HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 22 Correspondence from Pat Hocket, President, League of Women Voters of Lane County, Eugene, Oregon 1;. " , }: 'f' ~ . August 22; ~Ob7 . ,c, " Mayor Sid Leiken ' .,and Springfield City.Councilors Springfield City Hall , . , 225 North 'Fifth Street Springfield,OR. 97477, . . . Dear Mayor Leiken and Councilors, . \'.,' ,- ,I " '(. The League of Women Voters of Lane. County has endorsed the Jun~ 2007 draft . Ridge/ine 'Area Op~n Space Vision and Action P/an. EnClosed is a copy of the League's August 20,2007 letter tb Jeff Krueger,'senior:landscape architect for the Lane Council of Goverrimerlts, ~xpr~ssing our support. ., .We urge.you,to support 'the plan arid to work with individuals and other 'agencies to implement it. Tha'nk you foryourconsideration of the document. ... . Sincerely, , i \. " . . . , ..{Ja~' \ . . Pat Hocken president . League of Women Voters of Lane County. '~ " ( . Entlo'sure :., . )'~' I ...,~ , ~r' ) ,. 338 W. 11 th Avenue, Ste. 101 , . , . .\ , , Eugene, OR 97401 !?41 ~343.7917 . league@ Iwvlc:org LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS@ of LANE COUNTY August 20, 2007 Jeff Krueger Lane Council of Governments 99 East Broadway, Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97401: Re: Ridgellne Area Open Space Vision and Action Plan The League of Women Voters of Lane County endorses the June 2007 draft Ridgeline Area Open Space Vision and Action Plan, including the key implementation guidelines. The League encourages the Lane County Board of Commissioners, the Eugene and Springfield City Councils, and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Board to adopt this plan and work to implement it The League previously endorsed the 2003 Rivers to Ridges Regional Parks and Open Space Vision, which served as the starting point for 2007 ridgeline planning document. . The Ridgeline Area Open Space Vision and Action Plan incorporates many principles the League supports. The League believes that parks are essential to provide healthy recreation and natural resources preservation. We also believe that there should be a cOmprehensive plan to guide acquisition and development of parklands and open . space. We support cooperation and coordination among local. ~tate, and federal jurisdictions in providing and maintaining public parklands. We believe that personal safety and protection of the environment should be considered. We support using various funding sources, including taxes. user fees, system development charges, partnerships, grants, and private gifts. : ~ "Thanky6u,.Jeff,' Jor;providing information to the..b:eague,.abou{;.thisproj~ct.Pleaselet us know of other opportunities to express our support for the adoption and implementation of the plan. Yours truly, Pat Hocken President xc: Lane County Board of Commissioners . Willamalane Park and Recreation Board Eugene City Council Springfield City Council 338 W. 11th Avenue, Ste. 101 Eugene, OR 97401 541-343-7917 league@lwvlc.org