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Permit Electrical 2004-5-26 (2)
SPRINGFIELD C::::-'-~) ~~-c~R~'~~ ~;;~~~=:=:~~;;~~ PH: (541)726-3753 ~~~~,:~;:~~~:ct.ssrli~~th~ Ci~JOb~~:~~~~T~~l,,:~e. ~~w~==;::;l;:;~:::--~~ 1. [l!,9CA,.:[{ogp~~~~M!IQ,~:,:;i':j~',~'~~i 3. i,,((:gM~~'!!ll:EJ~H':f~fL.,~~(L'1:.' ',J{ """, ',,~ L~~:O~C~; ~~'1 - ----. :~~i~i~~i~%~~;~""'.r,~~=~:t~~ ~ ~~"<~X<~".\tA;.....ljj~~,~~~~",~_:J.~;;.~-..~.;;..~",","...:..;,,,. ',,' ~_,A.'" ~- " '~t-_.......>::.."<<.-..:-~..,..:~~_.._u /703. Z 7 { 0 o3Y 0 ( Service Included 1000 sq. ft. orless Each additional 500 sq. ft. or ~#/ 5:, L).;Z.~~ L.-c/,/At-;~ portion thereof Permits are non-transfe;able and expire ifw/k is Each Manufact'd Home or not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Modular Dwelling Service or Suspended for 180 days. Feeder 2 l':coNTRACrtiii1NSTM.:i:ArloNzi:/NffJ B. rS~rioi~es~~:~~~J~~~:::iri~tall:tJ~:;~i;~~~i~ris ~~~ Rel6ca ti6~~;:Jl . L,' ',6'c>",. "v':' ',,,", ".:...c'_.'t:::.:'::...:...'.,o},..""..,' ,"<,',.,v..'.,.". '.,:': i L"-L' '~, "~ -v,' "', ,.\.:.:.....:..~ g'b~' ., '" ", . " ElectricalContractor P--;:SIEC.AEC7,e/tC/A./<Z..... 200Ampsorless llJ Lf $63.00.2.'f)2- 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 75.00 . 401 Amps to 600 Amps $125.00 601 Amps to 1000 Amps $163.00 Over 1000 AmpsNolts \ w-feC\l,ires ~~,~~O RecOlAt~~~ON: ~~~~~ b~ tho orAgo~:i~rt~, C, t'i"~1~~f.~~~~' R 952-001-0, \as ot the tu InstalIaQ&:, tb\5~Im~~~~lI\he te\ephO~e 200 A~~~\\i~the center. ~ o~ ~~\\\\y NOlt~ 201 AmP~~AcI~eO;~o~-2~'69.00 40 I Amps to 600 ~r ~ $100.00 Over 6Qq Amp'~.o;: 10~~ Volts see "~" above. D W\B.t(~k."+' ;,,~';'''lh~C',7!::<<f~ ~:~~~ts',~.,<~-o'Y'-,~r-" ?,',:',:, .'/> :-~~.:'.- .~ . ,.,,: rane.. 'i :'lrCUl..,*.'::"q"i.,;,".,{:{<~4":' '.c:v'..'., <:"t,:>~<,:,,'(,>~~"""..;JW<""-L.'~'" ';"': ",' (:',. -'1' . , .0'" New Alteration or Extension Per Panel \:p C;u..--Gircuit' /\ $ 43.00 Each Additional Circuit or&' .. 'lV ~ Service or Feeder Permit C;1, / - $ 3.00 Owners Name I A~ ,A./ L.oc..~ Address G ~ -=:. ~ ~ P-,'" 'I E. rIiYIi:~~~~9~,('S~~i~~;r;e~~; ,h~t biiJ;a'~~y::.i~'th .Ii1stallati~ft! ...J ~ .....;) 'C'. c r -.. , .'" . "'~:""':""":"""'-'~E W'ORK ." ..... "" . 0' "'" '.::.J City S?R/~;;:CL"l:fhone --.J N01\CE: ~~~?JA'tt \f 1\\ \5 N01 $ 50.00 . 7' 1H\~ PER ~~~\!tfiee lli&t~ERM\ OR $ 50.00 OWNER INSTALLATION A\n\-\~~~dWi0~JtDe@~g~~~?t r $ 25.00 !he in.stallation is being made on property I own WhiCi~~ 160 5-Wfi~a\5\Q~/Commercial $ 45.00 IS not mtended for sale, lease or rent. Mini~~~~ct~iC!,el'nfi~~:cti~~ ~~~_1___S..~0 + Surcharges Owners Signature: 4. ~s,'~tpr~~?r~g~;}~~~\)?'t'~ 2'5 L 7% State ~'~harge ,. . -'t, 7 ~.~ ) I 7 bC.-( 10% AcIfuinistrative Fee ~~ 25~ TOT f,/o/Cl( ~b ~ 2 '74 !J- F trical Pennit Application I-03,doc , JOB DESCRIPTION Address II em S ~ bc; G-$)~?,- .l-AJ cityd~~~~Phone c:3i? '~~~t;.- $221,- Supervisor License Number %~ S Expiration Date' /'/:/- / - C> y/ Constr. Contr. Number R S-R 9h Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician --- ~ .... Inspection Request: 726-3769 \:~~rO~ \\\~ \ $106.00 $ 19.00 $50.00 1 ~ .~ J '"i "i I