HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-2-3 ;... .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT _ SPRINGFlELD- 225 North 5th Street . . : Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ BuiZding Division ~' 726-3753 Reae-:.pt .~ C;-7 L! '7~ ~ 7tJrP5' bf;'1Jd1 /V~ 1# . 11 - 0 2..... 05 -- ?-> fi Tez Lot # 0 Lf fJ-D l-- Job Location: Assesoors Map Subdivision: (Mzer: nkt4~ ~~. Address: 70(P~ ~ldvf. City: .A.A.~./,/)~ 0 -- jYjJLJV I 1_1'1""" I Ad.di ticn I Remodel. I Mobile Flame We S, .. d-3- ~~ Date of Appl.icaticn Contractors General. Plumbing F:Z.ectrical. .'.techar.ical. (( ) /~/h Construction Len.dsr Phone: 726-/b~ Zip: 971/77 Describe WOl'k: Val.ue Addresa M, P ;$;00 t;% I. toO v~ IS: 60 Sigr.ed: Date: ~ 2~~,- 5(S Liaa.# E::;:;il'es Phone I It is :he responoibiZity of the permit hol.der to see that al.l. inspections a"l'e r.'.ade at :he proper time. that each .;.ddress is readab~" from the street, and that the permit card is z"cated at the front of the property. -Eui7.ding Diui::ion app"l'oved Flan shal.l. remain on tha Buil.ding Site at al.l. times. Pl'10crDUFlE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: Can '1:!6-37~(;roecO"l'der) state your City designated job nurr.ber. job ati.drcss, type of i7'l3pecticn requested ar.d when you ;.)il.l. be ready for inspection, _Contrcw:tar~B-1lQ1lELJmlLph.alllL.llUl1llzar---....~eaussts received before 7: 00 a-:l ..'in be rm.de ths same dq. requests made aft:zs '1:00 qJTl will. be rm.de the nut :,;orking day. . rOW" City Dellignated Job Numbco Is: . IfJ () 0 7 SZ' / Pf-'J",:",.,n r.,.~t>~H.l":"f!ft SITE INSPEC':ION: To be /IIfZIU after e;:cauanon, but prior to Bet up of :0 ..0 - . ;0 J "'''''''0. &IYLllllt"LAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is .::overed.. FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be rm.de after t"l'enches are e:z:cavated and forms a"l'e el'ected, but pl"ior to pouring cC7lO7'et.;. W1DERGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. W.iTER, D.'?AINAGE: To be nr:z.:ie priOl' to fil.- Ur.g trenches. (:0' :0 UNDEP.FWOR PLUNBING -1 MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instal.Zation of f7,oor insuZation or decking. POST AND 8EAM: To be rrratk prior to instal.l.aticn of f7,oor insl.OZation or dsaking . ROUGH PLUMBING. E:r.ECTR!CAr. & MECH- ANICAL: No :,)()rk is to De aOL'ered ur.til. these inspections have been made and: ~t'~ ..,Je::.. . F'I."'.EPLACE: Prior to p Zc.ci.r..g facing material.s and. before framing inspec- tiar:. .0 ~D ;0 . ;0 FRANING: Must be requeDted after approva.l. of rough pl.wr.bing. el.ectri- !:al. & mechani::a.l.. Al.! roofing bracing !J chimneys, et.::. l7l'...st be = l.etcd. !Io I.lOrk is to be aon- Cleared until this insoection has been made and ~~~.vJed. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To b. rm.de afte"l' al.l. insul.ation ar.d zoaquiZ'ed. ul%pO"l' barf"iezos a"l'e in p Zace but 1:;efors any Zath. gyp8U11l board or ~ZZ covering is appUed. and before. any insuZation is conc8l%l.ed.. O DRYWALL flISPECTION: To be made after al.l. drywal.l. is in pLace, but prior to any taping. O MASONRr: Steel. Zocation, bond . beam3, g"l'OU:ing or uerticau in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. fliI. ~ WOODSTOVE: Aftw instal.Zation is ~mpl.eted. D CURB & AFP.r?OACH APRON: Afts:' forms a"l'e erected but prior to pouring '::011o..--retii. O SIDEWALK & DRrIEWAY: For al.l. Clon- orete parri.ng within street right- of-way. to be mads after al.! e:z:ca- uating ocmpl.ete & forM rJO"l'k & sub- base material. in pla::e. o o E'ENCE: Wher. compZote -- Provide gates or movabLe sections through P.U.E. DEMOLITION OR .\fOt'::D 3UIL::::;IGS t :J Sam.-;az.y setJe1' cC;;ped ::t ~P~:i l.ir.e :J Septi:: tank p-.<mped ar.i f-:. Z7.ed :Jith ;z'C:JeZ ; --, Final. - Jlhen above it2~s erre acr.rpl.eted , --.J ar.d when d.emo~itior. is oor.r;;l.8"" or strua- : turs moved ar.a pr;;:nis.;s s:.eane:: up. . Mobile Homes :==J 8l.ocking and Set-~p :J PZwnbing connections -- 8aJer c:7Zd water ---, Electrical. Ccnnection - 8l.~ck-:.r~, set-up ---.l and. pLumbing Clonr.Bctwns rr7"...st ::8 IZ?provea beforc requesting el.e~~ricaZ -:.r.spection :J AcceSsol"d BuiUi71f' --, Final - Aft<:l'.?01'c.hes, sk-:.rt-:.71f', decks, --.J etc. a"l'e comp~at~a. D AZZ project aonditio1'ls, such as the instaZZation of st"l'eet trees. clZ!!'L.;tio>t oj" ;iw required 7..andscapi1"..g, eta., 17!Ust be satisfied before 1;1'08 aUIWI::C FI:JAL san ::13 raquest.2d. . 0 E'INAL PLUMBING . 0 FINAL MECHANICAL o PI,VAL eLECTRICAL o o :?IN.4L BUILDINC: The FinaL Buil.ding Inspection 17!Ust be l'equeated after the Pinal. ?!wr.bing electrical. and Uechanical. InspectionD have been made and. approued. "AU MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIELE, ADJUST!fENT TO 8E MADE -I1T NO COST TO CI'!'! I F:;~e \.. of 2 i , J .-. ..u_::.... ,_,':,.. ___..._ .-.-'-"-'- .' -- j I Job ,Vwnber: , I Zone: . Ocau:oancy Group: LOTTYFE iLot Sq. Ftg. i % .:;f l.ot C.:;verage # of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM I I Main I /;Garaae I Ci:rr"oort IACCeSSOI'lJ I SQ.FTG S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (VaLue) 1.5 x Building ~',,","...:'t State Sw:ochaIoge Total. Cha..~ge8 lITEM I Fi.rtures I Residential (1 bath) Sanita;r>y SelUer NO. FEE Water I Plumbing Permi t State Surcr.m>ge Total Charaes ITEM NO. FEE .Res. Sa. fta. NGIJ/Extend Circ::ui ts I Temporary Service Ele:Jrncal. permit State Sur:J1!azoqg Total. CharQe8 ITEM NO. FEE F'u.rnt:ce HTU' S E::;hazlst Hood Vent Fan Woodstove 'J Permit Issua:naa Me~hanica.l. Permit State Surcharoe Total. Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- IselT.trity Daposit I Storage I Maintena.nce Permit Total. Charaes I CuI'hout I sidewal.k I Fe=e I El.ectrical. Label. Mobi l.e Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" Interior Corner Panhandl.e Cul.-de-sac x Val.ue CHARGE CHARGE' Page 2 . L-COC #: Reference Nwnbers: Tif"{Je/Cor.st: Bedrooms: Enara!! Souzoces !:f'eat Water !:feater Range I Firep l.ace Woodstove Type [,at Faces - I I I P.L. !North lEast ISouth jWest Setbacks House Garage Access. Faes Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction' shal.l., in al.l. respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfiel.d, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regul.ating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any ~.JTle upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I f ,. I ,. PZan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shaH construct, instaZZ, aUer or change any new or e:risting pZumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the "Legal possessor of a valid plumber's Ucense, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is oumsd, leased or operated by the appU- . cant. ,. Electrical Permit Where State LaJJJ requires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an EZectrical Contractor, the el.ectrical portion of this permit shaZZ not be vaUd until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical. Contractor. . ,. CHARGE Mechanical Permit I 5: tJO 1{).Oc) / L'). 0 f) I (19 (J >YS,'/b/J ,. /7 /lU~ ,51-3-8'2- PZan L;..........H~ner vate f $s, (PO ( ,. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compl.eted application for permit, and do hereby certify that an information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d an work performed shan be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the La:.Js of the State of Oreg.:;n pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY win be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further aertify that ~l.y aontractors and enpZayees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wi 7.. 7.. be used on this project #~./ Signed/' ~~.-'! .. / ~- 3'~8 :z- Date