HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/2012 Work SessionCity of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL GOAL SETTING SESSION SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY; DECEMBER 10, 2012 The City of Springfield Council met in their Council Goal Setting Session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room. 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, December 10; 2012 at 530 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Pishioneri, VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston, Woodrow and Council -Elect Brew. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery and City Recorder Amy Sowa. Dinner was served from 5:30 -6:00 p.m. 1. Council Goal Setting Session. Mayor Lundberg welcomed everyone to Goal Setting and introduced Stan Biles who would be facilitating the meeting. Stan Biles met with each of the councilors individually to hear their ideas for short-term goals. From those meetings, he drafted a list of nominees and separated them into one -year, two -year and three -year goals. Mayor Lundberg said the process would be different this year. Instead of looking at the broader City Council goals, they were taking a different look at it and what they could accomplish in one, two or three years. As they went through the nominees listed in the agenda packet under each of those years categories, Mr. Biles would guide them through the process, There would be a point in time where the Council would vote on the nominees and narrow them down. Mayor Lundberg noted that Councilor Pishioneri as the sitting Councilor would vote on the nominees, while Council -elect Brew could join in the discussion but would not be voting. The final vote would occur after the first of the year at which time Council -elect Brew would have the opportunity to vote. At the next work session, staff would provide costs and other factors for each nominee. Council could then prioritize from there. Mayor Lundberg also noted there would be a TEAM Springfield meeting in late January. Each TEAM Springfield agency had been asked to set TEAM Springfield goals. The School District and Springfield Utility Board (SUB) had already outlined their TEAM Springfield goals. The goals for TEAM Springfield would be different than those of the Council as they would focus on what each agency could contribute to a project that was done jointly. The City needed to look at what they would like to include for those goals. Mr. Biles said he had enjoyed meeting individually with the Mayor and Council. This year was a different process and was more the nuts and bolts of what they wanted to accomplish. He was pleased to be able to lend assistance in this effort. Mr. Biles reviewed the agenda. The first agenda was the overall process for setting their goals. 1. Nominations 2. Set Preliminary Priorities 3. Staff Analysis /Feedback City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 2 4. Public Comment 5. Final Council Decisions 6. Implementation Mr. Biles said he hoped they could finish Steps 1 and 2 this evening. This was a very aggressive schedule for the number of items that had been nominated. Tonight, they would review the nominations and select those they felt the strongest about to move forward for staff review. They had fourteen one -year goals; eleven two -year goals and twelve three - year+ goals. Tonight they would have an opportunity as the proponent of the nominees to briefly explain what the nomination was and the benefits to the community. There would be time for questions and answers for each item as needed. He encouraged brevity in order to get through the items if possible. They would start with one -year goals and determine how the process was working. After they had finished looking at all three sets of nominees; they would look at their list to make sure they were comfortable with those chosen. He encouraged them to limit the number of items that went forward because staff would be providing some analysis of time and cost of each before chosen, and then working on implementation of those chosen. The next steps from tonight would depend on the results of tonight's discussion. The key components were: • Staff work, • Public comment • Final Council meeting Councilor Moore asked if it was possible to add one more nominee Mr. Biles said that would be up to the other councilors. Councilor Wylie said it was ambitious to take all three lists and narrow them down tonight. She wanted to do a good job and that felt too overwhelming. One list may be enough to work on in one night. Mayor Lundberg said many of these items listed were things the Council was already familiar with and wouldn't need much discussion. It was important to get to a vote so there was a short list at the end of the evening. Council felt they could get through the list tonight. Mr. Biles said once they completed the one -year list they would have a good idea of how fast the process was moving. He distributed the list of one -Year nominees and suggested they go through the list in order. Discussion was held regarding whether to vote for their top ten choices before or after people had a chance to advocate for their nominee. Mr. Biles asked if they felt comfortable with them as written to make their decision, or if they wanted to hear more before voting. if they felt they had enough information, they could vote now. The Council went through the list of one -year nominees. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 3 • Create a Youth Advisory Committee to advise the Council on matters of interest to Springfield vouth. There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Create a ,youth Advisory Committee to advise the Council on matters of interest to Springfield youth. • Expand Downtown Holiday Decorations Councilor Moore asked if these were for all holidays or for seasons. Councilor Woodrow said she would like to withdraw that nomination as it didn't fall under the category of a goal. - WITHDRAW • Locate and place an interpretive sign at the location of the original Springfield spring. Mayor Lundberg asked if we knew where it was actually located. Mr. Laudati noted the location and said there was a sign there that was'covered with ivy. Final wording: Locate and place an interpretive sign at the location of the original Springfield spring. • Annex two large (50 acres minimum) properties for near -term job development Councilor Ralston said that was one of the larger goals for expanding the urban growth boundary (UGB). Councilor Moore said she had a question about the word `annex' and if the intent was to bring those properties into City limits or the UGB. Councilor Ralston said `annex' was probably not the right word, but rather `to identify and set aside'. Councilor Moore asked if we were already doing that through the UGB expansion. Councilor Ralston said we were, but it had not yet been done. Councilor Wylie asked if such land existed. Mr. Biles said the important thing was to replace `Annex' with 'Identify`. Final wording: Identify two large (50 acres minimum) properties for near -term job development. • Council to meet in various parts of the city in a more informal setting with local residents. Councilor Moore said she thought they could meet a couple of times a year or quarterly in different areas around town, such as in Thurston or Gateway, and invite people to attend. People may feel more City of Springfield Council Goal Settin.- Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 4 comfortable to address the Council in a more informal setting, which helped promote and enhance the hometown feel. Council -elect Brew said if it was held in the Gateway Mall, it would get a lot of publicity. Many cities did that type of thing bringing the representatives to the people. Councilor Pishioneri said there was a difference in having a recorded session and informal gatherings with citizens. Councilor Moore said the idea was to involve the citizens. Councilor Ralston said they could do that without making it a specific goal. Final wording: Expand system of outreach and citizen engagement i.e. Council meetings in various parts of the city, "telephone town halls ", increase use of social media. • Complete an inter jurisdictional agreement to reduce system development charges to stimulate economic development. Councilor Woodrow asked about the term inter jurisdictional and if it meant within Springfield or including jurisdictions outside the city. Mayor Lundberg said it could include Willamalane and Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) since they collected SDCs from our citizens. Council suggested changing the work inter jurisdictional to intra j irisdictional. Final wording: Complete an intra- jurisdictional agreement to reduce system development charges to stimulate economic development. • Increase public involvement on major issues through the use of'Yelephone town halls" Councilor VanGordon said he proposed this item. This item could be combined with meeting in informal settings. Councilor Ralston asked how it worked. Councilor Pishioneri explained the process using information technology systems to allow large numbers of people to call in with questions. Everyone could hear, but they couldn't all talk. The cost was $1200 for 1 Y hours. Voting buttons were used so it could be used for polling. Councilor VanGordon said it was a great public outreach tool. He felt it should be combined with meetings in an informal setting. Councilor Wylie said there could be legal issues and policy issues to be considered. Councilor VanGordon said thev needed to be cautious. but it was something to look at further. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 5 Mayor Lundberg said there was a theme of better outreach by the Council in one form or another that could be put into one goal. She had approached staff about having a MayorlCouncil newsletter and staff thought it could be put on FaceBook. They could take turns writing an article or use it to get information out to the citizens. The goal could be to formally or informally reach out better to, the constituents. Combine with previous nominee. • Increase use of social media to promote a sense of community Mr. Biles said there were three different strategies for outreach and each could be used in different ways at a different cost. Staff could research those things to address questions from Council. He asked if Council was comfortable combining the three together. Councilor Wylie noted that Mr. Laudati already had social media set up. Councilor Ralston felt there should be other ways to poll the community. Councilor Pishioneri said polls were one goal, but finding out what was important to people wasn't a . poll, but more of a survey. There were other social media outlets besides what the City already had, such as telephone town halls. He named other social media outlets that could be out on the City's website. The goal could be "To have a system of outreach in place". Discussion was held regarding the different social media outlets. Mr. Biles said there were three specific proposals and ideas. He asked if Council would want staff to look at all three of the recommended strategies if the goal of a "system" was chosen. Yes and more. Council -elect Brew said they needed to be sure they didn't cross over into public meetings online. Mayor Lundberg said Council needed staff feedback on taking meetings outside City Hall. If there were just two councilors at one event, it would just be an open forum, not a public meeting. Councilor Pishioneri said those types of forums had a moderator which insured they didn't violate public meetings law. Combine with previous nominee. • Construct a multi -use path North of Highway 126 from the Thurston area to connect with the ciry s existing- bike network Council -elect Brew said he had added this, but now suggested they pull it off the list as it was already part of the Transportation Plan and Willamalane's Master Plan. - WITHDRAW • Change the policy requiring residents to pay the cost to upgrade unimproved streets within the city to city standards before the city assumes maintenance responsibility City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 6 Several councilors expressed concern about the cost. Council -elect Brew said he felt it cost more to fill potholes over ten years than to pay half of the cost to get the street brought up to standards. He would like to see the long -term cost benefit. Mr. Biles said that nominee could be revised to "Conduct a study to determine the costs to the City . . Council -elect Brew said he would like them to look at a 10 -year window of what it would cost to maintain the street versus patching the potholes each year. Mr. Biles said it would be a comparative cost analysis of two policy approaches. Final wording: Evaluate cost of ongoing maintenance of substandard streets over period of time vs. cost of building to city standards. • Charge improved area developments just beyond the city boundary the actual cost of city services currently delivered to them Council -elect Brew said the people living north of Hayden Bridge Road received city services, such as fire and police services, but lived outside the City. It was noted that those people were served by Wiliakenzie Fire and paid separately for those services, and the Lane County Sheriff's office. Council -elect Brew said in a recent meeting. the City was planning roads that supported areas outside of City limits. Discussion was held about ways to encourage people to annex to the City. Mayor Lundberg said there were those in Hayden Bridge that did not want to annex, and others that wanted to annex, but found it cost prohibitive. Perhaps the discussion needed to be about how to make it more affordable. It would be a policy change. She suggested changing the wording of the goal to encourage people to annex if they chose. Mr. Biles stated the new goal as "Develop incentives for those developed areas just beyond the City limits to annex to the Citv' . Mr. Towery referred to Council -elect Brew's comment about roads that supported areas outside the City. It was more the design and plan of City services that had to accommodate those populations. When doing a facilities plan or street improvement plan along Hayden Bridget Road, they had to take into consideration the number of trips from all who used the system, including those outside the City limits, and that did add cost to the facility. It was more an anticipation of future costs. Discussion was held regarding the inability to collect from those not in the City. Mr. Biles said he wanted to make sure the language for this nominee was acceptable to Council -elect Brew, as the one who suggested it as a goal Council -elect Brew said the incentivize language was acceptable City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 7 Final wording Explore incentives to encourage annexation of improved area developments just beyond the city boundary. • Initiate the listening circle concept to involve other people and cultures with the City Council Councilor Moore asked if a listening circle hadn't already occurred. Mr. Grimaldi said this was different than the listening session that was recently held. A listening circle was a training event where the attendees learned about other cultures, and was at a personal level. Councilor Wylie said she proposed this nominee. TEAM Springfield held the listening group with the Hispanic Community with give and take, which was a good way to get good public interaction. This concept could be successful with other groups in the community. Councilor Woodrow said there were a number of cultures in our community. Councilor Wylie said this was another way to interact with others in the community and "listen ". Mayor Lundberg asked if it could be under a broader goal of PUBLIC OUTREACH. Councilor Wylie said they needed the group to let the Council know of their needs. Councilor Woodrow said she felt this was different than outreach. This was asking them to come to the Council. Mayor Lundberg said the town hall was also asking people to bring their needs to the Council Council -elect Brew said this fit more into the first category with the youth advisory committee, asking a group to come together with their interests. Councilor Woodrow said she felt there was a difference between age and culture. Councilor Woodrow referenced the listening group with the Latino community members. The Latinos gave the government officials their comfort zone within the community and ways that could be shared between the two cultures. She would like that to be expanded to all cultures. Mr. Biles asked if the listening circle concept they were envisioning was ongoing with staff support and multiple meetings or a short-term duration. "Councilor Woodrow said it was more short-term with ideas and contacts coming from the meeting. Mr. Towery said the listening circle was a technique to get input about a particular issue, but recently it had been used around issues of race and ethnicity. Listening circles generally included the same group of people meeting once a week for 8 -9 weeks to get to a certain point. Staff used listening circles when going through the process of the reorganization of the Development Services and Public Works departments. lie was not sure if this was about listening circles or cultural awareness. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes - .. December 10, 2012 Page 8 Councilor Woodrow said the nominee was for listening sessions, which were different from what Mr. Towery described. Final wording: Initiate the listening circle concept to involve other people and cultures with the City Council. • Create a Springfield consortium of public and private interests to market our community There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Create a Springfield consortium of public and private interests to market our community. • Select a pilot "promise neighborhood" to direct services and programs over a multi -year timeframe including cleanup, beautification, school attendance, parenting assistance, etc. Councilor Ralston felt they couldn't show favoritism for one neighborhood. Parenting assistance and school attendance wasn't the City s job. Mayor Lundberg said the City had chosen a neighborhood in the past as the first joint TEAM Springfield project; the Meadow Park neighborhood. Promise neighborhoods already existed in the area of Maple and Dos Rios Elementary. United way was working on it and projects in the Sustainable City Year were done in that neighborhood. She proposed it as a way to find how the City could help with that concept. One way to help would be to get volunteers to assist with yard cleanup in the neighborhoods during the City's Spring Cleanup Day. The schools were working on the school pieces and United Way was working on other pieces. The City hadn't yet participated in the Promise Neighborhood. but could assist in cleaning it up. During the original project, the City worked on crime prevention. Mr. Towery said the bike patrol started in the first neighborhood project. Councilor Ralston said he couldn't see this as continuing for more than one year. Other neighborhoods would want the same assistance. Final wording: Select a pilot "promise neighborhood" to direct services and programs over a multi -year timeframe including cleanup, beautification, school attendance, parenting assistance, etc. Mr. Biles said this was the end of the one -year list. Councilor Moore said she would like to add one more. She suggested a monthly or quarterly business acknowledgement during Springfield Upbeat with specific criteria. They could get the word out that Springfield appreciated what businesses were doing. Councilor Wylie said they could work with the Springfield Chamber on the acknowledgement. Final wording of new goal: Establish a Business of the Month (or Quarter). City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 9 Mr. Biles said of the original 14, ten had changed, two had been deleted, three merged into one and one added. He asked if they would like a new sheet with the amended goals which they could vote on, or if they would like him to read them to the Council and have them vote. After discussion, it was determined an amended list would be created while they went through the two -year nominees. They would then vote on the updated one -year goals. Two Year Nominees • Hold a city -wide cleanup event in conjunction with our annual recycle day Councilor Ralston said he has been asked to hold the City Spring Cleanup event twice a year. Councilor Moore said this was her nominee. She had seen photos of a cleanup years ago where houses were painted and yards cleaned. Students were involved and it was more than just the usual Spring Cleanup. Councilor Woodrow said the Youth Day of Caring included projects like that and involved high school students. This would be changed to read, "Hold a city -wide cleanup event twice a year in conjunction with our annual recycle day'. Council -elect Brew said the City offered assistance to senior citizens and hauled away their debris and recycling. Final wording: Hold a city -wide cleanup event twice a year. • Create an independent fire district to administer fire operations in Eugene and Springfield There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Create an independent fire district to administer fire operations in Eugene and Springfield. • Move jail and police service off the city's general fund Councilor Ralston said he intended this to say "move thejail and police service off the levies ". This was changed to reflect Councilor Ralston's intent. Final wording: Move jail and police services off the levies. • Enhance library services to the Thurston area through the use of drop boxes, school libraries, download of services to coffee shops. etc. There were no questions or comments. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 10 Final wording: Enhance library services to the Thurston area through the use of drop boxes, school libraries, download of services to coffee shops, etc. • Develop a local voter's guide for Springfield Mayor Lundberg asked if this would be on the internet Councilor VanGordon said he meant it in a couple of ways. The City's local elections weren't carried in the State Voter's Pamphlet because it cost the candidate a large amount of money. This was an opportunity to explore a variety of ways to provide some options for information. If someone was going to run for office, they would need to find some way to get the information out to the public. Councilor Ralston asked who would pay. Councilor Woodrow said at this point they just needed to determine if they wanted this nominee, then figure out who and how it would be paid later. Councilor VanGordon said Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Willamalane and School District candidates found it difficult to pay the money to get into the State voter's pamphlet. We wanted people to have choices in our community because it was difficult to find out any information about the candidates. It needed to cost less than the $600 it cost for the State Voter's Pamphlet. Mayor Lundberg said a financial analysis would be done if this was chosen as a goal. Councilor Pishioneri suggested changing it to read, "Explore the viability of a voters guide for Springfield ". Councilor Wylie said the information could be included in a SUB bill. Final wording: Explore the viability of a voter's guide for Springfield. • Identify an amount of money in city operations to be achieved through innovations without terminating positions Mr. Bites said he believed the word 'savings' had been omitted Councilor VanGordon said every time the Council saw innovations that saved money, they were excited about it. He wanted to look at giving it some policy context as a goal and asking staff to look at ways to save a set amount of money. This was done somewhat already, but he wanted to expand it to include expenditures. if those savings could be achieved, funding didn't need to be found somewhere else. Having a number identified could help direct staff and encourage innovation. Councilor Ralston said our budget shortfalls were huge, and they were eliminating positions through attrition out of necessity. Councilor VanGordon said they could strike out "without terminating positions" to the nominee. There were two ways of looking at saving funds. The policy would direct looking at other options with the focus on innovation. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10. 2012 Page 11 Councilor Pishioneri said Information Technology's (IT) last innovation had saved the amount of the IT Director's salary since he had started working for the City. Savings didn't cost the City. Councilor Moore asked how this was a goal if they were already doing it. Councilor VanGordon said it was how it was described. Council would be asking Mr. Grimaldi what was realistic, then identifying a dollar amount of improvements done in one year. Councilor Pishioneri said the County did the same thine and received numerous ideas. Council -elect Brew said when funds got tight and there was a choice of staff. the public safety staff would be retained regardless of which department came up with money savings ideas. Councilor VanGordon said he understood the City was already doing this, but felt they needed to promote getting more ideas. Sometimes they needed to spend a little money to save money. If Council came up with a number, he felt it could help encourage staff. Final wording: Identify an amount of money in city operations to be achieved through innovations. • Expand EMX to the Thurston area There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Expand EmX to the Thurston area. • Complete downtown physical improvements including, bulb -outs, curbs, traffic mediation measures, parking enforcement program, increased low -level lighting, themed post lighting, new design standards to strengthen historical themes There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Complete downtown physical improvements including, bulb -outs, curbs, traffic mediation measures, parking enforcement program, increased low -level lighting, themed post lighting, new design standards to strengthen historical themes. • Extend trunk sewer to the Jasper area Mr. Grimaldi said the City was currently in Phase II of this project which would be completed in the next construction season. Phase III was not yet scheduled. Councilor Ralston said they been working on this for a long time and he wanted to make sure it was moving forward. Mr. Grimaldi said the funding was in place. Because this was already in the plan and moving forward, it would be removed from the nominee list. - WITHDRAW City of Springfield Council Goal Settin_e Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 12 • Form a partnership to host a downtown multicultural festival Councilor Woodrow said Fiesta Latina wanted their event downtown, but she would like to see it expanded to an event that included other cultures. They could block off the streets in downtown for such an event. Mayor Lundberg said this was more of a TEAM Springfield goal. There was $20,000 that was set aside every year for TEAM Springfield events. "With TEAM Springfield' would be added to this nominee. Final wording: Form a partnership with TEAM Springfield to host a downtown multicultural festival. • Increase consumption of locally grown/processed foods through promotion, events, education.. etc. It was asked if NEDCO was already doing that with SPROUT, the year round farmer's market Councilor Woodrow said she would like to continue the support and promotion through SPROUT. She wanted to make sure the City remained involved. Final wording: Continue support of consumption of locally grown /processed foods through promotion, events, education, etc. Mr. Biles said fewer changes were made in this list so they could use this list for their vote. He asked them to rank the list and include their name so it could be recorded. Council voted on the two -year nominees. The one -year nominees as amended were provided to the Council for their votes. They voted on the one -year nominees and then took a short break. 7:32 — 7:38 p.m. - Break The Council meeting resumed at 7:38 p.m. Mr. Biles reviewed the three -year nominees. Three year Nominees • Springfield residents will be offered disaster planning and education Councilor Moore said she nominated this item. She knew Ken Vogeney was the new lead on disaster planning for the City. She felt we needed to get the information out there and have people be prepared. She suggested they do a run through of an emergency. Councilor Pishioneri said tabletops and training were being prepared and set up. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 13. Council -elect Brew said it was good training for responders, but he asked about residents. Councilor Pishioneri said they planned on involving the community after staff was trained. Councilor Moore said she wanted to keep it on the list even though it was already being done. Final wording: Springfield residents will be offered disaster planning and education • Review the assessment of the health of Springfield residents and set appropriate wellness goals Councilor Moore said she had attended a presentation on healthy eating and active living and being a City with healthy food options and activity. She read from some information on this initiative from the League of Oregon Cities (LOC). There were steps and people that would help them. Councilor Ralston said he didn't feel it was the City's job. Councilor Moore said a health assessment for Springfield showed our highest health issues. Final wording: Review the assessment of the health of Springfield residents and set appropriate wellness goals • A high percentage of high school students would take the workforce test and prove Springfield has an educated workforce, 1) administer the test, 2) market the results and 3) improve scores over time Councilor Moore said this was a Lane Workforce Partnership process with the test available and online. It was a process of showing the number of people in our community who were highly trained and was used for marketing. Lane Workforce administered the test. Councilor Woodrow said she was concerned about negative results. Final wording: A high percentage of high school students would take the workforce test and prove Springfield has an educated workforce, 1) administer the test, 2) market the results and 3) improve scores over time • Increase Springfield's Veteran's Day Celebration: more events, more participants, larger partnership,. etc. There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Increase Springfield's Veteran's Day Celebration: more events, more participants, larger partnership, etc. • Re -align Franklin Boulevard as a first step in the re- development of Glenwood There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Re -align Franklin Boulevard as a first step in the re- development of Glenwood City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 14 • Create a new service district for police and fire operations There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Create a new service district for police and fire operations • Move the Library off the city's general fund There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Move the library off the city's general fund • Expand the Urban Growth Boundary to include more commercial and industrial land for future development Councilor Wylie asked if it was the same as the 50 acres for industrial development. Councilor Moore said this was already in process. Final wording: Expand the Urban Growth Boundary to include more commercial and industrial land for future development Increase jobs and property tax revenue from new development on currently undeveloped land near Peace Health River Bend Councilor Ralston asked if the land near PeaceHealth was owned by PeaceHealth. Some things they might put on that property wouldn't increase tax revenue. It was noted that some uses would increase property taxes. Council -elect Brew asked if they were asking that the City create some incentives. Yes. Final wording: Increase jobs and property tax revenue from new development on currently undeveloped land near Peace Health River Bend • Expand EMX to Lane Community College from Springfield There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Expand EmX to Lane Community College from Springfield • Increase redevelopment of Glenwood, Downtown, and Mohawk by "X" square feet There were no questions or comments. Final wording: Increase redevelopment of Glenwood, Downtown, and Mohawk by "X" square feet City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 15 • Develop long -term plan to phase out mobile home parks in Glenwood by offering replacement housing, counseling, and other options Councilor Woodrow asked if they were already doing that. Yes. Final wording: Develop long -term plan to phase out mobile home parks in Glenwood by offering replacement housing, counseling, and other options • Complete a signature milestone in Glenwood such as NEPA process completion; engineering of Franklin Boulevard, or acquisition of right of way for Franklin realignment, etc. Mr. Biles said it would be helpful to get staff input for milestone that could be attainable. Councilor Wylie said the City was working on getting grand funding for the Franklin Boulevard and going through the NEPA process. The City was further along than this suggested. Final wording: Complete a signature milestone in Glenwood such as NEPA process completion, engineering of Franklin Boulevard, or acquisition of right of way for Franklin realignment, etc. Council voted on the three -year nominees. The results for the one and two year nominees were distributed to the Mayor and Council. One year results: Mr. Biles said the total was most important; but looking at all of the scores was also important. The following were selected for the one -year goals: I. Complete an infra jurisdictional agreement to reduce system development charges to stimulate economic development. 2. Explore incentives to encourage annexation of improved area developments just beyond the city boundary. 3. Identify two large (50 acres minimum) properties for near -term job development. 4. Create a Springfield consortium of public and private interests to market our community. Mr. Biles said if someone felt strongly about an item that didn't get chosen, this was the time to speak up with concerns and questions. Councilor Woodrow said the top three were all in the same ballpark, but didn't include contact with the community. Discussion was held regarding the different ways to include public outreach. The fourth ranked nominee was included with the list in order to include some outreach. Two year results: 1. Hold a city -wide cleanup event twice a year. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 16 2. Explore the viability of a local voter`s guide for Springfield 3. Move jail and police service off the leery 4. Form a partnership with TEAM Springfield to host a downtown multicultural festival Councilor Woodrow said she would like to add the Multi - Cultural Festival. Mayor Lundberg said these could be brought to the TEAM Springfield meeting as a goal. Council chose to go with the top four of the two -year nominees. Three year results: 1. Complete a signature milestone in Glenwood such as NEPA process completion, engineering of Franklin Boulevard, or acquisition of right of way for Franklin realignment. etc. 2. Develop long -term plan to phaseout mobile home parks in Glenwood by offering replacement housing, counseling, and other options Discussion was held regarding expansion of the urban growth boundary (UGB) and disaster planning. Both were currently in the works so were not added to the list. Mayor Lundberg suggested selecting the top two. A majority of the Council concurred. Mr. Biles reviewed the goals selected. These goals would now go to staff to analyze costs, hurdles, and other ways to approach each goal. He asked the Council if they wanted public comments and if so how they wanted that to occur. Once Council got the staff response, a follow -up meeting could be scheduled in January, or February. Councilor Woodrow said she felt good about how this process occurred and how it worked out. Council asked Mr. Grimaldi if he was comfortable with the goals selected. Mr. Grimaldi said there were a couple of things that could be considered for the TEAM Springfield meeting such as marketing the community, the voters' guide and the multi - cultural event. There was a nice mix of issues with some taking minimal staff work, some taking significant staff work, and others that would need to be taken on by the Council. Councilor Woodrow said that even without focusing on it; they were able to come up with three things for TEAM Springfield. Councilor Pishioneri felt that none of the items were unattainable. Councilor Woodrow felt it said a lot about the Council that they could put their heads together and come up with this list of goals. Councilor Wylie said the most difficult one would be getting public safety off of the levies. Councilor Pishioneri said when thejail was built, they knew it would be a large cost to run and maintain for many years. City of Springfield Council Goal Setting Minutes December 10, 2012 Page 17 Councilor Woodrow said if they could find a way to alleviate total reliance on the levy, it would help Mayor Lundberg said swimming pools and jails were specific entities and had to be supported as they did not support themselves. Mr. Biles applauded the Council for keeping some things in their goals that were currently underway at some level. Doing that sent a message to the community that those items were special and important, and would increase the probability of success. In looking at the list, not everyone got their number one choices, but there was something for everyone. As a collective group, that increased their success. It gave them, and staff, an opportunity to hold themselves accountable and provided a great opportunity for them to get updates. Those goals that required one or more partners provided an opportunity to get those other agencies onboard to make them accountable for their performance. He suggested that the Council keep their minds open over the next month. Staff would be coming back with important information that could change some things around. Also, after hearing from the public, Council might change some things on the list. Councilor Ralston said the fire district item was on the two -year goal list and he felt it should be under the three -year goals. He and Councilor Wylie served on the first task force and both of them had voted that nominee as their 91, while everyone else voted it as a #9 or #10. He felt maybe the others were not educated about that issue to the same degree as they were after serving on the task force. Ambulance and fire were losing funds and a solution needed to be found. Discussion was held regarding a fire district and funding for the fire department ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Minutes Recorder —Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: 0 GU`ZL Amy Sow City Recorder