~:.,'l':~"":':'" :'.'''.... ,:\.,- ~..... ;. . .,.' U.S.lriterfl?LR.~venp~SerYi9e.; '~,.ar)~mp!oy~r, Y9Y"'tDl,l.$t yYJt~hold ted,er?1 in~ome' ta,x.I~omeni~loyees" wages, . ':'ou ~m beliaDhffoqtfetaxpaym~nt.'ey~~~H;Y9~"~Jdh~t,~~c!b,aIlY ~yi~:6:I1?I.Q ,!~e,tt:i,(, ':~9{inor~inf()rm~tion, call' the Interna} R~venue Service a(221:3960. t .. v'- ", ...- ,', ", .>" " , ,- . . '::' OTHER .RESPONsial.Ll'raES::AND ~A~AS- OF"CO~9F~~~:.A!:':"'" . .>;.,,.. :fr.;' ..,"" ,.:;,,::,:':'.:. " " ' CodeCQmplicfrlge; :,As',the 'Perr,n.ili m&I~~r jor:.t~is,p~oj,ect, :you are'{~spor)sU1.I~.far':re~olving any failure to meet ' code lequirements.tnarmay be br6'l!jgmi,it6;:your,att~l}ltiom~'thfough';inspectio'ns~~ :'-.:';,1>,' . . "., *',-- ,:'~_,J .~ .~:;"','..._::)r4-~~:".'.:~.';';J"A.,'>;:'i~~"{)I'\"\~<"'~""., ~~~'~'!'~:, .~~i~.:~-';f\:.;..~:J...~,:' :: .<~h.~_........',."'~. '~_" , . .' Liability, an(,'f PrEip~rty: Dan1ag~'J~sufijA~~:6 0(;)fitaOFYQdf'i:n$Cf;'iinte:age~ftbs'ee;W'y6u: have ad~q uate ,insu ranee coverage forac~idtmtsahdorni~sioris such as fallfn@;.tools: paintoverspray;V?tlfer'da:mag~frompipe punc~. tures: fire, orwork,that mustbe re-qone. . .. ,'. '..' ' '. i~i,~";,.~~rf;.. :;-"",::' :~'::~""'., .:'~ifr::, ":., !;~,"> "\,t.::t , .::.~~. ~ .,"~ ,~:;. .~.:~~~.., ~ . Time':to' SupervisefEri:lplqyees~. Make'sure}yG>u~tlave':~~lficienttirrl~, tb;superviseyol)r emr:>loyees." .... . . t.:':'~ ~'d~':"'::\ :2<. '~';;;~'_...;..~1(; ~t....:;.,1;'~;:~> " . Expertise:' Make sur~ YOl-!hav~the eXQertiseto'act as your'own generalc16'ntr,actor,to'coQrdinate the.work.. . of, rough-in<aridfinj~~,:.~f~Cje~, ;ifnd JO notify buildh1g officfalsa! t~e,aJ;ujr9pria.te. ti~~~ ~o th.eY can perfo~m:. the required:inspections:' ,;,',,: ' ' .. ' , .~', ".. ,t~, ...;.>:':.' ",," .',' ,,~' '.. '.' ,-!""'._,:1J.~",'1 ;'.~,,; ._.~,t,", ." .' ,.~ -" /, ~. . ConStruction ~ontractb'rs Board., 700 Summer St. NE', Suite 30,0, . ,...: .:. . . -;'f",' t--" .~ ~: -', ,_'_ "_ . " ~ >-, -f::l !o" ..~ Salem,"OR'9.7310-0151 "'., ~-,;' ".: ,P~~ne' 503;.378-4:621 ' ....' ~ .... ..r If you 'have additional questions,write to: ' . ;.... .~. ,.j ~"'4t.- " "-, ~~-~-:"..... ", ~.~}~-~/:,~~.:~:g':-~;_'~tC;j. :~;~~ :>:~~(~~~J' -*:;'!!"~~J't ... 0244J ~?/24l89 . T\.~.;.,;)Uc;qA dT'Jqi.)~) )jylFt ',' f " '.