HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Council Minutes AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/3/2012 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Amy Sowa/CMO Staff Phone No: 726-3700 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: COUNCIL MINUTES ACTION REQUESTED: By motion, approval of the attached minutes. ISSUE STATEMENT: The attached minutes are submitted for Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Minutes: a) November 19, 2012 – Work Session   b) November 19, 2012 – Regular Meeting  DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2012 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 19, 2012 at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Pishioneri, VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Intergovernmental Agreement for the Functional Consolidation of the Fire Departments for Springfield and Eugene. City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith and Fire Chief Randall Groves presented the staff report on this item. The cities of Springfield and Eugene had been working together to consolidate their fire departments and had drafted an IGA that outlined each city’s responsibilities with regard to a fully consolidated fire department. Ms. Smith said this would be the full consolidation of the two fire departments. Springfield had worked closely with the City of Eugene in drafting the agreement and would go back to them for final review. It was important to bring this to the Council so they would be familiar with it and for staff to address any questions or concerns they might have about it. Ms. Smith said the idea was to follow the governance model the Council agreed to in the Spring. Each City would retain their own budget authority in this agreement. Any change that one city contemplated that would impact the service level of the fire department would need to confer with the other city first. She provided an example. The two cities had already been working on purchasing together and the agreement made that even clearer. If the department were to split, it would need to be by mutual agreement or by one city giving notice to the other city. In the latter case, it would take two years to completely split. Operations had already taken a number of steps to consolidate and this agreement covered administrative consolidation that would occur beyond what had already happened. That included anything pertaining to an employee, such as payroll and worker’s compensation. Those things would be divided between Eugene and Springfield. The two had been meeting and working on that to see which department was better able to handle each role. Consolidation plans would be made once the framework was determined and would include standard operating policies and procedures for purchasing, payroll and all of the other things that affected employees. The bargaining units were addressed in the agreement with a recommendation for joint bargaining. They felt it would make a more efficient process than the current process. Ms. Smith said they had incorporated all the previous agreements into one agreement that would be the one used for all purposes outlined. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 2 Councilor Moore asked about liability and how each party was responsible for their own vehicles and equipment. She asked about the example of an employee from one city having an incident while using the other city’s equipment. Ms. Smith said each situation would be looked at based on the facts. In that type of situation, each city would have some liability. The insurance was separate for employees and equipment, including health insurance. Springfield would offer the same level of benefits for their health insurance, but would not be joining Eugene insurance. Councilor Ralston asked about the transaction of an employee from one city moving to a position in the other city. Fire Chief Groves said they had some shifting in that direction already. When they started the functional consolidation, they had a Springfield employee serving as the Training Chief for both organizations. In order to get that employee some line experience, they moved a Battalion Chief with the same rank from Eugene into his position and vice versa. The cost balanced out on that move. The Springfield employee was reporting to Battalion 2 in west Eugene. Battalion Chiefs had been moved back and forth on a fairly regular basis to help with the acclamation process. Councilor VanGordon asked who would be paying for a Eugene Battalion Chief working in Springfield. Chief Groves said Eugene would pay for that employee. Councilor VanGordon clarified that once someone was a Springfield employee, they would remain a Springfield employee and same with Eugene employees. Chief Groves said that was correct under this agreement. Councilor VanGordon said in operations it sounded like people could be assigned in any way needed. He asked if they would have a check-in point to make sure they stayed balanced. Chief Groves said he had to do that now because he only had a certain amount of spending authority from each city. Councilor VanGordon said at some point that could be somewhat awkward. Chief Groves said it would be nice if they were one employee group, but they were not at that point at this time. He hoped they progressed to that point. Councilor VanGordon said this agreement was in place for awhile, they would likely find things that could be changed as far as process. He asked about Section 2.6.3 regarding a joint hiring process and a vacancy. Ms. Smith said they tried to address that in the agreement by addressing that the Chief, currently a Eugene employee, had to report to both cities. They also tried to address the replacement of the Fire Chief when that time came. Language regarding that was on the next page of the agreement and included the two cities coordinating with each other in that process. Part of the process would City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 3 determine where the funding would come from and which City they would work for. Springfield would be involved in that process. Chief Groves said this IGA gave Springfield more ability to manage his performance. Councilor VanGordon asked about the reference in the agreement about Springfield having authority to hire its own fire chief. Ms. Smith said if the two cities split the fire department, Springfield would need to replace the Fire Chief and would have authority to do so. That language was in the event the merger was no longer in place. Councilor Ralston asked what would happen if firefighters from one city were dissatisfied with a contract agreement and the other was not. Ms. Smith said it would be up to the unions. Mr. Grimaldi said it worked best if the two unions agreed and that was the current goal of the unions. Ms. Smith said they had good cooperation with both bargaining units. Mayor Lundberg asked where Eugene was in terms of this agreement. Ms. Smith said they had worked closely with Eugene City legal on the IGA. They were at about the same level as Springfield. Mr. Grimaldi said this did not need to go to the Council in Eugene and he felt that was to our favor. Councilor Ralston asked about having a common name for the department as noted in the agreement. Mr. Grimaldi said it was important that both cities agreed to a name. It would not be a staff decision. It was important when creating something different to call it something different. Chief Groves said fire departments had very strong, cultural identities and it was important to have that identity. Law enforcement was the same way. It was important to celebrate the rich histories and traditions of both departments, but was also important as they moved forward as one. They shared the same values of serving and protecting our communities. He also noted that the Eugene Council had been supportive of this, but their Charter had less hands-on for the Council in regards to contracts. They had been involved and would see a copy of the agreement. Councilor Pishioneri said changing to a common name meant changing decals on equipment and patches on uniforms. That could be expensive and he asked about the costs. Chief Groves said he would propose changing the name on new apparatus as they were purchased. It was important for some standardization. The cost of t-shirts and sweat shirts, which was most of their working garments, was not cost prohibitive. He felt they could make it through this transition by starting with some of the garments. They were currently in the process of ordering six new ambulances, a new tower for Springfield and a new engine for Eugene. It would be an ideal time to make the name change so the new name could be put onto those pieces of equipment. They didn’t City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 4 need to instantly change everything at once. Other organizations that had joined together had generally not changed out everything all at one time. Councilor Woodrow said she liked Chief Groves approach and agreed it was important to establish an identity now. A lot of work and research had gone into this process and to not take that last step to make it unified, felt like it was not getting to the end. Councilor Ralston said the name should be Fire Med (Medical) since FireMed was started here. Mr. Grimaldi said Council would be involved in the decision on the name. A process would be created and brought to Council for input. Councilor Pishioneri asked if there was a timeline when they would be considering formation of a fire district. Chief Groves said if they changed the form of governance, it would be out in the future. That could be the ultimate direction, but consideration of that would need input from both cities and Lane County. It was an option that had been discussed, but the final decision was down the road. Ms. Smith said there was nothing in this agreement that tied either City to any type of timeline towards any progress to a fire district. The agreement could continue indefinitely as it was written. Chief Groves said they had looked at each step to see how things worked, and they had met or exceeded everything that had been laid out. There would always be concern about taking steps into areas they had not gone before. They were trying to pace this in a way that made sense after careful evaluation of each step. They needed to be responsible and prove this was a better model. Mayor Lundberg thanked Ms. Smith and Chief Groves for their exemplary work. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder – Amy Sowa ______________________ Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: ____________________ Amy Sowa City Recorder City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2012 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Pishioneri, VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Children’s Bookmark Contest Winners. Library Manager Barbara Thompson presented the eight young artists chosen as the winners of the Library’s 2012 Children’s Bookmark Contest to the Mayor and Council. The Library held a bookmark contest for grades kindergarten through middle school for the last 32 years. This year over 1550 students created original bookmarks and entered the contest. All their designs, about books, reading, libraries or the year’s theme, “Dig into Reading”, would be displayed in the children’s department of the Library. Each of the winners’ bookmarks had been professionally printed. The winners would receive two sets of bookmarks to take home with them. The Mayor and Council were provided with a set of the winning bookmarks. The winners were: 1st grade: Aerin Sharp, Two Rivers-Dos Rios Elementary 2nd grade: Kistena deSully, Ridgeview Elementary 3rd grade: Andrew Johnson, Thurston Elementary 4th grade: Izabella Burnett, Page Elementary 5th grade: Iree Holden, Mt. Vernon Elementary 6th grade: Alexandra Yost, Briggs Middle School 7th grade: Leighanna Huston, Thurston Middle School 8th grade: Emma Wright, Briggs Middle School Mayor Lundberg came down and shook the hand of each of the winners. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 2 2. “Be a Santa to a Senior” Proclamation. Mayor Lundberg read from the proclamation declaring December 2012 as “Be a Santa to a Senior” month. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. September 2012, Disbursements for Approval b. October 2012, Disbursements for Approval 2. Minutes a. November 5, 2012 – Work Session b. November 5, 2012 – Regular Meeting c. November 13, 2012 – Work Session 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-19 – A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING THE RATE STRUCTURE FOR SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED IN THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, SECTION 3.406, AND SPECIFYING AN EFFECTIVE DATE b. RESOLUTION NO. 2012-20 – A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT P50288; BUS RAPID TRANSIT PIONEER PARKWAY CORRIDOR. 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO. 6281 – AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING SECTIONS 2.700 THROUGH 2.718., "PUBLIC CONTRACTS" OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE AND SPECIFICALLY SECTIONS 2.702, 2.703, 2.704, 2.706, 2.708, 2.712 AND ADDING SECTION 2.709 TO THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. b. ORDINANCE NO. 6282 – AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER SERVICE DISTRICT, AND WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT; AND WITHDRAWING THE SAME TERRITORY FROM THE RAINBOW WATER AND FIRE DISTRICT. 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approve the Payment of $146,422.00 to Jack Louie for Easement Acquisition for the Jasper Trunk Sewer Project and Authorize the City Manager or Designee to Execute Documents to Close the Transaction on Behalf of the City. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 3 b. Approve a Motion Approving the Principles of Cooperation Agreement with Springfield Utility Board and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Sign the Agreement on Behalf of the City. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH CHECK # 117247 OF THE SEPTEMBER 2012 DISBURSEMENTS AND CHECK #117915 OF THE OCTOBER 2012 DISBURSEMENTS REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED 1.a. and 1b. Check #117247 of the September 2012 Disbursements, and Check #117915 of the October 2012 Disbursements. Councilor VanGordon recused himself from this item as the checks were to his employer UPS and he had a conflict of interest. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE CHECKS #117247 FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2012 DISBURSEMENTS AND CHECK #117915 FROM THE OCTOBER 2012 DISBURSEMENTS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSTENTION – VANGORDON). PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Dan Winters, 357 N 57th Street, Springfield, OR. Mr. Winters said he was here to talk about the barricade on N. 57th Street. He felt the barricade was taken down in a misleading way when it was taken down for a sewer project. At that time, there was nothing said about the barricade being taken away forever. He didn’t see any reason why the barricade shouldn’t be put back. He lived in a house since 1959 that was just two houses away from the barricade so he knew the history of why the barricade was put there in the first place and why it shouldn’t have been taken down. He noted health concerns with the barricade taken down. He and his son were asthmatics. This was a dirt road and when the barricade was taken down in the past, there were between 600-800 cars a day going up that road. The dust was horrendous during the summer. There was a promise/document from the City which included the reason the barricade was put up. About 10 years ago, Bill Dwyer took the barricade down to allow vehicles from his low-income housing development to go through. Residents fought and got the barricade put back. Nothing had changed and there was no reason the barricade shouldn’t be there. He couldn’t understand how the traffic engineer could think it was a good idea to turn the Bi-Mart parking lot into a through street, which was what happened without the barricade. Leaving it down would mean 500-600 cars a day would be driving through the Bi- Mart parking lot using it as a through street, which opened the City up to liability. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 4 2. Buzz Forbes, 5682 C Street, Springfield, OR Mr. Forbes thanked the Mayor and Council for volunteering their time to make Springfield a better city. He was also here to talk about the barricade on 56th and 57th Street. They were happy to see the permanent barricade put back on 56th Street and the temporary barricade on 57th Street, but they wondered why the temporary barricade. The temporary barrier had been moved by cars that wanted to go through. During the November 9 Council meeting, citizens asked to be notified when this topic would again be discussed. They wanted to know the facts of why this was going on, why the barrier should be brought down, how it came about, and why it was being readdressed when it had been addressed in the past. The issue of fire protection was brought up at the last meeting, but he had talked with the fire department last time this issue came up and they had no problems. He appreciated the time to speak. COUNCIL RESPONSE Mayor Lundberg asked about staff’s response to this issue. Mr. Grimaldi said staff would be meeting with the neighbors to go over their questions, talk about whether or not they would like to have the street improved and their opinions about whether the barricades should go back up or come down. The goal was to move to a solution. If the solution was to take the barricades down, it would be a Council decision. They had hoped to bring this back to Council by December 3, but would need more time in order to meet with the neighbors. After the neighborhood meeting, they would look at the results of the meeting and determine whether or not to bring this back to Council for action or to put the barricades back up. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments a. Historic Commission Appointment. Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan presented the staff report on this item. The Springfield Historic Commission had one vacancy as a result of Kerry Barbero’s first term expiring. It was necessary to fill the vacancies at this time. The City received two applications for the one vacancy. The Council interviewed Kerry Barbero and Steve Morgan at the November 13, 2012 Work Session. At the Work Session, the Council decided to appoint Kelly Barbero to fill the vacancy. Appointments to the Historic Commission must be confirmed during a Regular Session. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 5 IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPOINT KERRY BARBERO TO THE HISTORIC COMMISSION WITH A TERM EXPIRING NOVEMBER 18, 2016. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports b. Other Business. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Sustainable City Year (SCY) Demonstration Stormwater Project. Senior Management Analyst Courtney Griesel presented the staff report on this item. As part of the City’s 2011-2012 Sustainable City Year partnership with the University of Oregon, students worked to develop a Demonstration Stormwater project concept located at the Two Rivers/Dos Rios Elementary school property. The goal of the project was to illustrate to citizens and students the process and benefits of treating stormwater runoff onsite. In addition to the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Springfield Utility Board, Willamette Graystone, and Branch Engineering had all agreed to donate supplies and services to the project in an effort to complete construction within the identified budget. The Development and Public Works Department issued an informal bid, anticipating the construction of the project to total less than $35,000. Two bids were received by the Finance Department in September. Both bids exceeded the $35,000 informal bid process threshold. Staff was able to negotiate with the lowest bidder, Ryan Thomas Construction, to reduce the scope of the project and cost to $37,450. The City Manager’s Office was requesting City Council waive the $35,000 threshold in view of the in-kind contributions, donated materials and valued engineered project specifications. Staff recommended award of the contract to Ryan Thomas Construction in the amount of $37,450.00. Sufficient funds were budgeted in fund accounts; 617-62242-611008, 617-62243-611008, and 617- 62244-611008. Mayor Lundberg said the pictures were difficult to tell how it would look and it appeared to have changed. Ms. Griesel said the project would look mostly like the students had planned with the University of Oregon except it would happen in phases. The School District was going to partner with the City by building the structure themselves. The goal was for Mr. Thomas, City staff and SUB to get the site ready, put down the pavers, install the rain garden and pour the concrete pad with a receptacle to receive the structure the School District would build. It would look the same as originally designed, but done by different people. The goal was to have it complete by January. Mayor Lundberg said she was looking forward to having it in place. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 19, 2012 Page 6 IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE A MOTION TO WAIVE THE $35,000 BID THRESHOLD AND AWARD THE DEMONSTRATION STORMWATER PROJECT CONTRACT TO RYAN THOMAS CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $37,450.00. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Mr. Grimaldi noted that there had been some localized flooding due to current weather conditions. Maintenance Manager Brian Conlon was holding over six employees who were unclogging drains where possible. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:20 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa ______________________ Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: ____________________ City Recorder