HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/8/2013 a a City of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street 2 Springfield, OR 97477 Annexation Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Prospective Applicant Name: Betsy Hunter Phone: 541.682.2530 Housing and Community Services Agency of Company: Lane Count HACSA Fax: 541.682.3411 Address: 177 Day Island Road Eugene, OR 97401 E-mail: bhunter hacsa.us Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Colin McArthur AICP Phone: 541.485.7385 Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architecture & Company: Planning Fax:- 541.485.7389 colin(8cameronmcca Address: 160 East Broadway, Eugene, OR 97401 E-mail: rth .com Property Owner: HACSA Phone: 541.682.2530 Company: HACSA I Fax: 541.682.3411 Address: 177 Day Island Road, Eu ene, OR 97401 E-mail: bhunter-@hacsa.us 1100, 1400, 1700, 1800, 1900, ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-34-41 TAX LOT NOS : 2000 N/A (Lots 1400-1900). Lot 2000: 4224 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403; Property Address: Lot 1100: 249 N Brooklyn St Eugene, OR 97403 Size of Property: 1.35 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ A transit-oriented, 5 to 6-story mixed-use building to provide commercial space Description of on the ground floor with approximately 150 units of work-force housing in the Proposal: GRMU District Franklin Riverfront Subarea A . Existing Use: Industrial; One lot Single Family Housing Proposed Use: Mixed-Use City Zoning: LMI Metro Desi `nation: LMI/ND I Population: 2 Prospective Applicant: w gn. X13 Date: Signatur i yrs Y *Vrl TM Print fi Required Project Information (City Intake Staff. complete this section) T'as'elro'f 110 1 1i I Date: ( Reviewed by: Appiication Fee: d- Q Technical Fee: 0 Postage Fee: 0 TOTAL FEES: ( -O PROJECT NUMBER: p 00001 O Date eceive : JAN - 8 2013 Original Submittal t 0 0 Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist ® Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ® Development Issues-meeting Application Form ® Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. Examples of relevant issues for annexation include but are not limited to the following: • Contiguity • Availability and capacity of surrounding city services a Affected special districts • Fees Ten (10) Copies of the Proposal - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.7, Annexations. ® Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" ® Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' 1Z North arrow ® Date of preparation ® Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number ❑ Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the annexation area ❑ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points ❑ ,On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for future public road right-of-way _ ® Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots ® How streets in the proposal area'connect with existing streets ® Future development plan, which may include proposed and existing buildings (location, dimensions, size) or other impervious surfaces bate Received= JAN - 8 2013 Original Submittal._____,,_.__ 7 of 16 i U \/ CAMERON 160 East Broadway • EugeneIIregw 97401 MCCARTHY uNOSCAPE ABCNITECTUIIEd Pu1NNIN8 r 541.485.7385 • f 541.405.7389 www•cemeronmcce lhµcom Memorandum To: City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Cc: Betsy Hunter; Housing and Community Services Agency of Lane County Richard Herman; Metropolitan Affordable Housing Corporation Bill Seider, Kelley Howell; PIVOT Architecture From: Colin McArthur, AICP Date: January 7, 2013 Subject: Glenwood Affordable Housing Annexation DIM Statement& Questions OVERVIEW The Housing and Community Services Agency of Lane County (HACSA) and Metropolitan Affordable Housing (Metro) are teaming to build the first major transit-oriented development project in Glenwood. The project is expected to include: two 5-6 story buildings—residential with commercial on the ground floor; approximately 120-150 units;and, at-grade parking. The project is planned to be constructed in two phases,with the south building closest to Franklin Boulevard first and the north building second. The project site is located north of Franklin Boulevard and is approximately 1.33 acres in size. The site consists of six tax lots: 17-03-34-41-02000; 17-03-34-41-01900; 17-03-34-41-01800; 17-03-34-41- 01700; 17-03-34-41-01400; and 17-03-34-41-01100. The site is located outside of the Springfield City Limits boundary and will:require annexation prior to site development. Representatives from HACSA, Metro, and PIVOT Architecture met with City staff on November 19,. 2012 to review and discuss initial questions posed by the development team. Notes from that meeting are included asExhibitA. The development team intends to proceed with the annexation process. This submittal and the enclosed.application fe0application form, and plans constitute the initial annexation proposal for review in accordance with "Step 1. Annexation Development Issues Meeting (DIM)." T � QUESTIONS Following are questions the development team would like staff to address during the meeting: 1. Site Access: The subject site does not currently have dedicated access from Franklin Boulevard (i.e.,there are no existing curb cuts). Access to the site in advance of build-out of the street grid, as conceptualized in the Glenwood Refinement Plan, is proposed via an existing curb cut directly east of the site within an access easement.1 What is the City's ability to acquire properties or easements around the proposed development site and/or to facilitate site access through other means? Date Received: JAN - 8 2013 Cameron McCarthy Original Submittal---------1- Glenwood Affordable Housing 0 0 41 Annexation DIM Statement&Questions January 7,2013 2. Franklin Boulevard Improvements: The City of Springfield is planning for future expansion and improvement of Franklin Boulevard. How can the development team best integrate building and site design work, and the need to provide access during construction for construction operations and later for building occupants,with future street improvement plans? 3. Street Grid: The Park Blocks street plan in the attached drawings represents the approved street section geometry as specified in the updates to Springfield's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual in accordance with the recently adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan (Appendix 1A.2 Glenwood Riverfront Area North/South Park Block Streets, pages 1A 14— 15). The CAD file we received from the City did not match the Design Standards so we have modified the drawing in order to meet the prescribed Design Standards. We have aligned the proposed development parcel property line (on Tax Lots 1600, 1900, 2000)with the edge of the required 7'- 0" wide sidewalk as defined in the Refinement Plan. Can the City guarantee that it will not need to acquire any property from the tax lots identified In this application for future right-of-way in the development? When will the City be able to confirm that the proposed street section and right-of-way is acceptable as proposed? When will the City be able to provide a setback along Franklin Boulevard? These are critical components to the development of the parcels, as the lots are narrow in the East/West dimension, and any reduction due to right-of-way may limit the ability to develop the parcels. The Franklin Boulevard setback is critical due to the maximum/minimum street setback outlined in the Refinement Plan and the unique geometry of the parcel. 4. Funding: As the first major transit-oriented project in Glenwood,the project faces funding challenges related to the provision of needed and planned public infrastructure including roads and utilities. What funding sources are potentially available to assist the project? Will the project be eligible for waived or reduced system development charges in 2013 or 20147 5. Minimum Development Area: The Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District specifies a minimum development area of 5 acres (SDC 3.4-265(1)►. As noted above,the subject site is approximately 1.33 acres in size. SDC 3.4-265(1)(a) provides that the developer may request an exception to the 5-acre minimum by submitting a letter to the Director stating that either abutting property owners are not willing to participate in the assembly, or there are smaller properties that cannot meet the standard. The developer intends to request said exemption based on the small size of the properties, although assembly is a factor and can also be used to support the request. Does the City anticipate any issues or challenges granting said exception and,other than the letter, are there any evidentiary requirements the developer needs to satisfy as part of the request? 6. Riverfront Access: What assurances can the City provide that ensure future residents will have pedestrian-oriented river access once the project Is completed? 7. Timeline: What is the estimated timeline for processing the annexation request, including Council Hearing,adoption of the ordinance, and ordinance effective date? ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A Meeting Notes (11/19/12) Exhibit B Preliminary Site Plans Date Received: JAN - 8 2013 Original Submittal Cameron McCarthy 2 R y HACSA/METRO GLENWOOD PROJECY. Development Discussion Meeting: 11-19-12 In Attendance: Betsy Hunter, Bill Seidler,John Tamulonis, Kelley Howell, Kevin Ko, Molly Markarian, Richard Herman, Tom BoyaItt The purpose of the meeting was to review and discuss questions posed by the HACSA/Metro Development team. It is understood by all parties that many areas for implementing the refinement plan are still under development and not all of the affected City departments were represented at the meeting. Summary of Common Themes: 1. HACSA/Metro and i he City of Springfield share a common vision for developing Glenwood and creating a quality dlevelopment that will serve as a catalyst for other Glenwood developments. 2. HACSA/Metro will need a strong collaboration with, and funding support from,the City of Springfield and theiSpringfield Utility Board (SUB) to make this development possible. At the same time, it is understood that The City of Springfield and SUB currently have limited available reserve funds requiring creativity by all parties. 1 3. While there are significant challenges to developing on this site, no one in the meeting identified any items that that I would deem developing on this site unfeasible. 4. HACSA/Metro will look for opportunities to work in collaboration with current Glenwood property owners, residents, and other developers to achieve the goals of the Glenwood Refinement Plan. i Outlined below are highlights of key discussion items from the meeting: i I Utilities: 5. A main sewer line runs down Franklin Blvd and there are currently four stubbed-out 8 inch lines in the general arealproposed for development. The City indicated it will be the responsibility of the developer to pay for the cost of installing the "collection system" to connect to the main line in the street. As other developers connect in the area, there is the possibility that some money might come back to the developer who covers the initial cost. 6. There is no existing storm water system in place in Franklin Blvd. The Park Blocks are planned to handle future water mitigation from streets and there is the potential that the Park Blocks might have some capacity to handle storm water from some private properties. However, on-site storm water treatment will be required, especially in the early developments. Planned Parenthood is an example of how one developer handled their water treatment in advance of the construction of�.Franklin Blvd. 7. Water, power,and communication services were not discussed. The conclusion was the development teamshould talk to Jeff Nelson, General Manager of SUB. Annexation: 8. An Annexation agreement is required and there are fees. 9. Major elements of the annexation plan include identification of the level of services required, the City's ability•to provide the services, what are the costs, and who pays the costs. 10. We will need an annexation before we can do a plan review. 11. It appears that the property is next to the section of Franklin Blvd that could get annexed in the City of Springfield as a partial annexation by the end of the first quarter of 2013. - i ddV, eceived: allow for the annexation of the property by the end of March or April. JAN - 8 2013 Original Submittal 0 0 HACSA/METRO GLENWOOD PROJECT: Development Discussion Meeting: 11-19-12 12. The City Council must approve the annexation and a public hearing process is required. Refinement Plan 13. We will be able to request a variance from the 5 acre minimum site requirement. 14. We will have some flexibility of meeting the requirement for a 4`" floor setback by meeting the intent of the setback through other architectural means of building massing. 15. It appears likely there will be an extension of Springfield City SDC waivers into 2013. 16. There is a path to make exceptions on setbacks. 17. There is not yet a design for the "Park Blocks." There is the possibility there could be some parking but developments should not count this as a substitute for on-site parking. 18. An environmental report was ordered by the City. There are environmental reports available for other nearby sites. There is the potential for Brownfield assessment grants. Transportation: 19. There is not yet a definitive plan for development of Franklin Blvd. ODAT still has control of the road. 20. It appears that the street in front of the property might move further to the south than first anticipated, so there could be more site development space for affordable housing. Access: 21. What is the City's plan/ability to acquire properties or easements around our development site for future right of way so that we can move forward? 22. How do we best integrate our building and site design work, and the need to provide access during construction and for occupants, with their street improvement plans? 23. How can we ensure that our residents have pedestrian oriented river access once our project is completed? 24. Without knowing what development will take place on the east side of the project what special issues will the Fire Department have for fire truck access around the building? Next Steps: (Not inclusive of all items individuals agreed to work on beyond the meeting) 1. Schedule a follow up meeting with Betsy, Kevin, Richard (Betsy) 2. Contact Jeff Nelson at SUB to address questions on utilities. 3. Schedule a following up meeting with the same individuals who attended the last meeting. Possible times include week of 12-10 or the week of 12-17 (Betsy) 4. Create an agenda for a December meeting to include items not discussed in the 11-19 meeting. Date Received: JAN - 8 2013 Original Submittal r [�wv rey.�ww.r wb� os, kk" SITE LOCATION Main t 4 5 A Sl PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Flapklin Blvd .`nSt yP. : JJ t N �, F2Mtlin a !ND I■ ,A y eitiAll € I I I ffff I ur!'..� — ��w Ak t7 I m 1100 0 Z 2 VICINITY MAP - N.T.S. - - . 0 1 = - - — I 1400 w m 0 0 1 / LU LL LL F ---------- ---------------- U Q I Y � 1 Q 0 — I 1 STRE "YOIR W REPRE9 A9 Z O o[E[r WD3: REFlNEMENrPUN � Z B�— WN J 1800 1700 EL $ C7 Il 1900 oEw.oPraNr PARCE�snovmaibEo DEVElO wPN uSHOWN SITE LOCATION I g sNAOEowrtN PROPoeEo O[Fxw000 Irl ¢, REFNEAIEW P[AN S1REEf[AYOUI x`16 LWV I 1: I ate Received, - - - -- N - 82013 mginal OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SITE AREA:57.934 SF OR APPROXIMATELY 1.33 ACRES U�v 3 AERIAL PHOTO 1 TAX LOT MAP 17 03 34 41 1*=50'.O• A100 N.T.S. — - - - -- PRELIMINARY NOT FOR i CONSTRUCTION I I I WADES I I Fm:� - Lu co _ H CENTERLINE DF FUTURE ROAD I Z c] b Q �11 POW TO BE OEDICATEO FOR FUTURE BTREET U Q PARK BLOCKS e,�B.sF TDTAL AAEA LLI d o O LU LL I FROI MEA BOUNOARr aZ O Q Z Lu LLJ IO I F0.BE USE FM - a = O I TO BE USED FOR SITE ACCESS m UNTIL BUM1DOUT OF TIE STREET GRID _ I _ I -�� I � —}ESIMUIED SE1Bpfl(ON FR/NIQIX FIXi � _ - FOSS —�-g I FUPAE RON FJ�M4W i _�_,- RANKLINBLVD `— EXISTINGLURBLUT LEGRID - "--- ESTWAfM'ELXOX LED[ TOU,IUXES - T.V LOT FIB.DWES N _ - wavosm BFFmENExrvw+sTREET urour �I CfYcLOPMEMSITE Pnavos.n PEFNENENi rvA doddl� 1"C�C`�-rVl ef`. ^�yyS PROPOSED BUILDINGS ,An 209 k �" I 3 o w3e 5 it U � oe lu _)riginai Sobmlztta, - A101 1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN 1.,5(