HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Public Safety Systems Update AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/3/2012 Meeting Type:Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Rod Lathrop/IT Staff Phone No: X1025 Estimated Time: 15 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEMS UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: Information update only. ISSUE STATEMENT: Springfield is in the process of migrating from obsolete Mainframe Public Safety software to modern vendor supplied solutions. The new Public Safety System will include SunGard Police Records Management System (RMS) and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), EIS Jail Management, Fire and Life Safety FireHouse RMS and TeleStaff Scheduling, and Tyler InCode Courts RMS. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: –Council Briefing Memorandum DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Springfield currently spends about $380,000 annually to support obsolete Public Safety software for Courts, Police and Fire. Starting in FY12 Springfield, in conjunction with regional partner Eugene, began an ambitious replacement project. The highest level goal for this project is to create a safer community. This will be achieved by implementing modern, vendor-supported applications that will enhance both operations and decision support. There will be new functionality such as: • Automatic Vehicle Location which will send the closest available unit to respond to an emergency; • Advanced Crime Analysis to enable better Data Based Policing; • Mobile Field Reporting which will automate the generation of Police Reports, auto-populating the electronic report with CAD and RMS data and managing the validation and acceptance process; • Integrate products across divisions to improve efficiencies and eliminate redundant data entry; • Automate the voucher, payment and collections process at Courts; • Bring multiple Fire programs together within an integrated RMS to enhance operations and comply with State reporting requirements; • Provide powerful staffing and scheduling capabilities to help keep Fire apparatus functioning with full crews at peak efficiency. Together the new programs will cost about $765,000 spread over FY12 – FY14. Annual maintenance and support costs for the new enterprise will be $225,000, plus about 1 FTE of IT support (existing position). Through a combination of negotiated vendor concessions, consortium pricing, shared server hardware, and shared implementation services, Springfield has reduced our purchase, implementation and ongoing costs for system replacement by about $1,260,000 over 7-years across all the Police, Fire and Courts projects. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 12/3/2012 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Rod Lathrop BRIEFING Subject: Public Safety Automation System Upgrades MEMORANDUM ISSUE: Springfield is in the process of migrating from obsolete Mainframe Public Safety software to modern vendor supplied solutions. The new Public Safety System will include SunGard Police Records Management System (RMS) and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), EIS Jail Management, Fire and Life Safety FireHouse RMS and TeleStaff Scheduling, and Tyler InCode Courts RMS. COUNCIL GOALS/MANDATE: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services Enhance Public Safety BACKGROUND: Springfield utilizes a mix of legacy IBM Mainframe technology originally developed in 1967 and outdated Motorola software for public safety automation. In addition to becoming nearly impossible to maintain, the operations and custom integration required to keep these old systems running is very expensive, costing Springfield $380,000 annually. A little over a year ago the Cities of Springfield and Eugene began working together to replace these vital public safety systems. The high level goals for these major project replacements are:  Enhance public safety by providing excellent automated tools for decision support, including map-based Crime Analysis and data-based policing;  Improve Police and Fire response times and officer safety by utilizing satellite-based Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Computer Aided Dispatch functionality, enabling Dispatchers and Police/Fire personnel to dispatch the closest available unit to emergency calls and continuously know where Police and Fire units are;  Enhance unit efficiency through Mobile Field Reporting (MFR) which auto-populates police and fire reports with RMS and CAD data;  Integrate the solutions across public safety departments in order to effectively share information and eliminate redundant data entry;  Integrate with external partners such as LEDS/DMV for Law Enforcement and Collection Agencies for Courts  Implement commercial solutions that will continue to be developed and enhanced by the vendors with input from the user community. Together the replacements for these systems will cost Springfield about $765,000 in implementation costs spread over FY12, FY13 and FY14. Annual costs including support, maintenance, hardware replacement, map system support, and hosting services are projected at about $225,000 annually. This compares favorably with the $380,000 Springfield is currently paying for maintenance and support on the old public safety software. Through a combination of negotiated vendor concessions, consortium pricing, shared server hardware, and shared implementation services, Springfield has reduced our purchase, implementation and ongoing costs for system replacement by about $1,260,000 over 7-years across all these projects. High-level details for these projects are: Attachment 1, Page 1 of 3 MEMORANDUM 11/27/2012 Page 2 Municipal Court Springfield recently went “Live” with InCode Courts RMS software from Tyler Technologies. This is a Hosted (Cloud) solution, meaning that Tyler Technologies provides the servers and infrastructure that run the application, and Springfield Municipal Court staff and customers access the programs and data over the Internet. InCode will have interfaces with the new SunGard Police RMS for arrest, citation and warrant information, plus an interface with our collections agency to streamline collections and improve efficiency. InCode also supports online payments, improving Court revenue and staff productivity while enhancing customer service. Springfield was able to achieve one-time and ongoing savings of $166,592 (over 7 years) through a combination of vendor concessions and negotiated consortium pricing. Fire and Life Safety Springfield is implementing the FireHouse RMS program and the TeleStaff Fire Scheduling program jointly with the City of Eugene. Eugene IT is managing the FireHouse project, which is another Hosted (Cloud) solution. Springfield IT is managing and hosting the TeleStaff project. The FireHouse RMS will manage National Fire Incident Reporting (NFIRS), Training Records, Fire Marshall/Fire Prevention programs, Logistics, HazMat, etc. This product will integrate with our new SunGard CAD system to retrieve incident records, it will integrate with TeleStaff for shift and scheduling information, it will integrate with Development and Public Works Accela to import Building Permit data for scheduling inspections, and it will integrate with our PeopleSoft accounting system for managing revenue. FireHouse RMS is going “Live” in mid-December 2012. The TeleStaff system automates the time consuming task of scheduling and staffing sworn personnel. TeleStaff allocates overtime hours, complies with union and legal scheduling requirements, and provides access to scheduling services via telephone, network PC, or any Internet connected device. TeleStaff integrates with FireHouse RMS and the Payroll/Time Entry systems of both Cities. Tele Staff is going “Live” January 1st, 2013. By working together the two Cities saved about $70,000 through a combination of hardware savings (fewer servers/telephony), shared IT Project Management, and shared Fire business expertise during implementation. EIS Jail Management The Springfield Municipal Jail must integrate tightly with the Lane County Jail system. Prisoners are often “shared” between the two facilities, through inmate swaps, etc. For this reason Springfield is partnering with Lane County on the implementation of the new EIS Jail Management system application and hardware. This product will integrate with the SunGard Police RMS and with Tyler InCode Court RMS to share mug shots, custody status, arrest information, etc. By sharing a single set of implementation services and a single database with Lane County, Springfield was able to negotiate a $40,536 reduction in implementation and purchase cost plus an ongoing annual discount of $2,660 with EIS. Integration and operational efficiency will be greatly enhanced by sharing a single system. Assuming Council approves the EIS Jail Management Contract when presented, this system could go “Live” by summer 2013. SunGard Police RMS, CAD, Field Reporting, AVL, e-Citations, Crime Analysis The SunGard Police project is the most complex and tightly integrated suite of products within the Public Safety Automation project. Pre-contract Fit-Gap work began in August, mapping Springfield and Eugene Police requirements onto SunGard functionality. Assuming Council approves the SunGard project IGA this software is expected to go “Live” by November/December 2013. Final configuration and implementation work on ancillary modules is scheduled to wrap up by 2nd Quarter of 2014. The savings associated with the SunGard project are considerable. Springfield is saving a significant amount by sharing implementation, hardware, conversion and training resources with Eugene. $22,894 was saved by utilizing existing regional data center resources to host the new SunGard hardware. Springfield saved $33,557 by itemizing specific interfaces and hardware Attachment 1, Page 2 of 3 MEMORANDUM 11/27/2012 Page 3 within the project. The pre-contract Fit-Gap analysis concession by SunGard saved about $35,000. The most significant savings are heavy discounts in license fees, implementation services, and ongoing annual maintenance fees associated with helping SunGard move into Oregon (First In State Discount) and develop a strong west coast presence. The total savings achieved for Springfield on the SunGard project are in excess of $993,000. The total reductions achieved for Springfield on all these projects combined is estimated to be $1.2M over 7-years. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information update only. Attachment 1, Page 3 of 3