HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2009 01 21 Complete Staff Report Glenwood CAC2009 01 21 Willamette I-5 Bridge PC Briefing Memo2009 02 03 LRP2008-00013 TransPlan and Metro Plan Amendment2009 02 18 Willamette Wellfield ZON2009-000022009 03 03 CIP Memo2009 04 07 AIS LRP2008-00014 TRANSPLAN HORIZON2009 04 16 WS DSD CIBL STAKEHOLDERS Memo2009 04 21 memo riverbend nodal implementation2009 06 02 Residential Land Study Memorandum2009 06 16 RS Discretionary Use Jehovah's Witness MEMO2009 06 30 Public Facilities and Services Plan Amendments LRP2008-000162009 07 07 Discretionary Use Jasper Fire Station2009 07 07 Previous Pavers Stormwater Program2009 07 21 WS LDR3 District MEMO2009 09 01 Metro Plan Amend I-5 Bike Vioduct2009 09 01 Metro Plan Text Amend Population Forecast2009 10 06 Springfield Development Code Amendment LRP2009-000102009 10 06 TSP CIC PC Memorandum2009 10 06 Zone Change Horon ZON2009-000142009 10 20 RS Residential Land Study2009 10 20 WS Residiential Land Use Study Memo2009 12 01 Bridge PC Briefing Memo2009 12 01 Memorandum P2P Solutions2009 12 01 Plan Zone Conflict Briefing Memo2009 12 15 RS Commercial Industrial Buildable Lands2009 12 15 Springfield TSP Stakeholders2009 12 15 WS Commercial Industrial Buildable Land Study Memo