HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-6-27 . ... . ._~. ..h........~~ ~._.__ ,.."...... l..t...~. ~_:.-'-- ....__._~:_ ~ ...;_......~..:~..;.._ ..~, "'_.'_:~ :...:..~ ~..;,._ ..; CITY or S!.!!.!]:f,rIEI.D 8UILOIII~ OIVISIOII ! .:-iJ TO: ItIsr(CT/OII pnOc[DU1I~S. 'Ihe "crroit holdcr for con~tru;'c1on ~t: S.~e l \e~' I o~q. ~4.. .../ The fOIIll'..ln~ IndiC,'led insPC:lions ~re rCflllircd for the .,I.,,",e dcscribe,1 <.onnruelion. II i. the re'pOI..il.i lily nf the permil hold~r 10 .eo tholl ~II inspections Ore r.",or. .'t the proper tin",. c~ch odolrc" I. r.~doll.l. f,'om the strect ond inspection e~rd 1'X,)IeJ at tho) frmt of the Property. I, rooTl/!CS N'D/O~ FOUII~ATI (\11 IfISrECTI t'!:.: To be r.".~c of t er t r"nches ~re excolva, cd nnd (orms ~rQ crcCle:d. but prior to the pJ.:.cing or ""y Cc:ncrcle. 2, PuST t. D[NI: Inspection bdore d:c1:in9. L J, ClECTRICAl. PLUI191I1C. Ul:~CrrLCOr. ORfdIL\C.E AI:O CAS rrPI::C II!;P(CTlO::~: The.e InSOCC'ion. "",5ot be rC'luc:acd of tho olrprop...i~le jrl:;p~clOrSt .:Jnu 110 ..ork it t? be co.1cc"lcJ ~i\ril the in~pCCl'ions ..1.'C 1i\o1dc .1nd ilPP'...,vcd. ./ 4. rRfoll( lilSr(CTI~II: To be r:wle "ftcr the rvcf, ~II fr.min';. fire-l.locLir.:, "no ~r.ci,,~ ,re in pl.'ce .ond .,11 rou~lh rlunbin", ro..,':" electriC,,!, ond rn....JIo he"Iin; i"':"'!.~;nr" .1rc CD.lfdctc. t10 \"lork is to be ce"vcrcJ l'Ut; I this in~''''C'':li(Jn has be'.:n a;.Jc .JaJ .-.pprovcd. 5. LATII II:SrrCTlO!I: This inspoetion is rcquirod for ~.ctlo inlori"r ,'nd exterior pl<st... in~. It I, to he m.,~c ~fter ,)11 I~thin~ is in I'I~cc, Lut I.ef",'o .II'y pl,.SlCr i$ .;cpl.,~. ./ 6. o:m:.\Ll MILlUC: Tlois inSf,cclion to ~e ..ode "ftcr ,..11 "".)I'd is in ploce Md I.dore t....ping. J.- A.. ~ \l ../ 7. SlonMLK ,\if;) r.iq1j(\/,W M'rpC!.,\CU I1!Sr-::'CTIOHS: I\cr,uirC'd (Vf' .,11 C~nCI'clC Pi'l",in:' I:itnin the ~rrccl ril;hl-Or-\..J."(: to t:.c m.1d~ o'1(tcr .:11 C)l,C.;lv,Jlin.; is Cl')tl'flh..t.c, .1nd the: r:O:'"rl work ;tnd ~lJh"'~"lse tn,".:r-ri:d i!; in pl..~c("1. ./ U. OTlI::n 1l:'1i'ECT!C'::S: r.:!.,:r in:.ri.:'ctic~,:, n:"y !.Ie rC-1l1:r~d Oil ."IIY p.'rticul.~r jC'b :n ;:cCI\r<.folllc~ \-lith ~cc:i('n ~CI~ or the Sprin::'iC'IJ Cuildin." (c.le. Th~~,.: I.~<:uir~d in~;'(.cticn~ wi II h~ ir.dic,HctJ in the ~"p:'~o'lcd pl.)n!: or toy I~Oliric.ltion fro.:. the Eiui Idiflfj In:-.pcct{'r. , ~ ~ ...... l. A. rrr.E :,::0 !t(f",\r.:.TIO:: \It'\Ll.: locJtcd ~"::ld (,:,ollHructcd .:IS dct.,i led on plOlns. / ~ c. \,U;r1:..,\rIC:I: ('~cch",licOlI) \Jh"rc rCC:tlir~;j when no <'pcn:.blc win~O\/S .1rc provi~cd. C. ClLJ-I.,..:1 flrM~S: In~['IC'ctil~n Cenific.He (tJj' ,"ppro\'cd "::l'ncy) to be sllr~licd to chi.:' Oui hJin"] Ino;.jH.:ctol" by the L,t,,'ir..llor ell' co:,tr"'cto;, hc((\l'c he.::rn:; oJrc pl.1ceJ. D. n.\SCll:\Y t'l\ll~: Steel IOC.Hiorl, tJ':'nd bc,":1s. IJroutin'J or vertic.,I:., V.G.C. Scclicn 2/,15. [. ROOfinG: (fir" Ret'lr~.:lfll) In:-,prctiOfl ("If "','(cd.,l to lH- M.1.1c hrf(.re ..'C'(\lic"ltion. F. Cllill::(( 0, FlftEru,cr, 9. ~.f'[CI,\l 11;:.I'[C110:!5: \:hen :'PCCi.ll InspcctillO:". .1rc :.p("cifh'\J Olt ,'flY p..nic,,!.,r j._~ in "'cconJ."lc(.~ \Ii [II SL.ctien JO~ of the Sprjn~iicld Oui ldill'l Cn.It:. the ~I'cci.)l' ;nr-~~ct(lr i~. to he prc!.cllt on the jC'lJ ",h~n('vcr Hod, rC'luirin'J the speci.,1 i"~pectur is in p"o"lrc~:.. L 10. fll!,',1. II!Sr[('T1C:!: To be In.Hle ..,ftcr thl' hli Id;nl, is COltlpll.tcd :n .'ccl:1rd,)nCf' u:th ~I'c [h,illti~'1 '=nJ(.., ,'rIl1ic,'li("ln "nJ pli'lIl'5 suh'lIittcd (or rh~ huildin':l pcrlni: ....nd r~1.1~...!.1"! Tllr. C[(l'i','\::~:y ,.~. Tt!r. r.I'I'O:::r,. f:IJI~:1II:r. :'11,"1 110T rt: r.(CIIPI!':1IJ.:lll. cr?:TI;Ji':::':..I~I:.F. .C'CC ~i';;::c "{ I (T.. -;';;~'o--.~;:{~O~ -t(~-li~ F'll"I;-i::~: !:!!.llDII:r. ~~I',"~T::,:1T ~rr~c'.'rn rl",lt~t,1 I "rl'::~~r:!.:!...:;')5f__~l!.r .\T ^Il. TII!..!,. O.)\e: .Permit 1I01~~~~ ' Phone: O..c copy "'rrlicol to Iloe Pcr",;, 110101.-.. O'.e c,'p, h' I.r~" ~Ii'h lloe pl,,1IS In tloe Puil,,,,,,,, Dh'i ~ ion. All 1I.1nh('lks ~nJ Clc.,nouts. to bc .1djll~lrJ .,t 00 Co~t t 1 ~fll': City. ""'.'.',' ";"t';-':;'bO;r'I.,..,..g""~1~,.)x,:;Y.til~ ......,'. ,~,._:(!;"'..,..lc,7.~ tr;t ~ .~Yf...~\r1f,~.... ..... . 't:....~' '?~...' '-'.-~~~:..1f,~'~ r '~:~ '''I ','~ ",,___ . .. t",..j'l!-Jltl', ' " , . .'C . '::;:,~;~)~:.:,~"~/{!~!~~a'\,[. '1:~I~ ,",,~_' . .';. .). ,,'r.:irr ~.;.. n, {<, (,w,j, ,,, -!, , ',:",~,":::":.'~~f:~';: ~~rt~,'<;i~"'~, ~;, , ....., ..\~,(:t ,~"",. \!.!,p '!>. ',".., '~... ;~:".f~,~ ~'.,?;:\, t~~ .,-'~':J.i _;n~; ;". .....k..."/'. .'....',t~...,~\...'~..t ...... .,,, '-~~',~'':';-'''''~:;:..&~ ;.~ ,;~ .:. ,..' ":'::~l~~~~~(~]~<1[~ l; , V'" :'t .;'1',; 'r: ".,;., ';.Ir.. . .;). '.~';'::;~:~f~'! '):~0; ~t, .:._4_,>~~" . _ ~':::'" ;~. "l;t.:," V,. , ;.~t ~~" t~. " ,', ~' ~' ,:': :.~ \ , T~~' .,~' 't" ':-;;\ (;. ~ 'If' ~>((~ \; ~sl I,~\. \:" -:,.y "it. I;JJ '~. cl ~, " -"{', } _:.~/ ~(: ~( ,. t, ~". r 1::.., ~ I". I, ~', . ~, ~~. ,. '" ?: '~ t. .'.: "..': ~ .' '. \-' ~ ~..... .~-..ot_ ___ - ~ . _....~. ..- .~-~"',,--,.-,,-~ ..__......_........~---..._~--.~-... ."w... .~......... PW-,2 CITY m SPRIIIGFlfLD Rev, 11-77 .Lor.;? 2.. PLOT PLAN AI:) SITE DEVELOPMENT . . ADDRESS:~L.Au /~fh-,'A/ f?.ArK DATE: 4~/J'/ / g /9 /~ s;'('J}(., s-~ S-:?n0:"'s~~/c1 " I hereoyA(gree that tnvsite development for the subject property and building will confonn to the details shown on the attached plot plan and to the following statements: 1. Excavation and Fill: A site grading ;llan may be required ill or accompanying the ;llot plan. describing in full any excavation and/or fill necessary to prepare the b~<lding site. j. j t f l .I i .! 2. Drai naqe: No dra i nage channels on the property will be di s tur'bed or new c/l.:lnne 1 s created excert as shown on the site plan. 3. Off-Street ~arkinQ: Private garages and/or automobile storage space required by the Zoning Ord)'nance of tile City of Springfield will be bui It concurrently with the main buildings of which such 1arage or automobile storage spaces are accessory and will be maintained as private garages and/or automobii~ storage spaces for such main build- in~s. Automobile storage spaces will be completed for occupancy (curb cut. dri..eway installe~ and area leveled. oiled. blacktopped or concreted) prior to the final inspec- tion and clearance by the City Building Inspector. 4. General: I will obtain full information from the City on ~ewer locations and depths anr! stre:!t grades so that the building. plumbing and driveway'; will meet same. I hereby understand that I am responSible for any damage to existing public improve- ments caused by the building operation and agree to .repair or replace damaged sections a t my expense, I further agree tha t I wi 11 abi de by the condi t ions imposel1 on the plot plan and site development by the City Building Inspector, and/or the City Engineer and agree that the City may delay any requested inspection and/or cease construction until suc~ conditions are fulfilled. All information shown on the plot plan is accurate and correct, No construction will be commenced until thjjl/ifilin of this agreement and the fin~~~Of t lot plan has been give~ SIGrlEV~ r ADDRES~? U~. PHONE:;:/'Y?-/c? U PLOT PLAN AND SITE DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS ,X A, Appr0ved as follows: BUILDJ.~G INSPECTOR DATE CITY PLArINER DliTE Lot Block B. Approved subject to the following conditions: (1) SANITARY SE~ER: Accepted Under Contract Bond Required No connection until accepted by Ci ty. -- - - (2) DRAINAGE: To cu~ To roadside ditch To cut-off system Driveway culverts requi red Other - - - (3) STREET: !Graveled Improvement agreement required More R/W needed Paved with (out) curbs -Under contract for oaving-see oblTgation agreemer.~- (4) SIDEHALK: Wide Curbside Setback - (5) SPECIAL STRUCTURES REQUIRF.O: Retaining walls___ Englneere~ touna~tlons_ Min. Floor Elevation Other (6) EASENENTS: Platted Rer.nrr1prj Additional Reouired (7) OTHER: Required-adJustment of clean-out(s). manhOTe(S), and/or catch basin(s), will be accomplished at no cost to the City. City Engin-".,,. Re', i ewed by Date . "'~''''' ~._-...- TO: .../ I, , L 3, ~ll, S. ./ 6. ~ , ./ 7. A. ~ ~ t, lJj .\, .:L ..J c. ..... c. lL 0, [ . F. 9. L 10. nUllO!::" O,ltC: One c('\py . Dl vi ~io:l. All "..mlll"l: . . '.., . . ~......... \1 APPLICATION fOR BUILDING PERMIT (), "" ' CITY OF SP~CFIEF" ORECON OWNEP J"OI"l~( J. J.11 j) ~~ ~ ADW<<30'7 '>-8" S-+-. yi.; PP.QNF /('1"'7- //-<.0 fOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY APPLlCATIOIl _.19_ 1 . ll2Lfl.:' (-1 u. (,~r. ~. (-1 c. Rec'd Checked By: fil.~ lidO. .. loft;,.v o.p', :> . lliLU: (./) U. APPLICI,:;r TU fIll, AnO','r: HEAVY LUir: SU3-comRACTORS Exeavatioa k/~ (),.,,/V <;:l Han"n~'{ - FO\lndatior.- vi ;::.: -.'Pl.~ii~y"~II_~IC Fr~min;; :.sC'../T'/,!+~or: RAr~.t:!.l.oorin~ -SAle ~oofin;: ~'-',h~/jr~ .__ C,Hp~tin!L_ c:::,'(.L' Plumbin;; ::;-rx-', PJ_u "",p.""""1 Ceramic Tile A~.1~ Eleetrie_il:./~rl- r-(c;-r)~'!... C"bin~~~ 3. OCC\lPi\:: (-r u. (-1 b. '.. mLQr s. ~~!LJ ' V> u. -'IC.1 tin:!: S,l1nc: rc t ~ Door H'1n.G...tt1n Sh,~ct M~ta 1 Sc:I.(' -5.r:'J!.' Fannlea ..ra1nU!!.o Glass Other 6. smllCT (,/) ,;. 7. occur;,.; (0;-~", (....) b. (..-) c, NOTE: 1ho grarling of 0 Building Permit doc, nol gronl ony righl or ~rivilege 10: (1) Er~cl ony building ond/or ,'ruC'vr. er ony portion Ihereof. upo.... any ,Ireel, olley or olhcr pvblic "Iuce or pOllion Ihereof; or (2j UUt any bvilding and/or Slruelure or any portion Ihereof; for nny pvrpt..J.o Ihol ii, or may be prollll.j'ed by ordinonco, of the Cily of Springfield. Tho granting of 0 Bvilding Permit dool nc,t cUed or p:"'::udico any doim of lille 10, or right of pononi'.m In, ''',0 property uncribod in lvch permit. I hoyu reod tho obovc upplicotion and know .ha conlenh thereof; tho 10mo i, trve and (orre('. I further llole Ihol I om fcmil;or ..,.,ilh the low, govorning building and loning within who City of Sprin';)fielJ ond Sloto of Oregon ond omendmcnll thorolo, and Ihol 1ho obovo bvdding and/or strvclure will bo budt in conformity I~horoWilh. c ~.. - ~ /~ Conlroct~ ~/-~ ~. ..c;.u;1_U,L...rnoNo __Sig ed. - ':Zt-~ 'V' ;: ---""..Applicont 12./1- C/'?ft/?7b('.......s / 8. Co:ISTr.' -k) --;". (A b, 9. file; 11:[ (~r Cl, FOR DEPARTMENT US~ ONLY '<... LOCATION, Add..u~-5tL~.!..J,.J; y ~1!5. T 101, 1.'1. Bloc" - Troc'-~~l<tP - <; p",,"A-qL ,'.....1 d -LuJ II <:.~ 1UQ.J -p~ .J ~e-. ZONING REQUIREMENTS \0. OTller. -p):,. () h. () ( , ( ). (I (v-j " , BElOW HEAVY LINE YARDS, F,cnl .....0 I J"O p e..... +i I"~ p, S;d. \0' 4- '>:,0 I s+de\- s\de Zono Di;lrict Boord of Appool,~ Covncil HeJolvlion t-t... Rcmorh,'--':(,l(", e.f.\l.l<"\A) ~- 10,1"') <~ -,~) -I () Reor '2..0 I 4-:,' Bldg, 5;1. Area ::z, ()~ VV\ Ii' . 1>~. II, ~;lJq!' rr () !' Height limit, Di\IOncO Botwoen Struclure' "b 10dAi",,, do.:.1.:. AUlomcbito Storo(le-6' . ...... '1. -' . ~ . . Con~l,vr.,ion: Groupl ".~ D;vi\iOn_4-~type,::II( - NF,.... Zon" No ._~_.. , ._...._"oJ ~S.!...ITEI~S~P"'T~!NING TO THIS APPliCATION ___I l..=. I CD" c,,=,j "r-::;.-:.. 1,....011.... I....a... 1..0....1,,0.,...1 ...>HlIt' : .ea...... I ..-LL..~ ,,-,,~.~.~~..~!...:\2Q{.l +. 111...~~t,o~C111Lg~_ .b.O.. !,-=-I[_L.I_-=-l-:- ~.thOO' I '<C".!.!'_"-!_'":.o..~'~ _ _ __ \___... I I I -f~~~:':.~n.. -- --- --r-!---t--I : . : -.i-;.::.~-=,!!~;:,,..n_________._._____'_.'I==~ =-':'l.=--=.1 I ii, -j_n~':."_,:,u<lu,,,.~___ --- -----, --, ---I--I--l-'-I--f- Ma'edol, E.'e,;p' Walh_..J::-l f',.haJ S \....e.G\ -+ lA i'lI\ '\ Roof YLe.-ta i A..eclc- Floo" ('......"" ~. ~''''''/l 12. IincH I (.?)-, 13. F IRE I ~)- ('1 n t--') " (-)' , 1..,. I ....t: D:,TE 10'."'.' : i p~ :~,.:'.:':::-";--!\S{ 'r -.. --" --'\---,f-'-e,"--' .r..... ..... ~~ ~: \ 't ...---.--- '---tJo.:.'- ~,,,,...Q H)I'" 1 . ......L} '~--'--"vrtt ._\L.__, ~oo.......,.. l:;;;~' I _.'-'''--L!=-~T= ! I In"~';or Woll, C.!iling ,.OU....UA'ION 1"'.'1..~b c!' ~O'1 &:) 0 . r.2kJ..b6 .on"... ;c-o;;:~--,-~n~;~O';\)#II~ 000.00 .".. I II 11:1..8" 0 ____.L._ -..-- - ---,-,.--' ~.. to...... ........~"'IO.. eoord of App 01,__ _ Minor Subdivi.ion N- RumOt.'I______1____ ----..., ---.-----. .-.r-.-.... --.-..-.------------------..- ---- -t.-- --r~V\lII.~ 1CvIMi-\- 're.e. lV\6luc\ed 11/\ [..,'.hldI05 fCVlM;+ -fee. ,...... _u," ...._ .~4-. _...._.... ...... ~ FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY APPLlCATlor~ he'd Chocked By, File" _19_ I:dO. .. 10":"0 D.p" SclC C:::;"IC <:::.. (1..' C?.1 ~ So."r '~ to; (1) Erect ony building and/or "rvClur. .:of; or (2j U,o any building and/or tlrueture of th. City of Springfield, dB to. or rlOhl of poneni?n In, ,ho property is true and corrott. I further 11010 Ihot I om '!IJ and SIOlo of Oregon and amendment. ",,,wilh. /-0/1 A ' /l p? --;//~V' ""'-. 'ppHcon. ZONING REQUIREMENTS OS, ....n. .....0. r<,oPe."~-J I;~ p, \;de \0 I + -?:'O' s-t~eel- ~\'de "oor 'l..O I 4-s' " Site Areo ::>, ()~ jht limih "",,11\. ~o Jnco Go'woon Struclurel "0 load,,,,,.. doc:.~ "',,"cbilo SlorO\lO ..:.. ~:.:..: ev--+l..~_ .,. j-o..L-- 4_,.," Zon~ N( ~ _I "U~!.:..o. I.=.." I ... I .'0.". 1.00". I ......'1..1.. 1 ........ I _\_L. - f-=-J'ijb.oO! __, _\ I I I '\ -4__ I --I I I I : -'--1---1 I I I I ~ l-, et\ -4-lA I'VI q _floOH {"V't("_._~;'\1..., _C.:i1in'" I~ 110 11..?b , 11~_I!!~.r?:~ c' ?U=j &50 "'::"""0" . r.:?~J..bb No --~-0':l d I vt5~C-~ 1M; -t . . ."I'.._...'-'".-..~....~,...... -'_._.~ _. BUILOlllr. IllSPECTIOll OIVISIOlI COHHERCIAl PlAN CIIECK SHEET 1. flOT PLMl (") u. Lots includ~d. ~{ ll. Strcct~ - yurd~ &- courts. c. Areu &- locution of bui Idings (cxisting,included~: 2. fl~E ZOIlE (,,) u. \-lull protec t i on ,und opcning protection. 3 3. OCCUPA:H:Y GR(1IJP ( 1>. 1- ) {oJ( u. Ch..n'Je in use estubl ishcd. ,(-1 b. tlixed occup.:lncies &- scpurution dctermined. I.. TYPE OF CO::ST?llr:T1 C~I OETERlIlllED -rn;:: - N ) . 5: M\E^ :'11l!.l[lTI~:IS defined by occupuncy group.&- type of construction. W u. ill I o,",,,bl\l incrcuse. 6. S'iRtll:TURr: HE I GHT es tab I i shed by occupancy group &- fype of cor. Hruc t i en. (.,t) a, Allu,/ilblc incrcuse. 7. occurr.IICY I. OM ~~ n. Exi t fnci I i tics (-1 d. Fi re cxtinguishinc; sysleM. b. light &- ve n t i 1 uti on. ( ) e. Chimney &- heill ing cqu i pm~n t . (..-) c. Enclosure of verticill openings. ( ) f. Speciill h"zilrds. 8. f.O:IST?I.'CTIOll - Det"i led reoui rerr.ents. (....') ". Structur" I fr.1l~e, roof cover, unprotected milter i" I, '-/enther prolecl,i on, p"r"pcts, etc. (.I)' b, General...... .Structurul frilme \'lOrk, floors, stuir conslr'Jction, roofs, and exterior w.:lIIs und openings. 9. Li!C t::~L.!il.l_:G r. STRI'.!;.IYl'~, (0' .1. 1-\atcri"ls (General), Hilteri.:lls specified and construction uses f0r wood, concrele, steel "nd iron, m..1~onry, p l.;Is tel', e tc. 10. OTlle? Cf'SlilL-=-.!2.ct.,i led R~qtli rc~~ -p) .1. E.xc.:lv,J t i on~. found"t ions, pi les, (-1 f. Fire 'res i ~.t i ve stilnd"rds. i>nd rctilin i 1:9 l'lilll s. ( ) g. Temporary 'use of pub Ii c ( ) b. Veneered l'l" 1 I ~. propeny. ( ) c. Chirr::c-y, fl::es [. vents. ( ) h. Permilncnt use of public ~} d. StuSr:s (, Platforms. property. e. ~1.111 C. C~i Ii n9 finishes. ( ) i. rlilterir.g. ( ) j. 1Ir:.;Il produci"9 i"IPP I i cnccs. II. H'JST [!ITle.,' qy,ljCTLI,:E r~~~ROI;GIIT 11[' TO C_~ ();::--,7"'t"hi; i>" <J~C:i tion? (l:ore or lr:~$ th<Jn 50%) () :'. Chnl1se of o:cup"ncy? 12. liHERIOR \!AlL & CEILI!!C FI!IISH 'li\TE~l^lS (or) il. r.c'luire"'''"ts s"tisficd. 13. F I R[ I'ROTECTI C:: r. r.,) \1.1 RE:'::IITS (...0) .1. Sprinklil1S SYSl.:m. (,1 l.. SI;1ndpipcs. \') c. F i r~door ~ (, "Ii nC:O'.<s. t-) d. C 1 os ; ng d~v i cc s . ('-r' e. ril:l i c hnr..h'IJrd. VALUATIj!. \ \.::s l nOO. ()n SICtlEo.)( ~~__7:-&~~ , . ~. DATE \l)' 1.\ .\h