HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 25 Declaration of Real Property as Surplus Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: September 17, 2007 Regular Session Public Work~Q Len Goodwi ~ 726-3685 5 minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: DECLARATION OF REAL PROPERTY AS SURPLUS ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt or reject A RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SURPLUS AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO OFFER SUCH PROPERTY FOR SALE ISSUE STATEMENT: Shall the City dispose of a remnant parcel of real property acquired from the Sycan B Corp. which is not needed for the construction of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway? ATTACHMENTS: A.: B: Draft Resolution. Map of property DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: In 1993, the City acquired property which had been abandoned railroad right of way from the Sycan B Corp.. The principal purpose of the acquisition was to facilitate the improvement of Pioneer Parkway, including the ultimate expansion of the parkway to connect with Beltline Road. The extension, Martin Luther King, Jr., Parkway, has now been constructed. The alignment of the Parkway followed the right of way for a substantial portion, but did not use this parcel of approximately 0.45 acres at the northern end of the property acquired from Sycan B. The parcel is burdened by a number of easements and is not suitable for construction or for any other public use. One owner of abutting property has expressed an interest in acquiring the property. The interested party is now constructing the Women's Care facility and intends to use this parcel, if acquired, for additional parking. Staff recommends that the property be offered for public sale consistent with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2.714 and the relevant provision of Oregon Revised Statutes regulating the disposal of public property. N:\City\RESOLUTI\sale of property AIS.doc RESOLUTION 07 - A RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SURPLUS AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO OFFER SUCH PROPERTY FOR SALE WHEREAS, by warranty deed dated February 2, 1993, the City of Springfield acquired certain parcels of real property including a parcel identified as Map 17032200, Lot 3200, in Lane County (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, said parcel was acquired from the Sycan B Corp. in fee simple absolute, and the City's ownership is not limited or qualified nor is the use of such real property restricted; and WHEREAS, such acquisition was a part of an acquisition of several similar parcels constituting an abandoned railroad right of way of the Southern Pacific Company; and WHEREAS, except for this parcel, the parcels acquired were used for the construction of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway; and WHEREAS, the design of the Parkway was such that this parcel, the Property, was not required to be used for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has advised the Council that the Property is a remnant which is not needed for public use; and WHEREAS, pursuant to ORS 271.310, the City is authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of property which is not needed for public use where the City's ownership is not limited or qualified nor is the use of such real property restricted and the Council has determined that the property is not needed for public use; and WHEREAS, in the event the City of Springfield desires to dispose of public property which is not needed for public use it is required by ORS 221.725 to give not less than five days public notice which notice shall state the time and place of a public hearing concerning the proposed sale, a description of the property or interest to be sold, the proposed uses for the property and the reasons why the city council considers it necessary or convenient to sell the property; and WHEREAS, Springfield Municipal Code Section 2.714 provides that the City may dispose of surplus property by any means determined to be in the best interest of the city with due regard for the value the city will receive from the disposal of the surplus property; ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION Page -1- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT The City Council hereby finds and determines that the Property is not needed for public use; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is directed to provide written notice to owners of any abutting property and to advertise in a paper of general circulation that the City has determined the Property is not needed for public use and that the City will entertain any offers in writing for purchase of such property, provided such offers are accompanied by an appraisal by an MAl certified appraiser; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is directed to review any offers for purchase of the property and may in his discretion secure a review of the appraisal by independent competent appraiser, and if such offers be received, schedule, pursuant to ORS 221.715, a public hearing at such time as he shall determine convenient to permit the Council to take testimony and consider such offers; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, by a vote of _ for and _ against, this day of , 2007. Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder t'J1P'.!f~ (:1 ;.], M\(,t~4~ i~ r A$ TO FOf-i.!.~ . -.Jo;,~\'\ ~ '--~\~ DATE:__i~IJ_~~=t= OFFICE OF Gil'! MTOFU\lEY N :\City\RESOL UTI\sale of property .doc REs~rb~~~TP~ge -2- " /" / " // "" / , / " / /,,, / /" " / " ,,/ /;>', >\ ~/ \.. \// // "" ~~" // " / // "/ /^" :,/ X ' 1 // ", //'" '" // V "" "</ //', // >-" , / " // , ,/ /" , ,,/ /" / )-.. < / ;<" / / " " / , '\./ "(/ "" \ /', \. \ / /! /, \\/ //1" / "" I ". / \ / I ",// \ /// ( ", I \ i' . 'i) { \ ,/ ! i./ !_-- -_._"~ N SCALE 1 : 2,204 ~ - 200 --, o I 200 FEET I 400 I 600 A Surplus Property Attachment 8, Page 1 of 1