HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Latino Community Listening Session Results AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11/5/2012 Meeting Type:Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Gino Grimaldi/CMO Staff Phone No: 541.726.3700 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Foster an Environment that Values Diversity and Inclusion ITEM TITLE: LATINO COMMUNITY LISTENING SESSION RESULTS ACTION REQUESTED: Discuss the results from the recent Latino Community Listening Session in preparation for the January TEAM Springfield meeting. ISSUE STATEMENT: Springfield officials are looking at opportunities to reach out to and engage our Latino community. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Outline of Major Themes Discussed During September 18, 2012 TEAM Springfield Listening Session Attachment 2: Minutes from the September 18, 2012 TEAM Springfield Listening Session DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: TEAM Springfield agency representatives met on September 18, 2012 with community members to discuss what Springfield was doing well, what could be improved, how Springfield could better communicate with our Latino community members and how the Latino community would like to be engaged with Springfield. Council is asked to discuss the minutes from the September 18, 2012 meeting (Attachment 2) and determine how the feedback from that meeting might be addressed during the upcoming January TEAM Springfield meeting. Latino Community Listening Session September 18, 2012 Preliminary Major Themes: • Foster leadership among Springfield’s Latino community members by inviting them to participate – not simply inviting them as audience members. • Enhance the Spanish-language communication media available – especially Spanish-language radio. • Provide opportunities for businesses to enhance the cultural competency of their staff. • Bring Fiesta Latina downtown to engage more businesses and encourage more Fiesta-goers. • Provide someone to perform Latino outreach on behalf of TEAM Springfield. • Create a “Latino report card” to evaluate the current opportunities for Latinos in Springfield. • Encourage the integration and understanding of all cultures represented in Springfield. • Provide consistent and easily accessible services for Latinos, including for immigrant community members. Attachment 1 TEAM Springfield Listening Session Tuesday, September 18, 2012 – 6 p.m. Springfield Public Library Meeting Room Welcome and Introductions Nancy Golden introduced herself in Spanish saying she lived in Ecuador when she was very small but had forgotten much of the Spanish she knew. She explained that all were here as guests of TEAM Springfield. She loves that our community is becoming very diverse and it was important to understand how Latinos view the community. She introduced TEAM Springfield members: Gino Grimaldi, Springfield City Manager, Jeff Nelson, SUB General Manager and Jason Genck, Willamalane Deputy Superintendent. Elected officials introduced themselves – Al King, SPS Board, Ken Boyst, SUB Board, Christine Lundberg, Springfield Mayor, Marilee Woodrow, Springfield City Council, Springfield Chief of Police Jerry Smith, Art Paz, President of the State Board of Education, Devon Ashbridge, SPS Communication Specialist and Tanya Gomez, interpreter. Community participants introduced themselves. Agenda Overview Ms. Ashbridge explained that there were five questions for the group to discuss and answer. She said that she would pose one question at a time, ask for small group discussion and then the small groups would share feedback with the larger group. If anyone had clarifying questions, they should feel free to ask. 1. What is Springfield doing well as a community? • Thankful the police have a Spanish speaking service • Happy some of the downtown bars were closed • To have more opportunities to voice opinions and concerns, like this meeting and to meet with officials. • Art Paz thanked TEAM Springfield for putting on the event saying there was a huge shift in how local policymakers listen to the community and giving a distinct advantage to Springfield. He thanked Nancy Golden for her work on early learning skills. He hoped this meeting will lead to an eventual Latino report card that the City will turn out every year and he showed an example from Santa Clara, CA. • Positive emphasis on culture • Springfield opened its doors to the Mexican consulate – especially the SPD • Worked toward closing the achievement gap of Latino students in schools • We see Hispanic businesses are opening in the community, see more Hispanics on the streets and interacting within the community • A lot of events here put on by the different agencies – Willamalane is doing more programming; Fiesta Latina; Springfield is becoming a place where we can share our culture A Partnership Between the City of Springfield, Springfield Public Schools, Willamalane, and Springfield Utility Board Attachment 2, Page 1 of 4 and feel like we are accepted. Fiestas aren’t fiestas without lots of food and loud music! The library has events also. • Downtown is becoming more a balanced family environment with the museum, the library, Wildish Community Theater, A3 High School and many other downtown businesses. • We are really proud of the SHS Mariachi Band. The community funded and adopted it right away. • There was lots of participation by the Latino community around school closures in interpreted meetings. Would like to see more interpreted meetings. • More events are moving into Springfield. Would like to see a sister city program with Mexico. 2. What can we do better? • Practice cultural awareness beyond the Latino community o People are resistant to cultural awareness because of language or dislike of culture o Make a concerted effort to hire employees with cultural awareness; make it known that it is a priority skill in Springfield • Put a greater emphasis on building community o Create neighborhood gathering places o The Spanish speaking radio station is gone • Offer more outreach services; make services more accessible; signs in Spanish • Invite people who are affected by decisions when having meetings like this (i.e., parents); do a needs assessment when making decisions • The Justice Center open house had no signs in Spanish • More available Spanish media • Fiesta Latina – allow to stay open until 11 p.m.; help them to communicate with neighbors • Do a community report card; a public commons is very important to the Latino community • Many of us don’t understand any other culture outside of our own • When drastic changes occur that impact organization and events - communicate! • Someone who speaks Spanish in each city department • Would like to see Fiesta Latina in downtown • Mariachi band is not allowed to go to church events • Would like to see Spanish events at Wildish Community Theater • Communicate bilingual culturally competent opportunities • Learn more about issues impacting the immigrant community; greater understanding of the challenges of their daily situation (identification, jobs, etc.) • Richer, more nuanced historic narratives of Latino contribution to American history • Spanish language websites for each agency • Wider recognition of Latino community effort and accomplishments • More program/service communication among organizations 3. How can Springfield better communicate with and engage its Latino community members? • Agencies (City) hire qualified bilingual staff that understands Latino needs and has cultural awareness to fluently and accurately provide service. • To increase communication and engage Latino community, connect through community networks • UO has a large Latino student community who could be language volunteers for community work; create a pool that is background checked. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 4 • One key agency representative who speaks Spanish and can focus on Latino outreach. Could be a team of advisors. • City Council or Planning Commission could invite Latino youth to be a part of their discussions to familiarize them with the public process. • Increase involvement of key groups (e.g., ELL has great events) • More culturally appropriate events • A Latino radio station • Get word out about events beyond Springfield • Tap into Latino businesses/churches – they are the ears of the community and spread the word • Create activities that are of interest to Latinos (e.g., music) • Make activities that are culturally appropriate and fun • More help/services for parents with troubled youth 4 & 5. How would you like to become more engaged and involved at the civic level? How can Springfield become more aware of and participate in events and celebrations held by Latino community members? • Need more understanding • The Latino community is no longer a part-time community; we pay taxes; our population is growing and we are here to stay. • TS could advocate/influence agencies for things like driver’s licenses, normal needs of families. Be advocates at the state level. • There is a measure before the legislature to enable immigrants to get driver’s licenses and the state police chiefs’ organization is supporting it. • How is message being translated to Latino community? • Invite City Council members to speak at Latino events • Sharing needs to be two-ways; help us to be involved • Create a network of cultural exchange • Fiesta Latina is made possible by the TS agencies • Bring Fiesta Latina downtown • Important that agencies trying to do as much as they can but they can’t do it all; need Latinos to become involved in leadership of community – Rotary, Planning Commission, City Council, etc. When you see leaders in the Latino community, ask them to step up into community leadership. • Latino leaders may be keeping low profile because of prejudice and an unwelcome environment. • It may be that children decide not to engage in the community in order to not put family at risk if undocumented or here with an expired visa, etc. • There are cultural differences regarding volunteering and its prevalence. The Latino community is a shy community. • It’s also a young community – don’t have a retired community that can volunteer. Many are working several jobs so just don’t have the time. • There are plenty of people who are qualified and would sit on boards. They just want to be invited. • We want to be a part of the decision making process, not just in the audience. • Look at what other places are doing that’s working. Attachment 2, Page 3 of 4 • Would like the schools to take control of discipline and not be lenient; not give kids so many options. • Greater understanding of challenges of 1st generation students face between cultures; how schools can interact with family culture. • We have expressed what we want as a community. What are these TS agencies going to do for us? How Team Springfield will use the information provided by guests Ms. Ashbridge informed the group that the basic information gathered tonight will be compiled and summarized, and will be mailed out to those who signed in. It will be presented to TEAM Springfield so they can start planning their activities. She said she couldn’t promise an immediate result but it gives the agencies a place to start. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Attachment 2, Page 4 of 4