HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2015 01 21 AIS Main Vision2015 02 03 AIS CCI Downtown CAC Appointments2015 02 03 AIS CCI Stakeholder Working Group2015 02 18 AIS Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Accomplishments2015 02 18 AIS Discretioanry Use and Site Plan Hillview Baptist Church2015 02 18 WS DPW 2016-2020 CIP2015 03 03 AIS RS DPW 2016-2020 CIP2015 03 03 AIS RS PC HILLVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH2015 03 03 AISWS DPW DAC2015 03 17 AIS CCI Downtown CAC Appointments2015 04 07 AIS PC Communication Packet2015 04 21 AIS PC Willamatte Greenway Setback2015 05 05 AIS RS Establishment of Greenway Setback in Glenwood 5_52015 05 05 AIS RS Hearings Official2015 05 19 AIS RS DPW Glenwood PFSP Amendments2015 06 02 AIS for Verizon Wireless Monopine Cellular Tower2015 06 16 AIS for Verizon Wireless Monopine Cellular Tower2015 06 16 AIS Glenwood Greenway Setback 6_16_152015 10 20 AIS for Verizon Wireless Monopine Cellular Tower2015 11 17 AIS_Sweetbriar Expansion_111715_post edits2015 12 15 AIS WS PC Marijuana Land Use Regs1215152015 12 22 AIS WS PC Marijuana Land Use Regs121515