HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2012-18 10/15/2012CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FY 2012 -2013 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General, Street, Jail Operations, Special Revenue, Transient Room Tax, Community Development, Building Code, Fire Local Option Levy, Police Local Option Levy, Bancroft Redemption, Bond Sinking, Sanitary Sewer Capital, Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project, Development Assessment Capital, Development Projects, Storm Drainage Capital, Police Building Bond Capital Project, Regional Wastewater Capital, Street Capital, SDC Local Storm Improvement, SDC Local Storm Reimbursement, Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement SDC, Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC, SDC Regional Wastewater Reimbursement, SDC Regional WW Imp, SDC Transportation Reimbursement, SDC Transportation Improvement, Local WW Operations, Regional Wastewater, Ambulance, Storm Drainage Operations, Booth - Kelly, Regional Fiber Consortium, Insurance, Vehicle & Equipment, and SDC Administration Funds. WHEREAS, the 2012 -2013 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 12- 09 dated June 18, 2012; and, WHEREAS, at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 1. Resolution 12 -09 is hereby adjusted as follows: General - Fund 100 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ (340,273) Operating Expenses: Miscellaneous Receipts 41,230 Development Services $ 38,219 Transfer Fund 204 83,847 Fire & Life Safety 72,276 Spring Franchise 24,000 Human Resources 10,000 Code Requirement Fees (46,000) Library 4,200 Munciple Court 82,702 Police 1,030 Public Works 28,923 Total Operating Expense $ 237,350 Attachment 2 Page 1 of 11 General Fund cont. Non - Departmental Expenses: Interfund Transfer $ 2,947 Reserves (477,493) Total Non Departmental Expenses $ (474,546) Total Resources Adjustments $ (237,196) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (237,196) Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Re- appropriates signed contracts for implementation of Tylersoftwore, Asset Management System Replacement Project, and Human Resources City wide training. Moves funds from the Federal Forfeiture reserves to the General Fund for Police weapons purchased in FY12. Recognize new revenue from the re- established Utility License Right of Way fee, LTD Alternative Analysis, and donation from NAMI. Carries forward remaining Gift & Memorial Funds and re- appropriates Library's book budget. Reallocates reserves to Library's Gifts & Memorial reserves for FY12 retirement payouts. Removes revenue from the FY13 budget for ordinance change. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and balance is being reallocated frome reserves. Street - Fund 201 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 417,040 Operating Expenses: Claims Recovery 2,803 Development Services $ (5,903) Transfer from Fund 208 6,000 Public Works 39,212 Total Operating Expense $ 33,309 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves 392,534 Total Resources Adjustments $ 425,843 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 425,843 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Re- appropriates funds for the Asset Management System Replacement project. Authorizes budget to waive the over the street Banner Fee for non - profits. Recognizes new revenue from insurance reimbursement for light pole at 30th and Commercial. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Jail Operations - Fund 202 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 123,571 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 123,571 Total Resources Adjustments $ 123,571 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 123,571 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Special Revenue - Fund 204 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 294,020 Operating Expenses: Grants 124,994 Development Services $ 18,809 LTD Alternative Analysis 30,000 Library 53,700 General Fund Transfer 2,947 Police 141,848 Public Works 70,000 Total Operating Expense $ 284,357 Spreciol Revenue Fund cont. Non- Departmental Expenses: Interfund Transfer $ 83,847 Reserves 83,757 Total Non Departmental Expenses $ 167,604 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 11 Total Resources Adjustments $ 451,961 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 451,961 Comments: The City applied for and received the 2012 Local Justice Assistance Grant and Priddy Planning Grant. Recognizes revenue from LTD Alternative Analysis and increases General fund reserves. Authorizes use of Federal Forfeiture reserves for SWAT Rifles. Re- appropriates Grant funds not expended in FY12 into current year forstote Historic Preservation Office Grant 11 -12, SHOP Grant, 2009 ARRA JAG Grant, 2010 Local JAG Grant, 2010 Secure Our Schools Grant, 2011 JAG Grant, OACP Traffic Safety Grant and Comcast Grant. Re- appropriates funds for capital projects: Asset Management Replacement and 10th & N Street Upgrade. Carries forward Gift & Memorial Funds not fully expensed in FY12. Reallocates Federal Forfeiture funds to General Fund for Police weapons purchased in FY12. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Transient Room Tax - Fund 208 Resources Requirements Transient Room Tax $ 35,012 Operating Expenses: Development Services $ (205) Non - Departmental Expenses: Interfund Transfer $ 6,000 Reserves 29,217 Total Non Departmental Expenses $ 35,217 Total Resources Adjustments $ 35,012 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 35,012 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Community Development - Fund 210 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 34 Operating Expenses: Grants 1,242,057 Development Services $ 1,217,179 Section 108 Repay 34,443 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 59,355 Total Resources Adjustments $ 1,276,534 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 1,276,534 Comments: Carries forward HOME and CDBG program income from FY12. Adjust FY13 HOME funds entitlement to CHDO program expense and authorizes use of CDBG funds for section 108 loan administration expenditures. Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Page 3 of 11 Building Code - Fund 224 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash $ 30,627 Operating Expenses: Development Services $ (11,549) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 42,176 Total Resources Adjustments $ 30,627 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 30,627 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Fire Local Option Levy - Fund 235 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 26,050 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 26,050 Total Resources Adjustments $ 26,050 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 26,050 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Police Local Option Levy - Fund 236 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ (101,127) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (101,127) Total Resources Adjustments $ (101,127) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (101,127) Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and balance is being reallocated from reserves. Bancroft Redemption - Fund 305 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 2,334 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 2,334 Total Resources Adjustments $ 2,334 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 2,334 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Bond Sinking - Fund 306 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 39,995 Non- Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 39,995 Total Resources Adjustments $ 39,995 Total Requirements Adjustments _ $ 39,995 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 11 Sanitary Sewer Capital - Fund 409 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 2,366,832 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 945,528 Capital Projects $ 1,421,304 Total_ Resources Adjustments $ 2,366,832 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 2,366,832 Comments: Re- appropriates funds for the capital projects Asset Management Replacement and 10th & N Street Upgrade not expended in 2011 -2012 into current year. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project - Fund 412 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 1,442,739 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 18,630 Capital Projects $ 1,424,109 Total Resources Adjustments $ 1,442,739 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 1,442,739 Comments: Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not expended in FY12 into current year for: Effluent reuse Phase 1, Parallel Primary /Secondary, Sodium Hypochlorite Conver, Odorous Air fl, Biosolids Force Main Rehab and other capital projects. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Development Assessment Capital - Fund 419 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 31,136 Operating Expenses: Finance $ 30,000 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 1,136 Total Resources Adjustments $ 31,136 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 31,136 Comments: Authorized funds for contract with City Attorney for property appraisal. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Development Projects - Fund 420 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 732,663 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 609,712 Capital Projects $ 122,951 Total Resources Adjustments $ 732,663 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 732,663 Comments: Re- appropriates funds for capital projects that were not completed in FY12 and reprioritizes projects that are identified in the Building and Facility 5 -year work plan. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 11 Storm Drainage Capital - Fund 425 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 349,448 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (8,669) Capital Projects $ 358,117 Total Resources Adjustments $ 349,448 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 349,448 Comments: Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not expended in FY12 into current yearfor Over /Under Channel, Asset Management Replacement projects and Firehouse Washrack Capital Projects. Reallocates programmed expenditures for projects that exceeded estimated actual in FY12. This action will bring the FY13 project budget in line with the 2013 -2017 Capital Improvement Program as adopted by City Council for Mill Race Rehabilitation project. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Police Building Bond Capital Project - Fund 428 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 154,078 Capital Projects $ 155,078 Interest Income 1,000 Total Resources Adjustments- $ 155,078 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 155,078 Comments: Prior year fund expenses were less than predicted. Request authorizes use of carryover funds to acquire property for parking around the Justice Center. Regional Wastewater Capital - Fund 433 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ (805,852) Operating Expenses: Public Works $ 424,595 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (1,385,366) Capital Projects $ 154,919 Total Resources Adjustments $ (805,852) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (805,852) Comments: Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects and equipment replacement not expended in FY12 into current year for: Effluent reuse Phase 1, Primary Sludge Thickening, Wet Weather Flow Management, and other capital and equipment projects. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and balance is being reallocated from reserves. Street Capital - Fund 434 i Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 157,932 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 150,635 Capital Projects $ 7,297 Total Resources Adjustments $ 157,932 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 157,932 Comments:Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not expended in FY12 into current year for South Bank Path Extension project. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Resources Beginning Cash Balance SDC Local Storm Improvement - Fund 440 Requirements $ 66,323 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 44,857 RESOLUTION.:NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 11 Capital Projects $ 21,466 Total Resources Adjustments $ 66,323 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 66,323 Comments: Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not expended in FY12 into current year forS 59th Street & Aster Street Drainage and Mill Race Stormwater Facility projects. Reallocates programmed expenditures for projects that exceeded estimated actual in FY12. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. SDC Local Storm Reimbursement - Fund 441 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 1,011 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 1,011 Capital Projects $ - Total Resources Adjustments $ 1,011 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 1,011 Comments: Request decreases capital project Pioneer Parkway Reconstruction and increases MS4 Permit Requirements to alight the projects and funds with the approved capital plan budget. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement SDC - Fund 442 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 95,398 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 95,398 Total Resources Adjustments $ 95,398 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 95,398 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC - Fund 443 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 398 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 398 Total Resources Adjustments $ 398 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 398 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 7 of 11 SDC Regional Wastewater Reimbursement - Fund 444 Resources Reauirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 57,472 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 57,472 Total Resources Adjustments $ 57,472 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 57,472 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. SDC Regional Wastewater Improvement - Fund 445 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 610,578 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 610,578 Total Resources Adjustments $ 610,578 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 610,578 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. SDC Transportation Reimbursement - Fund 446 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 190,963 Capital Projects $ 190,963 Total Resources Adjustments $ 190,963 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 190,963 Comments: Reductions in the City participation in private projects are required in the FY13 budget as Transportation Reimbursement SDC revenues received in FY12 were less than forecasted. Re- appropriates the unspent funding from FY12 in the A Street Overlay and Thurston Road Overlay projects. SDC Transportation Improvement - Fund 447 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 180,787 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 59,147 Capital Projects $ 121,640 Total Resources Adjustments $ 180,787 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 180,787 Comments: Request re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not expended in FY12 into current year for Transportation System Plan and Beltline Gateway Intersection projects. Reallocates programmed expenditures for ITS - Gateway /Beltline that exceeded estimated actual in FY12. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Page 8 of 11 Local Wastewater Operations - Fund 611 Resources Reguirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 445,461 Operating Expenses: Public Works $ 81,443 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 364,018 Total Resources Adjustments $ 445,461 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 445,461 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Re- appropriates funds for the capital projects not expended in FY12 into current year for Asset Management System Replacement Project. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Regional Wastewater - Fund 612 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 709,888 Operating Expenses: Public Works $ 7,531 Non- Departmental Expenses: Reserves- $ 702,357 Total Resources Adjustments $ 709,888 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 709,888 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Authorizes an insurance reserves for MWMC property and liability insurance, to cover new higher deductible. Re- appropriates funds for contracted services from Galardi Consulting. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Ambulance - Fund 615 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ (5,448) Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (5,448) Total Resources Adjustments $ (5,448) Total Requirements Adjustments $ (5,448) Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were more than predicted and balance is being reallocated from reserves. Resources Beginning Cash Balance Storm Drainage Operations - Fund 617 Reguirements $ 660,212 Operating Expenses: Development Services Public Works Total Operating Expense $ 3,994 44,585 $ 48,579 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 9 of 11 Storm Drainage Operations Fund cont. Non- Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 611,633 Total Resources Adjustments $ 660,212 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 660,212 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Re- appropriates FY12 funding forstormwater Management Plan technical assistance and Demonstration Rain Garden UO Partnership. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Booth -Kelly - Fund 618 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 115,292 Operating Expenses: Development Services $ 17,436 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 97,856 Total Resources Adjustments $ 115,292 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 115,292 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Regional Fiber Consortium - Fund 629 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 21,092 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 21,092 Total Resources Adjustments $ 21,092 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 21,092 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Insurance - Fund 707 Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 31,162 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 31,162 Total Resources Adjustments $ 31,162 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 31,162 Comments: Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. Resources Beginning Cash Balance Vehicle & Equipment - Fund 713 Requirements $ 252,650 Operating Expenses: Fire & Life Safety Public Works Total Operating Expense 5 21,500 189,336 $ 210,836 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 10 of 11 Vehicle & Equipment Fund cont. Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 41,814 Total Resources Adjustments $ 252,650 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 252,650 Comments: Re- appropriates funds for the purchases made in FY12 for Street Grader and computr equipment. Fire & Life Safety request funds to purchase the Zoll Data Systems Membership module. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. SDC Administration Resources Requirements Beginning Cash Balance $ 95,105 Operating Expenses: Fire & Life Safety $ 3,136 Non - Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 91,969 Total Resources Adjustments $ 95,105 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 95,105 Comments: Reallocates funds due to reorganization of the Development & Public Works department. Re- appropriates funds far the Asset Management System Replacement Project not fully expended in FY12. Beginning cash adjustment is being made because prior year expenses were less than predicted and balance is being placed into reserves. - Total Resources Adjustments $ 10,031,924 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 10,031,924 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 15th day of October, 2012, by a vote of "or and 0 against. Y_"� Attest: Mayor Christine L ndberg Cit ecorder Amy Sawa REV',1CA<<3 & APPROVED AS T ' . DAT_: z OFFICE OF Cl- Y ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. 2012 -18 Attachment 2 Page 11 of 11