HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2013-03 02/04/2013CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FY 2012 -2013 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -03 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General, Street, Special Revenue, Transient Room Tax, Community Development, Sanitary Sewer Capital, Development Projects, SDC Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement, SDC Sanitary Sewer Improvement, SDC Transportation Reimbursement, SDC Transportation Improvement, Insurance, and Vehicle & Equipment Funds. WHEREAS, the 2012 -2013 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made.by Resolution No. 12- 09 dated June 18, 2012; and, - WHEREAS, at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and,' WHEREAS, this supplemental budget #2 futher amends Resolution #12 -09 as amended by supplemental budget resolution #1, Resolution # 12 -18. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 1. Resolution 12 -09 is hereby adjusted as follows: General - Fund 100 Resources Requirements Miscellaneous Receipts $ 847 Operating Expenses: City Manager's Office $ 29,847 Total Operating Expense _ $ 29,847 General Fund cont. Non- Departmental Expenses: Reserves (29,000) Total Non Departmental Expenses $ (29,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ 847 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 847 Comments: Recognizes revenue received from sponsoring a special event and appropriates these funds towards the cost of the event. Recognizes revenue to be received for travel reimbursement and appropriates this revenue towards the travel costs. Authorizes the use of reserves to increase funding towards Buckley House as directed by Council. Street - Fund 201 Resources Requirements Contractual Revenue $ 69,490 Operating Expenses: Insurance Reimbursement 3,363 Public Works $ 72,853 Total Resources Adjustments $ 72,853 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 72,853 Comments: Authorizes new revenue received for the following purposes: Insurance claim reimbursement, contribution by local business for traffic signal project and contractual payment received for traffic signal maintenance agreement. Authorized expenditure for traffic signal repair work. Attachment 2 Page 1 of 4 Special Revenue - Fund 204 Resources Requirements Grant Revenue $ 13,400 Operating Expenses: Police $ 53,400 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (40,000) Total Non Departmental Expenses $ (40,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ 13,400 Total Requirements Adjustments _ $ 13,400 Comments: Authorizes the Police Departments receipt of 2 grant to help pay for officer's time and authorizes the use of police forfeiture reserves to assist in the funding to replace the Police telephone system. Transient Room Tax- Fund 208 Requirements Misc Event Revenue $ 3,680 Operating Expenses: City Manager's Office $ 3,680 Total Resources Adjustments - $ 3,680 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 3,680 Comments: Authorizess revenue received from sponsoring a special event and authorized appropriating these funds towards the cost of the event. Community Development - Fund 210 Resources Requirements Grants $ 59,321 Operating Expenses: Development Services $ 59,321 Total Resources. Adjustments $ 59,321 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 59,321 Comments: Corrects accounting errors made in processing Supplemental Budget #1 as part of the consolidation of the Public Works and Development Services Departments. Sanitary Sewer Capital - Fund 409 Resources Requirements $ - Capital Projects Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Authorizes the re- allocation of $230,000 from Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project Basin 22 to S. 2nd Street Sewer Replacement Development Projects - Fund 420 Resources Requirements Developer Contribution $ 1,290 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (35,000) Capital Projects $ 36,290 Total Resources Adjustments $ 1,290 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 1,290 Comments: Recognizes current revenue received from Developer towards Jasper Trunk Line Sewer Project, authorizes the transfer other previous revenues received toward this project from reserves and appropriates funding towards project costs. Attachment 2 RESOLUTION N0. 2013 -03 Page 2 of 4 Resources Total Resources Adjustments Comments: 22,787 Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement SDC - Fund 442 Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Public Works Total Operating Expense .Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves Total Non Departmental Expenses $ - Total Requirements Adjustments Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC - Fund 443 $ 4,875 $ 4,875 (4,875) $ (4,875) Resources Requirements . $ - Operating Expenses: Public'Works $ 25,884 Total Operating Expense $ 25,884 Non- Departmental Expenses: Reserves (25,884) Total Non Departmental Expenses $ (25,884) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Authorizes the transfer from reserves the resources necessary for refunds to developers for payments received from downtown development that qualified for Council /Urban Renewal Board authorized SDC reduction program. SDC Transportation Reimbursement - Fund 446 Resources - Requirements $ Operating Expenses: Public Works $ 4,906 Total Operating Expense $ 4,906 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (4,906) Total Non Departmental Expenses $ (4,906) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - - Comments: Authorizes the tronsferfrom reserves the resources necessary for refunds to developers for payments received from downtown development that qualified for Council /Urban Renewal Board authorized SDC reduction program. SDC Transportation Improvement - Fund 447 Resources Requirements . $ - Operating Expenses: Public Works $ 17,881 Total Operating Expense $ 17,881 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves (17,881) Total Non Departmental Expenses $ (17,881) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -03 Page 3 of 4 .. Y Comment: A uthorizes the transfer from reserves the resources necessary for refunds to developers for payments received from downtown development that qualified for Council /Urban Renewal Board authorized SDC reduction program. Insurance - Fund 707 Resources Requirementts. Operating Expenses: . Human Resource's $ Total Operating Expense $ Non - Departmental Expenses: $ . - Reserves - Total Non Departmental Expenses $. ' Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: As of January 1, the City is self - funding its employee health insurance program. Although mid- budget year the City benefit plan year is the calendar year and budget appropriation changes are necessary to accurately record and track expenses. There is no financial impact on the budget this fiscal year. Resources Beginning Cash Balance Vehicle & Equipment Fund cant. Vehicle & Equipment - Fund 713 Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Police Total Operating Expense Non - Departmental Expenses: $ '182,200 $ 182,200 Reserves $ (182,200) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Authorizes the Police Department to replace motorcycles from vehicle replacement reserves earlier than scheduled due to high maintain ace costs. Authorized the Police Department to utilize additional vehicle replacement reserves to properly equipment replacement patrol cars already purchased. Total Resources Adjustments $ 151,391 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 151,391 . Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 4th day of February, 2013 by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. Attest: Mayor Christine L Lund rg Ci y Recorder Amy Sowa , _ REVIEWED & APPROVED A$ TO FORM J DATE: OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNIFY Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -03 Page 4 of 4