HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/1/2012 City of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street61k Springfield, OR 97477 lj Minimum Development Standards (Minor) Re - . o - Infoon ( licant. is section) • . complete th Applicant Name: D S Phone: � S`1l 681 - 6061 Company: A A (� E-mail: S ARK O Address: R0. 770)0 ? S O✓L o(`76 Gu.oe6 A iicant's Rep.: 61 Phone: SYl 2cy3-71y Com an :RC � E-mail:C.glMCC AA l.Qiz- Address: 6S w S O ( 7407- Pro ert Owner: PcrQaK 5 Phone: S`il SoJ- -?Zjj Com any: E-mail: Address: S 6 St 5 a-2 I 7ct 7 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1 -0 -;3_ TAX LOT NOS : t9oo Property Address: C), U. S Ott. Size of Property: 2. 2 Acres M Square Feet ❑ Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: _L3D -t M Existing Use: W Nu,L-u Signatures: Please si n and rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next a e. Associated Cases: Case No.--( Date: �Q 1 Reviewed b l Application Fee: Technical Fee: JD Posta a Fee: 0 TOTAL FEES: I '(/ PROJECT NUMBER: Date Received: OCT 1 2012 Origiria! Su:.1rrdtiu; Revised 1/12 Liz Miller 1 of 6 I O O Signatures The undersigned acknowled es that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: Date: Signature �tPll �c Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner: �(� I P �&"' Date: Signature n Print I certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that it contains the information specified in the submittal requirements checklist. I certify that the plot plan is accurate based upon field locates and the best available information. I understand that City staff will rely upon the plot plan in making any decisions regarding the Minimum Development Standards application. I accept full responsibility and liability in the event that there are any omissions, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the plot plan. Plot Plan Preparation: 1 W.4, �W 1w1I �.J Date: Plot Plan Prepares Signature y OKnZ1�ut►.a �SCAl�=ott1� Print I Date Received: OCT - 1 2012 Original 5 ubrrlifial—-_--- Revised 1/12 Liz Miller ^',i. .• 2 of 6 i 0 0 Minimum Development Standards Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the expl nation to this form. Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. Minimum Development Standards Minor Application Form Copy of the Deed ❑ State or Federal Permits Required - The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also explain justification for any proposed MDS exceptions and should also include other activities proposed on the property such as tree removal, grading, fill or excavation. A description of the proposed use and explanation of the uses conducted in building areas and the square footage of each area. ❑ Two (2) Copies of a Plot Plan Drawn to Scale and Incorporating the following MDS Standards: ❑ A 5-Foot Wide Landscape Planter Strip including: • Property lines, setbacks and dimensioned landscape areas • Street trees, landscaping and irrigation* e Fencing *Property lines, setbacks and dimensioned landscape areas shall be shown on all applications; however street trees, fencing and planting information may be noted and details deferred to Final MDS Plan Approval or Building Permit Submittal. See SDC code section 5.15-120A. for alternatives to this standard where there is insufficient space to meet this standard. ❑ Trash Receptacle Enclosure and Outdoor Storage Areas including: e Screening and Cover* • Connected to sanitary sewer as applicable *Property lines, setbacks, and the location of covers and screens shall be shown on all applications; however materials and construction types may be noted and details deferred to Final MDS Plan Approval or Building Permit Submittal. Date Received: OCT 1 2012 Revised 1/12 Liz Miller I Original SubMiitJl.._,.._Q.-oH—. O Architect Jonathan Stafford A.I.A. 437 East 11`"Avenue Eugene,Oregon 97401 Fon: 541/686-5516 Fax: 541/686-5516 26 September 2012 Drive-Up ATM For Oregon Communit6y Credit Union Big Lots Parking Lot 58h and Main Streets Springfield, or 97478 Narrative for Minimum Development Standards (Minor) Oregon Community Credit Union(OCCU) currently has a stand-alone Walk-Up ATM in this parking lot. To better serve its members, OCCU is desirous of replacing this ATM with a Drive-Up ATM. The current location does not lend itself to a Drive-Up ATM due to traffic circulation problems, so a new location is required. As the enlarged Partial Site Plan shows, a new location one parking bay to the east of the location of the existing ATM will work. The existing ATM will be removed and its location will be returned to a parking space. This project will not affect any part of the site beyond the confines of this corner of the parking lot. Existing buildings and uses will not change. Uses in the existing building on the site are the Three of a Kind Deli and the Big Lots Retail Store. No construction activity will occur in areas outside the existing parking lot, and existing landscaping will not be affected by construction activities. No changes will be made to parking lot drainage. Date Received: i OCT = 12012 Original Submittal___ --- _ 9- 22 - 99 O 2 -5-92 a'TER RECORDING RETURN TO: UNTIL A CHANGE 1S REQUESTED, �D ( 99U81322 MAIL ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Douglas A. Nilson Doyle,Gardand,Nelson Polen Development,LLC &Mecicery,P.C. 2197 Olympic Street 44 Club Road,Suite 200 Springfield,OR 97477 Eugene,OR 97401 WARRANTY DEED --STATUTORY FORM Larry E. Polcn and Jane M. Polon, husband and wife, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Poles Development,LLC,an Oregon]united liability company,Grantee,the real propeay in Lane Cowxv,Oregon, described on the attached Exhibit A. This deed is made for no consideration,to change vesting only to Polen Development, LLC. TI IIS LNSTItCMEN"1'WILI.NO YALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED LVTHIS INSTRUMENT LN 1'lO1.ATIUN OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING 1HIS INS'I'RUMEN1 THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH'rI IF.APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPAR I:MLNT"1'O VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DEIE.RMINE ANY 1.IM1'I'S ON LAWSUITS AGAINST I'AR.NING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 38.930. Dared: September 17, 1999. G1 TOR: 4' L E. LEN J E M. POLEN SPATE OF OREGON ) Z928SEP.22'99NO2REC 20.06 S.S. 722-8SEP.2"99N0?PFUND 10.60 County of Lane ) ZEa5EP.22'99002A&T POND 20.09 The foregoing instrument was aclmowlcdgcd before me on September 17, 1999,by Larry E. Polon and laoc M. Polon. arriusen /� yn ANN WMMMUG-0on Y L.PJ'1 MMUWONM305682 Notary Public for Oregon ' N0.1u1590NE1'&FSOCIOPFAIl,S01 wARRANTY DEED --STATUTORY FORM ®ate Received' OCT - 1 2012 Original Submittal._____--- ... ....... _ ....._. . 9- 29, 99 2 5 92 EXI-IlBIT A 99481322 Unimproved Lots: (Parcel No. 17'03 25 4100700 000,Tax Acer.No. 1098662): Lot 7 and rhc'Easi 179 feet of Lot 8,Southern Pacific Industrial Park No. 1,as platted and recorded in Vofunc 67,Page 23,Lane County Oregon Plat Records. Except that portion thereof lying below a depth of 500 feet, measured vertically, frim the contour of the surface of said property;however,Grantor or its successors and assigns shall not have the right for any purpose whatsoever to enter upon,into or through the surface of said property or any part thereof lying between said surface and 500 feet below said surface. (Parcel No. 17 03 25 4100800 000,Tax Acct.No. 1098670): The West 21 feet of Lot 8,Southern Pacific Industrial Park No. 1,as platted and recorded in Book 67,Page 23,Lanc County Plat Records,Lane Comity,Oregon. (Parcel No. 17 03 25 4100900 000,Tax Accr. No. 1098688): Lot 9, Southern Pacific Industrial Park No. 1,as planed and recorded in Book 67, Pagc 23, Lane County Plat Records,Lane County,Oregon. (Parcel No. 17 03 25 4101000 000,Tax Acct.No. 1098696): The East 14057 feet of Lot 10,Southern Pack Industrial Park No. 1,as platted olid recorded in Book 67,Page 23,Lane County Plat Records,Lane County,Oregon. (Parcel No. 17 03 25 4101001 000,Tax Acct.No. 1300043): T:he West 53.43 fee.of the East 194.00 feet of Lot 10,Southern Pacific Industrial Park No. 1, as platted and recorded in Book 67,Page 23, Lane County Plat Records, Lane Counn, Oregon. Albertson's(Parcel No. 17 02 33 4:01900 000,Tax Accr. o,0137206): A pared of land in the Northeast 1/4,Southeast 1/4,Section 33,Township 17 Suudi, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian,more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point being South 89'51'05"East 315.17 feet and South 0°02'35'r West 30.00 feet from the Northwest corner of the S.D.Gager Donation Land Claim No.45, io Township 17 South,Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian,said point also being on the South riargin of North "A" Street; thence along said South margin South 89°51' 05' East 260.73 feet; EXHIBIT A--Page I Date Received: OCT s 12012 Oeigsnaj Submittal-------- 9- 22`; 99 2592 99081322 thence(caving said South margin along the arc of a 10.00 foot radius curve(the chord of Much curve bears South 33°24' 58" East 16.66 feet) a distance 19.70 feet to a point on the West margin of 58th Street•, thence along said West margin the fallowing courses and distances: along the arc of a 330.00 foot radius curve left(the chord of which curve bears South 11'34' 30"West.130.95 feet)a distance of 131.83 feet,South 0'07 50"West 255.77 feet-, tisrce leaving said Weir margin along the North margin of McKenzie Highway the following l'UUMCS and distances: North 87°43' 40"West 127.16 feet, North 89'44'00" West 117.01 feet, thence[caving said North margin North 0'08'65"East 393.06 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County,Oregon. The interests including, without limitation,the righu-of-way and casements relating to the above-described property, granted in that certain Declaration of Restrictions and Grant of Easements by and bemcen Albertson's Inc.,The Bi-Mart Company,Ellis,+Durcher Pmpenies, and McKlane Battle Properties,Inc.,dated as of January 28, 1980,and recorded February 12, 1980,in the Official Records of Lane County,Oregon,on Reel 1056,as document 80-07469; as amended by First Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions and Grant of Easements by and between Albertson's Inc.,The Bi-Man Company,EWs/Durcher Properties,and McKlane Bank Properties,Inc.,dated as of January 19, 1981,and recorded in the Official Records of Lane County,Oregon,on Red 1116,as document 81-02945. Junction City Building&Lot(Parcel No. 15 04 32 3108300 000,Tax Acct.No. 0013100; Parcel No. 15 04 32 3110000 000,Tax Acct.No.0013142): Lots I and 2,Block 58,Plat of Junction City,as platted and recorded in Book H,Page 749, Lane County Oregon Deed Records,in Lane County,Oregon; ALSO,Lots 6,7 and the North 34.16 feet of Lot 8,Block 58,Plat of Washburn&Milliorn's Addition to Junction City,as platted and recorded in Book 25,Page 521,Lane County Oregon .Deed Records,in Lane County,Oregon, River Road Shopping Ctr. (Parcel No. 17 04 11 41 07800 000,Tax Acct.No.0371656; Parccl No. 17 04 11 41 07900 000,Tar Acct. No. 0371664): Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 of Ferndale Addition to Santa Clam,as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 6, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Late County,Oregon; Bence South 89'47 East 1069.0 feet to the place of beginning;thence North 0'09'WOE 304.5 feet,thence North 8947 West 10.0 feet;thence North 0'09'West 160 feet,more or less,to the South line of Federal Lane;thence F,asterly along the South line of Federal Laue to the East line of Lor I of said Ferndale Addition; thence South 18'East along the East line of said Lot I to de Southeast corner of said Lot 1;thence North 89'47 Wcst 354.0 feet,more or less,to the point of beginning, in Lane County Oregon; EXCEPT those portions lying Easterly and Southerly of the Westerly line of dte land conveyed to Lane Counry by deeds recorded January 22,1985,Reception No.8502150 and 8502151, Lane County Official Records, in Lane Count),,Oregon, EXHIBI-l-A- Page 2 Date Received'. OCT = 1 2012 original Subrnlftl� I 9- 29- 99 0 2592 99U81322 2275 Olympic (Parcel No. 17 03 25 42 01300 000,Tax Acct.No. 1098712): A parcel of land in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 25,Township 17 South,Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian,said parcel being a portion of Lots 12 and 13,Southern Pacific Industrial Park No. 1,as planed and recorded in Book 67,Page 23,Lane County Oregon Plat Records,said'parcel being more particularly described as follows: The Easterly 25 Rer(when mcasured at right angles to the Easterly line)of said Lot 13 and the Westerly 100 feet(when measured at right angles to the Westerly line)of said Lot 12,all in Springfie)d,Lanc County, Oregon. Slate of Oregon Cowry of irk.,,aM for the sdd' h the County C e W ce Y,I rhe,rhe wlhin CoomY•do here insrrwnenr wes mcerved lar record ai 99 SEP 22;nI 1:A, RQe, 25928. Lane Cou,V Okl ICWL Records. Lane C., 'C� Bv. Cayny Ckrk EXHIBIT A--Page 3 ®ate Received: OCT - 1 2012 Original Submittal i