HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1993-7-16 ) ~,..j, ~, ~.:" : .-. ~~ . . .>:.. ,J- _ -'\" -,'~ tit. . ~'. ~1~~/ ({p,.' /qtt8. '.' '~~~)~,:::;~~ 'I . VjtJ~jlA;JA' ' . : JAAA1JH1M !~.~tUZ(J Q~~~r'.wU-~~~~-/r~' '- I .. _.h_/_~. , !; _ . .": . . ,-r . , . . li .. ., i!41~ l4oJJfJ/WC/ M--6>-vL6-tAu diOvL t1M-L ~ . il ff~fW;6btm6 111A~k/HYI&m~ . IWv ihQ ll}UA-/rQd0 110, {qq 3 . i t qJQg. . ~ ' ., . '~~.'..~ '. r~~--- -- ~~;;F~~~:;"SEAL . ~1 :.- ; LAURIE ADAMS Ii .' . .J NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON ~.i'i .; COMMISSION NO.Ol6369 (, iJ-MV'COMMISSION"EXPIRESJONE'28:199tr ~ ~--~.._--_.......~... ..",.. ..........'~ . '\ .\.!In '/r ,riltrJAft. ~ '-ftdiM41 ~ x!u dfla ~ tflLJYu ~ .1J!lIUnfJ~ Lf1uJ (P~~.x~. . . . ... ' u ~~ Jfl lq~1h (j # .. . .~ ~ ~ c 'ill. .,.... f- /1- P3 -r; _t2~ .J ~ ~, ~). 12,~. _, .,' _I" /) k, -' -- ca.. '" J- -. ---~i;7~ tJ._~_ ---7--~--~~-~~-i -- ,~~-~ ~_~ cd rP/:~/J ~. . JZ_ -~ )' (~--I-. ~ h .1-. , . ~. ~l6C4~_M tva4 v{.~ ~./~~_W:di~_ ~--~ J~ aL~-~1 <C --Qiu' - . - -- _.c~~~~_~~ ,()nl"'l J~A' "+,, ^ ___ _ _ _ t..U~_ ( _~ .._~ 7VV,-".L\.)I. _ , -- '" !- '4 . ~ __ _ _ . _ c~_,_ ___ __. ( ,_ \ _ --tJ ',; . /, 1/ I /J4 ' U~b;~- ~ .~(/J~ ~~~ k ." r--~~"~~~~~~~~:~' .. .::e.. '1ft'. . ~[~ ____.u__, :~-N~6~':J,;~~~~Oo,,~~,~N-~ CLlf:f&Jq- ~ -!lkdJh~ .. --' L_~~~O._~~S~'ON EXPIRES JU~~,28, 199~.l_ _(jj!/L:~. . Lj-,_LLf.":;/ I I i . /~.r_-,"w~~~.. =. 1fnf/YM/Y.}rJ;-rv~' 0/ )-f/7b _" __ '_'_ ,________ _____:... _~_{ ___u_. ,~.____. ___ "'.J r ~. '.:""..' ,If" , . T'1:'" following piOjem as submiitGo hao the foilowin~ 2,:ning. f.lnd does not reouire snecific land use. f.pprovai. '. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 9~~~~3769~0<Iling I. wiZ- ..... City Job NumbeA~(~. ,', Date ,"7 :J;10?;> ." ,-";\ ~~..' \ A t'- ' , c,' . ~ 1^_~HPLEtE FEE SCHEDULE BELOY. \ \ 1. LOC.! ~I ON 0 F ~~T ALLA TION,zea .:.>Ignature .J. r n .. ~lt''')\.(/l \~\,,~ ~e.:\\." A. New Residential-Single or '. . - ."- Hulti-Family per.dwelling unit. l..EGAL DESCRIPTION Service Included: .\" (:})-0~ ~J (,")Co~OL . 225 FIITH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQUEST: OFFICE: 726-3759. v4JDEt~~,,~ \b "t6 ~ Pecmits a~non-tcansfecable and expice if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. '. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Electrical contractorMfr~~ C~r@.e.~ Address/~tJ f!.~ !J(,'V~ /1 w- I Phone (98)9 1;'79;, .Ci ty ;:-;/4 ~ I Supervisor License Number .~ 97 <:- 5 r Expiration Date f(),'-/~7\ .J .' , Constr Contr. Number qo Lr;~ Expiration Da te 4~ It. "'": 1.4 . , s~upecvisi~~ian . <,-)p:,~ Owners Name~k.) .YC'~.I~\~ ~ ------.~ Address260 (' -D ~~:\ Ci ty~~~ ~one'1{)S- S~-~\l) OYNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on E. property I own which is not intended for sale, lea~e ~r rent. Owners Signature: DA;:E~~-~~~'(l;"Q\5--~--~---~-~~~' 5. RECEIPT I: _ ' ~(' C) () ~ ,J RECEIVED BI: .~\~.~ :1;. Items Cost Sum 1000 sq. ft . or less \ $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. it or portion . !L thereof, $ 15.00 Eac.h Hanuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 16 0() Services or Feeders Installation, Al.t~rations or Relocation:' 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300..00 $ 4'0.00 C. Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 {o 600 amps Over 600 am~s or 1000 $ 40.'00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 volts see "B'I above D. Branch Circuits New; Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Additional Ci~cuit or:with Service or Feeder Permit $ 35.00 ' $ .2.00 . IHscella'neous (Service/feeder -Each installation P~mp~t irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm.. not included) SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL ' $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 ,$ 36.00 \ \S~90 - ".-- .~~~ \) . .lnA 'is! ,. ~ ) -- .. I