HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-5 .. RESID"" ~TIAl" APPLICAT.J.v../PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Locaticm: t+ C1"-s C t3,.~..& ASGesGors Nap # J I( 0 ~ 3.5 '3 '3 Subdivision: CUner: e~"i~ e IL44 /) ~--- Add:ress:hI r; :? t- ~,-/7.1-t.t Ci ty: ee, d. 0 fa,.JJ.L~ Nl"'uJ T= Lot # 0 (75(0 Phone: "7 II'"'";? _ q If ? ~ Zip: Describe rl'ork: Addition l'l,eejA/??/"fz';'c . /f ~/-;l/,;-e - WA--?Ut?A-Ie() f Cat. I ~c:'J"?-?:- L:or.r:rac;;ors -, General W,/t'- ~M/I.. PZwnbinq' '. Electricd P#rL' 5kae.. Mechar.ic::.l Constl"llcncm Lender If; ill the l'esporun.biZity of the permit hol.der to Bee that aZZ irwpections are made at the proper time, trAt e=h ::d::1:ress is rea.ia.O:c from the stl'eet, and that the permi t ca:rod is Zo<::ated at the front of the property. ~Bui!.ding Ir-vi:;ior. apprOl:ed plan shc.n remain on thE BuiZding Sits at all times. P.'?OCE'DUPE: FO,,? I!iSPE:::TIOll P::b'UE:ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state !Jour Citl{ desianated jot nur.;ber, job ac.c.ress, type of ir..:;pec::icn requesr:ed a~~ w~en ~ou wiZZ be ready for ir..:;pcction, Contractors o~ Owners' ncme ~nd phone nu~cr. Requcs;;s received befere 7:00 ~ ...'iU be made the same dc.y, requesr:s malie aftc:r 7: 00 ern !.JiZZ b.:? made the n=t :JOrkir.q dc.i:J'. Remo.:el i!ob:.le Rome Date of Applicatien (-C] ~8 f Reaui~~d Trs~p~ticnp o o SI?E: I!:S?E:C':' ION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. UNDF:R5LAB PWV!3ING, EL::CTRIC,iL & . 1.!ECH.:'.:':.TC;"~: To be ma.cie before any work is ~overed. CJ FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIO!I: To be made after r:rencnes are excavated ard forms are erected, but prior ~o pourir~ cencret~. ~ UND'ERc:r::au:,1D P~Ul.!3INC, SEF::.-=:. k'..iTE'.=:, D."IAIlI/,C:::: 1'0 be ma.:;e prior ;;0 Ii Z- .Zir.g trenchec. :=J U!lDER:LCO,~ T'W!-,'!3ING t, I.:E:CHA!:ICAL: To "be maae priop LO in0~Glia~ion of 11001' insu~tion or decking. POST AIID BEA/.~: To be made prior to ins;;aZZ.:;;;ion of floor ins~~r;io" or deckir.;. -... y;). RO~'C.:! ?!J..P~3I,'}G/'fLEC7'P!C..i~ ~~ lfF:CP- ANICi~L: No wo~;:o:> L-U uCcoz.:ercd ur.til these inspections have been 'made ard cpprov~.:. FI.DF:PL/..CE:: ?pior to plccir~? facin;: mar:er'iaZs and before fr=ing inspec- tion. I FRA!~J:.'r;: /1ust be recuested after ~ approv.:;l oj rough pZwr.bing, elecr;ri- cal & mec~~nical. All roofir~ braci~? ~ chimneys, etc. ~~st-be :'completed.; !lo work is to be corz- ." ~.cealed until thia inspection has "been maae and approved. ~ 2t ~ Value Qr-D ~ Rece:pt!i ({~ 'f-q I AdLiress Ie 27'> W 7?Ji:- Your City Desigr.ated Job Numba' IG: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I:1SP::CTIOl/: To be made after all insul.:;tion ~4 raqu:.red vapor carriers are in place Cut before any lath, gypsum beard or wall covering is appZied, and before any insulation is concealed. v~ .iJ?~ /!ffll \ \ t \ Sicrr:ed: Date: 1001 u/1 ec/ D fJ1 Cf-5-gg \ I ~ t DRYh~LL Il/SPE:CTION: To be made after alZ erywall is in place, but prior to any tapir.g. Lisc.~ E=uircs Phone o ~MSONRY: Steel location, bond De~s, oroutino or verticaZs in accor~ce Lr~th U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODS TO 'IE: After installation is ccmplet€d. Jf-QJ.y9ggg' ~9029/ DEtfODITIO:',' OR ~~;OVE;; EUILDI;;t;S ~ Sani tCII";I se-..Jer :JiIpped ::It rn:.op;;rt-::j lir.e ~ Septi~ tank p~~;;d ~~ f:.lZed with gra~e: I Final - r>'hen abcve ite.-,:s are ce.'..roleted ---.J a>:d when :1e.."olition is cOl77plete or stru~-, ture movec ard prc:miaes :JZeaned up. NobiZe hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p .~ Plumbir4 conne:Jtions sewer and water --, EZcctricd Cem:ectio/l - Blocking, set-u; ~ and plu~bi/lg connections ~~st ce approve~ before request:.ng electrical ins?ec=io~ ~ AC:JescoP'd Builc.:.ng ~ Fin::.l - After p~rcr.es, sk:rt:.ng, decks, ---.J etc. are completed. D AU pro,iect conditions, $uc1-: as tile i.nstaUation of street trees, cOC7Dletion of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied bcfore tr.e BUILDI~G FINAL can be rzquest2d. .=J FIIlAL PLUlBI!.'G :=J FI!"':"~'~:::HANICAL ~ FIN':"L ELEC:RIC':"L \1) Z FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeGted after thc Fin::.l Plumbing EZectri:Jal, and Mechanical Inspection3 have been made and. approved. ~ D D CURB I! AT'P.9CACH AP!'?ON: After forms are erected but pr"or to pouring oOn.:)rete. SIDEWAL}{ <~ DRIVEfiAY: For aU con- crete paving witnin street rigllt- of-wcy, to be made after all exca- vatinG complete & fo= work & sub- base ~aterial in place. ~A:"L I-IA!.'.r::::tr5' AND CLEA,','()UTS nUST BE ACCrS~IELr, ADJUST.'!::.:.''!' TO BE /.~1DF: !.'!' NO (:'5T TO CI':'Y I P::!ge ! of = D o ~ENCE: k~er. compl~te -- Provide ga"es or movable sections througr. P.U.E. D , JOB No.~~D :2q( I Zcm(!~ Lot Sq. Ft;. S :Jf l.ot C:nJezoag:: * of Stories Totat Height Topogra;;hy !':E....' S::.FTG Main Cc::ra:;p Ca::r-ocrt Acccssort! I I TOTM, VALUE S.D.C. Ive,u.;) 1.5 = Building Parmi t State SUrchJr~e Total Cha..~ge3 iITEl-! I fi...-n.res jResidential (1 bath) ISar.ita:ru Sewer !W~t~ , . Plumbing Perr.:i t State SUZ'cr.arge TctaZ cr.::rocs 111'::",: I Res. Sc. ftc. IN~/~~end Circuits , I Temporary Service , . Electrical Permit St=te SUZ'chaIooe Total Cfuaoces ; Il~;.'~ ; i Plir=ce ETU' S I ! E:haust Hoo= : Vent fan , iloodsto:Je Perrrr~t. Issuanc:: Meciumic:1 I Perm:. t State Surchcrcc Totel cr_'1ra".~ DICROA CHN::::T 5e~~ritu D::~03it Storane .~ai"tenar~r. Permi t Tota I C"narncs Cur bcu. t side:.Jalk .C'rrt::c Elect,.ical Label j ,"lobi le Home :-orAL AMOlJ.','T _DU~: 4 )\ \# / SOLAR., "ESS Occu.oancu G . LC'T TYPE Interior Corner Panhandte CUl-de-sac x Value ~5o I &::, ~~ .ZYO /G~O Il,'O. I I FE CP.AF:C:: I ::c.. I i...i=r..-._'':' I, I 15~ I .~I I REQ.- L-COG~ . T"pe/Cor..st: Be=:roor.:s: Lot Faces - I I Encrt1:J Sources I I Hea: I I I I I II 'lu~l' Setnack!' P.L. House Caraoe North lEast ISou. th Iwest Access. Watp.!," .'!ca:r!'" hal1{:c FireDlaclJ wooci:;tove F<1es Building Value & Permit 4 This pcrrrr~t io granted on the express condition that the said,constru.cticm shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Sprirl{Jfield, incZu.ding the Zoning Crdi1la7lce, regulating the ccnst1"04~ticl1 ; and uae of buildirl{Js, and m~y be sucpended 01' revoked at'cr.y time upon vic-: ~tion of any' provisions of said ordir~nces. I I i i I I I ; I_~ Plan Check Fee~ Catc Paid: Rec:::ipt #: Sig'"-ed: .I )/4 4 Plumbing Permit No percon :;haZZ construct, instal?, az'ter 01' ciumge any r.ew cr e-.-isting plu.mbirl{J or drainage systen in whole or in par=, ur.less such Ferson is the , le~al po~sessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do ! pl~bing wor~ to property which is owned, leased or operated by the app2.i- i I ca71r::.'. I I ! , i .J i .. I , I I : I :1 : ; Electrical Perm it Where State LaLJ reauires tr~t the electrical LJoric be done b~ an El.ectrical Conr::ractc~, the elec~rical portion of this pe~ir:: shall r~t'ce valid until the UzDel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. I .; 705- --~( II 5, ? S- I ~ /;:;. . l:":"'::' C.rl~~~ I I I I 3:):55 14 Me c h c'on i c a I Per m tt ~i: G~Z ~d/~ 1/)/1; f5 var::d / I HA VE CAREFULLY EXA!ofINED the comoleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fO':T.".ation hereon is true ar..d correct, and I furtr.er certify that any ar.d aZZ work perfoMlcd s;.~ZZ be do~e in accor- dance ~th th<1 Ordinances of the City of SDrinJfield, and the ~s of the State of Ore~on p=rt~ining to the worK described herein. ar.d :r~: NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any sr::ructuv2 witho~t parmission of the Euilding Di- vision. I further certif~ that o~ly contractors a'~ enpl~yecs LJr.o are in c~pliance LJith CRS 701.05~ will. be used on this project . e -~~:/i,~~-d ~nz~~- , ",l,.;pr J.f- h- C<. Cute