HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 21 Correspondence from Greg and Linda Shaver, Springfield, Oregon TO: Springfield City Council & Springfield Planning Commission & combined staffs FROM: Greg & Linda Shaver DATE: 8/7/2007 RE: Downtown Renewal/Revitalization Dear Fellow lovers of Springfield, You probably know our commitment, concern, and love for this city. We believe in Springfield and its downtown. We've been very pleased with several downtown developments this past year -the two biggest improvements being the new Wildish Theater and the Saint Vincent high-rise housing project. We also think switching from yellow to white street lights will make a positive impact for downtown Springfield. We urge you to make their installation in the downtown area a priority over the rest of the city. (BTW - My hat's offto the current council. EVERY new city councilor elected since the mid 70's, myself included, has asked staff about replacing those damn yellow lights, and only this council got it done.) All plans aside, a vital downtown is dependent upon one thing more than any other for its success. People. Lots of happy, "normal," law abiding people willing to spend time and money in our downtown. Without them, no amount of new paint, bricks, or lighting will make the kind of change we want. Unfortunately, There is one thing standing in our way of a true revitalization and that is the number of strip clubs and sub-standard bars in the downtown district. If this problem is not addressed, you will be spending money (our money) to put a new suit of clothes on the body of a leper. You need to first cure the disease, THEN buy the new suit of clothes. If there is no plan for dealing with the real problem, then we will not.be supporting the district. If there is a comprehensive plan for solving this problem, then both of us will be behind it 100%! You might consider forming a district which limits the number ofhard liquor licenses within it - this may mean you grandfather in some establishments, but as they close, they cannot be replaced with like businesses. You might think of some defendable but expensive business license for strip clubs within the down town district. You may even need to buy certain business properties and lease them out with the condition that no strip club or sleazy bar be run on the property - as property owners have a bit more control than does regulation. Maybe EXTRA BRIGHT city installed street lighting just outside of certain establishments should be considered. Get creative, but make it a priority or you can forget success. As "uptown" as Springfield is becoming, we are still too small to have a thriving shop/office/restaurant community AND a busy sleazy- bar/strip club community in our downtown core. It is time to make your choice. Thanks for considering our thoughts. Sincerely, Greg Shaver & Linda Shaver