HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 Request for Permit to Work Outside Hours for Utility Installation Work by Comcast for 1611 18th Street AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11/5/2012 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Ken Vogeney/Public Works Staff Phone No: 541-736-1026 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO WORK OUTSIDE HOURS OF 7 AM AND 6 PM, FOR UTILITY INSTALLATION WORK BY COMCAST FOR 1611 18TH STREET ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or reject the following motion: ALLOW UTILITY INSTALLATION ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE OF THE HOURS OF 7 AM AND 6 PM IN THE VICINITY OF 1611 18TH STREET WITH CONDITIONS AS DESCRIBED IN ATTACHMENT 1. ISSUE STATEMENT: Section 5.220(c) of the Springfield Municipal Code restricts the hours that construction activities may occur to between 7 am and 6 pm. Comcast seeks permission to work outside those hours in order to complete the project in a timely manner, and reduce the project’s impact on traffic. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Encroachment Permit Conditions of Approval 2. Vicinity Map 3. Request from Comcast DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Comcast applied for an Encroachment Permit to extend cable service to the Burger King restaurant at 1611 18th Street. The Permit requires Comcast to install their facilities crossing 18th Street by boring under the roadway. It may be necessary to close the southbound lane within the work area to complete the installation. Given the nature of the traffic and the extent of the repair work, staff determined that requiring Comcast to perform the work at night would be the least disruptive to both traffic and to the businesses. Accordingly, Comcast prepared their Permit request based upon performing the work at night. Therefore, Comcast must have approval for work outside the hours permitted under the Municipal Code. Noise generated from the repair work will likely come from generators, concrete saws, backhoes and/or excavators, paving equipment, rollers, trucks and passenger vehicles. Most of the moving equipment will have back-up alarms, required by OSHA rules. Staff anticipates relatively few residents will be affected by the noise generated. Staff recommends approval of night work on 18th Street. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT  PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT  CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON      Job#: 811‐PW2012‐00135  Location: 1611 18th Street Status: Approved  Map & Tax  Lot:   Date: August 21, 2012  Prepared By: Todd Singleton  Public Works Engineering  City of Springfield  225 Fifth Street  Springfield, OR  97477  (541) 726‐5931  tsingleton@springfield‐or.gov  Applicant: Comcast  Owner(s):       1. Refer to City of Springfield Municipal Code 3.208 for information on Encroachment  Permit requirements.    2. Work within public right‐of‐way shall only be performed only by contractors and  employees certified pursuant to ORS 701.026.      3. A spill kit is to remain on‐site for the duration of all construction activities.  The spill kit  shall, at a minimum, contain absorbent, spill booms, and spill pads.  The spill kit is to be  placed in an area where it is easily visible and accessible in case of a spill emergency.    4. Restoration work shall conform to City of Springfield Standard Specifications.  All  planted areas disturbed within right‐of‐way shall be fully restored.    5. If concrete is disturbed during any excavation, restoration shall be with full panels to  City of Springfield standard specifications.    6. Prior to boring, bore contractor shall coordinate with City Inspector.  Please contact  Craig Fitzgerald at (541) 954‐6477 between 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM regarding storm and  sanitary sewer conflicts.  It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to verify depths  of all utilities prior to boring.    CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ‐ APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION      By signature, I state I have carefully examined the approved permit and do hereby agree to comply with the  requirements of the permit and I certify any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the  Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard Specification and Drawings, and the laws of the State  of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein.  I further certify only contractors and employees who are in  compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used for this project.    I agree for myself, my contractors, and employees, that the approval of the right of way permit in no manner  presumes or implies the approval or terms of approval of any other future permit required by the City for the site  and indemnifies and holds harmless the City regarding any future approval of a future site plan, partition,  subdivision, or any other required permit that may cause any work completed in compliance with the right of way  permit to be altered to conform to the final permit approval.    I understand and agree the City may inspect the work site described in this permit at any time during a one‐year  period following the receipt by the City of notice of completion of the described work and specify, at the City’s sole  discretion, any additional restoration work required to return the site to a standard acceptable to the City.  I will be  notified in writing of any work required and will have 30 days from the date of the notice to complete the work.   Work not completed at the end of the 30 days will be performed by the City and the costs will be billed to me.    I further agree to ensure all required inspections are requested at the proper time and the approved permit and  set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction and until removed by the City.    I shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all liability or loss and against all claims or  actions based upon or arising out of damage or injury to persons or property caused by or sustained in connection  with performance if this Contract by the permitee except, pursuant to ORS 30.140, for losses, claims, or actions  resulting from the sole negligence of the City.    I shall assume all responsibilities for the work, and bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to the  permitee, the City, or to others on account of the character or performance of the work, unforeseen difficulties,  accidents, or any other causes whatsoever.  I shall assume defense of, indemnify and save harmless the City, its  officials, agents, and employees from all claims, liability, loss, damage, and injury of every kind, nature and  description, directly or indirectly resulting from activities in the performance of the Contract, the ownership,  maintenance or use of motor vehicles in connection therewith, or the acts, omissions, operations, or conduct of  the permitee or any Subcontractor under the Contract or any way arising out of the Contract, irrespective of  whether an act, omission or conduct of the City connected with the Contract is a condition or contributory cause of  the claim, liability loss, damage or injury and irrespective of whether act, omission, or conduct of the permitee or  Subcontractor is merely a condition rather than a cause of a claim, liability, loss damage or injury.  I shall not be  liable for, nor be required to defend or indemnify, the City relative to claims for damage or damages resulting  solely from acts or omissions of the City, its officials, agents, or employees.  The permitee's absence of or  inadequacy of the liability insurance required by the City of Springfield shall not negate permitee's obligations in  this agreement.        PERMITTEE:      Printed Name: ___________________________________________      Signature: _______________________________________________      Date: ___________________________________________________  Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1 Attachment 2, Page 2 of 2 Attachment 3, Page 1 of 1